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S3 licensed
Hm, I was under the impression it does more. Maybe some things people want to have, but keeping the original image more or less intact.
Some have reported performance increase when using it for example, but now that I think about it that may have been that their 8x AA got reduced to 4x.
And I was thinking I am giving people more choice Tilt. So lets conclude: what this modification has done is - only added a 4x AA?
S3 licensed
I'm not sure what PPS does. Does it change anything else besides brightness, colors and AA?
If not, then it will keep doing whatever else it does but it will look better Smile Vanilla shader is ugly.
Post-process shader (0.6K+): retain original image brightness and colors
S3 licensed
>EDIT: Ok I wrongly thought this modification will give you the option to have the original image while benefiting from the rest of what PPS has to offer. Turns out there are no other benefits other than altering the image. This mod effect, then, can be simply achieved be achieved by turning on 4x AA in LFS options Tilt. So you can ignore the rest of my post.
Gutholz explained it well in post #7 and offered examples in his link for practical usage of the PPS file. EDIT<

Some of you may have noticed this new feature (lets shorten it to PPS) under Options - Misc, that came with K version, which basically changes brightness and color values among other things. I was not a fan of that. So after some online bitching from yours truly, our good guy King found a simple solution to have PPS enabled, with the benefits it brings, while retaining original image brightness and colors:
1. save to LFS\data\shaders
2. rename original "PostProcess.psh" to "PostProcess - orig.psh" (for backup)
3. rename "PostProcess.txt" to "PostProcess.psh" (had to use .txt extension because .psh isn't allowed to be uploaded)
4. restart LFS for changes to take effect
You can view .psh content with plain notepad. Very few changes are made from the original.

PPS off - original

PPS on - original

PPS on - new

Few important notes:
1. PPS will NOT work if you already have 3rd party .dll file in LFS folder. You will receive endless stream of "Could not create the render target texture" error messages instead. Remove any .dll if you want to have working PPS. At least until another King appears Smile
2. You will lose ability to set AA levels with PPS on. Instead it is forced to 4x AA.
3. You can play around with 1.0f value in this line, to achieve different brightness:
return (tex_col - float4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f)) * 1.0f + float4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f)
maybe other values, I haven't tried.
4. Can go back to original at any time by renaming "PostProcess - orig.psh" (the backup) to "PostProcess.psh" and restarting LFS.
* 1. and 2. is general PPS behavior, this modification has nothing to do with that.
Last edited by Nilex, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Heffel :I just found LFSlazy. It has brought me back to LFS. THANK YOU!

Is it possible to export race results with Lazy? This is a feature I have waited years for LFS to implement. A simple txt file with the race results is all that is needed. Can that be done with this (or any other LFS tool)?

While you wait for answer check here in the meantime:
I remember using LFSStat years ago so I don' know if it is updated or compatible with newest LFS version. Anyway, it was capable of exporting ton of stuff from race or replays into a .html file. Maybe you could omit unneeded stuff to display only race finish order, can't recall exactly.
Good luck finding what you are looking for.
S3 licensed
Nice beautiful 64 update! It's like a nerd milestone in bit code, am I right? Big grin

Radar names are now crystal clear when I put them to 0.75 and small enough so they don't obstruct stuff Smile Bravisimo!
S3 licensed
Quote from rosewood2 :It has been like this for a couple of years now, but I won't complain. No point for them to stop if they enjoy this sort of version. Tilt

Thumbs up
S3 licensed
You made a mistake Sca..., I mean Daniel Big grin

S3 licensed
I think he means the contextual nature of the word "Update" then there are more than one (plural). And I thought I was the grammar nazi Smile

Out of boredom I went ahead and took the same screenshoot, but from X patch. Try to remain calm Pasci:

And here is also the current state of Multiplayer of those that cannot part with their demo XRT:

Big grin
S3 licensed
It's a long shot but you could try:
Long shoot because - you can see that the folder structure does not affect any of the this you mention. The update itself couldn't break your items. I updated too and can view my own items.

Check if your stuff is present in K5 layout folders with explorer. I suspect you updated previously made completely fresh installation and forgot about it.
S3 licensed
BTW, if you fek yourself by forgetting to backup previous K and get stuck on newest version without Lazy support - there is a little trick you can use to get older K.

Simply click on official download link of the current K
cancel the DL and change K5 to K4 Smile
S3 licensed
Not that I know of. You can try contacting dll author and see what he can do about it.

dll maker of app I am using barely made it working with that app years ago. I am not even thinking about bothering him Smile

With enb you might have more luck (big community, someone must know something...). Good luck Tongue
S3 licensed
It's that then Smile
S3 licensed
Are you using any 3rd party .dll file in LFS folder?

I get the same message when having "d3d9.dll" in folder, required for digital speedo addon. As soon as I remove the .dll and restart LFS, error message goes away and post process starts to work.
S3 licensed
My favorite kind of updates.

I am thinking now: should you run the same test on affected WR lists again and again?

From experience once one person finds a shortcut, others follow in endless struggle to reach the throne. Talking about existing, already uploaded hotlaps, not only affected WRs. I wouldn't be surprised if some lists become less than 50% of what they used to be, after multiple check passes.
S3 licensed
You can try this as well:

Updated version (works with newest LFS and win7) is posted in post 155 in that thread or:
Last edited by Nilex, .
S3 licensed
Select Visa Debit, had same issue.
S3 licensed
Saving this for when i'm in bad mood. OP = post of the decade material.
Shame on me for not finding this sooner.

Gets too technical after "WHEN TO PASS? AND WHERE?" for me but that's only because i'm an imbesil.

From now on, Jati writes every guide.

hyva xmas, nayta tissit
S3 licensed
Merry Christmas to best post-race stat nerd in the game Thumbs up
S3 licensed
Dat fuel prediction...!

I am becoming more lazier with every update. Great job Dani Big grin
S3 licensed
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :
Quote from Nilex :
With "=" works from shortcut launch option, and in my case, from batch file which runs LFS and add-ons. Possibly from LFS's autoexec script too?

How do you execute insim command from shortcut or batch? Shrug

SHORTCUT (Target box)
"X:\FOLDER\TO\LFS\LFS.exe" /insim=29999

start LFS.exe /insim=29999 (if .bat in same location as lfs.exe)
start /d"X:\FOLDER\TO\LFS" LFS.exe /insim=29999 (from wherever)

Thumbs up
S3 licensed
Without the "=" works only when typed in-game afaik.

With "=" works from shortcut launch option, and in my case, from batch file which runs LFS and add-ons. Possibly from LFS's autoexec script too?
S3 licensed
Not a single flip after 12 laps? I am disappoint...
Please tell me at least arco flipped to cheer me up! Smile

Looking forward to reading your post race stat dump as always Tongue
S3 licensed
lol, thanks! [hug.gif too]
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Amazing screenshoot upgrade Dani! CTRL+S process went from up to 500 ms freeze of gameplay down to 0 ms Smile Thanks for this!

In b4 Scawy borrows another one of your ideas, like your texture compression influenced much faster track loading Big grin