Would it be possible to redirect from http:// to https:// ?
Try to close lfsforum and your browser, then start it up again and type http://www.lfsforum.net in it. It appears like you have been logged off, but if you type it in with [url]https://,[/url] you are still logged in.
After some testing, I found out that I can enter anything as the password and get logged in. Only after I get logged off though. Doesn't work if I have no cookies at all. What the hell?
//the cookies get set to 2014, but I get logged off anyway. I don't get it :/
//edit: okay, I got it. I have lfsforum on my speeddial and it points to http://lfsforum.net , but when I log in, it redirects me to https://lfsforum.net, where I'm already logged in. It's like the non SSL and the SSL version's of the site require separate cookies or something.
So, a couple of months ago, I changed my password from a OLD one to a NEW one. When I try to log in on the forum with the NEW one, It logs me in but the weird cookies get issued. So I got an idea and logged in with my OLD password, and I got a message that the password is incorrect and I have 5 tries left. The strange thing is that I got logged in anyway. I think this might be a bug
This problem started after I reinstalled my browser (opera). It's like it doesn't keep the cookies or something, I keep getting logged off from the forum everytime I close my browser. This only happens on LFS forum. I think this is a problem on my side, but I can't figure out why is this happening.
I tried to delete all my cookies from the forum, clearing the cache and trying again, but with the same result. Any ideas?
Not the best way, but the most fun way. let the flamewar begin
Is that directed at me? I did not see that thread, so how could I know that track is a modified BF1 model? I also think that it's a pretty insane concept, but quite interesting.
Don't worry, it's a mistake anyone can make. Next time just look for the correct forum and go through the rules at least once . VOB mods are not allowed here. (not even pics)