In LFS, I have typed two commands into separate binds. One says "/press 7" and the other says "/press 8". These are mapped onto the left and right wheel buttons (The red ones.)
I then have my "turnsig" file setup as so...
My Profiler has had nothing done to it apart from the normal wheel setup. It has had no binds or anything done to it.
For some reason, when I put my shifter into 1st gear, the left blinker goes very fast. When I then shift into second gear, it blinks at a normal rate but will not go out until I either turn the wheel past the 25 degree point, or I manually disable it by pressing "0" on my Keyboard. Apart from that, I cannot get it to work.
I doubt he would want to show his face. He must surely know how pants it looks!
I thought the power would be around that bracket. Should be fun in such a small package! Are you able to go any smaller on the S/C pulleys to hike up the power, or will you not know if the Engine can take it until after mapping?
Whichever you will choose, you will be happy. I have had my G25 for almost 3 years now, and I love it. Despite the reliability issues I have had with it, I still do not have the desire to buy a G27. For me, if I was looking to upgrade, I would probably look into the Fanatec Porsche wheels. They are pretty amazing apparently.
I hope I was of some help buddy, and good luck with your purchase!
Hehe! I think you may of been right. I could see the suspension components when he got further away. They looked as if you could barely fit a sheet of paper between them and the tarmac. Utterly utterly pointless.
I saw a VX220 today too, except this one was an absolute abomination.
It was blue and overtook me on the Motorway at a fair old whack of speed. Only problem was it was absolutely SLAMMED onto the ground and had large chrome wheels with rubber band tyres...I mean, wtf? I've been in a few VX220s in the past and they ride very hard from standard, so why on earth would you not only make the rider harsher by doing what this guy done, but also destroy the handling characteristics? I bet it tram lines and understeers like a right bitch.
*and breath*
Anyway, nice VX220 Redman. What kind of power you hoping for with the Supercharger? 270hp or so?
You never mentioned they were approaching you in the first post, only "having a go at you". Nevertheless, I would not of said anything until it was completely necessary. You still riled them up.
Why should we change our passwords each year? Providing the password is secure enough and not something directly linked to your preferences, then it should be fine and not need to be changed. Mine is over 3 years old now, and I have not had my accounts hacked.
It was obvious they were hostile towards foreign people, so you should not have responded to them, even if it was just to say "move on". They wanted a reaction from you, and that is exactly what they got.
Again, I don't care. If he went out of his way to create a demo account AFTER the ban, then I could kind of see where you were coming from, but the demo account was created before the ban, and it's not like his ban was a potentially serious one anyhow.
What do you expect him to do? The demo account was already created, and he is not hurting anyone by using it. Ok, he got banned for using mods. Big F'ing deal.
Lighten up you bunch of liberal knobs. No wonder the LFS Forum is so hated with people like you here.
I think that's why I love the last picture so much. The excessive shine from the environment makes it look as if the Garage light above the car is shining down onto the Paintwork.