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S3 licensed
Guy with same issue here:

After few answers from us he went silent, i figure we helped him. Suggest you also try possible solutions from that thread.
S3 licensed
I'm also in favor of the old separate lists system. It was one of those changes that happened without anyone wanted, demanded or complained about, still it happened. Reason for it was psychological: so people don't feel separated from one another in a way, if i remember correctly. Nevermind that we are separated by servers, that's cool
Hate to base this post solely on my memory because that potentially arises problems, though i'm confident that was more or less the main reason.

Even tho i suspect your reason for this thread is slightly different then what you're actually complaining about I'm going to go forward with my two ideas to bring old system back:
First is because it makes browsing server list much more practical, faster and intuitive. Confining lists to Demo/Licensed instead Demo/S1/S2 only would be a slight improvement in my opinion for the same reasons.
Second is psychological (yeah, i'm doing it). Getting to the licensed list feels like an achievement no matter how u look at it (or how mature you are). That feeling there is more than meets the eye. Popel would want to get on that list, aka ching-ching for further development (cba subtlety atm).

No to mention lack of server/buddy favorites, which would greatly contribute to any kind of server list. And so on and so forth...
S3 licensed
Even autoclutch aid is unfair vs axis+shifter combo, let alone button cl. It's just that Yorap is that good, one of only three of all the fast guys in lfs using that combo that i find trustworthy (along with troy and Fox 2). Respectomundo dudes
Now, to add something more then just my subjective attitude, Yorap in XRG accelerates same as me in XRG with autocl while in comparison a guy with button accelerates noticeably faster.
So if you care about fair you know what not to do again

p.s. sry for polluting ur topic Rony
enjoying reading ur race resumes as always!
S3 licensed
Somebody call this syn into f1, hate my pb's looking like 30sumfin yr old mouser made em ants:

Happy easter everyone btw

p.s. Be careful not to choke on em egg shells Harvey
S3 licensed
Try this:
go into lfs g27/data/misc folder and copy these three files
into lfs mouse/data/misc folder, replace em. Those 3 files alone contain unlock info. The reasoning is to put working unlock in place of broken one.
If that don't work then check if all three files from mouse folder aren't perhaps set to read-only. In fact, before everything else check if lfs mouse folder and all sub-folders and all files aren't read-only. If they are remove that.
S3 licensed
If only i asked earlier . 365 Thankses
S3 licensed
Nice, tnx

After i login to LFSW and select windows i want to have opened and their position i log off. So next time i login all is nice and well just like i left it with the added benefit that from now on i don't have to log off. Instead i just close the tab or Opera itself and next time i go to lfsw i'm loged in automatically and windows are all nicely positioned - really nice overview of whats going on, quick and easily accessible.
Problem is that it stays that way only about a week or so, without my intervention whatsoever. On the 8th day i'm greeted with only 'Home' window. All others are lost until i open & reposition them again, log off then login. Thats hits hard for a lazy guy like myself
I can intervene for example on the 6th day (if i'm lucky to remember) by moving one of the windows by a pixel, log off then login back again. I'm safe for another week. So that is what i did long time until i happily found i can manually change each cookie's own expiration date. But that didn't work. It seem only to show expiration date and editing it is just for show.
Is it possible to prolong this from 1 week? Maybe is built-in security feature. I kidna made my peace with it until i read cookie expiration date phrase and i had to give it a shoot!
Windows i have opened are: Live alert, online racers stats & s2 hotlaps. Those give me 4 cookies total to edit. One thing i noticed among it all is that the 'S2 hotlaps' -> 'Hotlap uploading log - displaying:' info stays remembered which gave me hope
S3 licensed
Try checking site preferences. Same path as Victor's up to Advanced, after its: -> Content -> Manage Site Prefs. If this site is customized in any way it should list there. You know what to do from there i think. If it's not listed then i don't know.
Btw, you can shortcut to Site Prefs by right-clicking on an empty space then select it. F12 is also cool shortcut.

Vic, would you mind if i ask you about specific lfsw cookie expiration issue i have (also on Opera) in this thread. It's uber obscure that i'm positive it only bothers meyself and noone would be able to help me. I thought if i make a new thread it would go unnoticed but since you read this... pls
S3 licensed
Same as Hub. Siema btw

I only get micro-stutters if HDD is working hard at writing something in the background, e.g. letting HD youtube vid load in the background - but not play since that would put a load on CPU with inevitable FPS drop and possible stutter which would be expected and normal.

When you press Prt Scr on the other hand, a single stream of data is stored into system memory - image of the entire screen in BMP format. Afterwards you can paste it into an image program. Size of data is resolution dependent so it's about 5.05 MB for 1680x1050. Now, i don't know if HDD plays a role in reading the screen info and then writing it into memory but if so then then you can imagine what's the reason for the stutter. I jut don't know why. It's like LFS wants the HDD all to itself . On my system anyway.

It would explain the pit exit stutter tho: new skin of other driver gets written to skin folder and if your LFS folder structure is filled with many skin and set files it will take some time for your HDD to write it and finally load the skin file - only first time for first skin after lfs is loaded, cause folder structure gets written into system memory as well
S3 licensed
First link on the page gives you some general information about unlocks. If you ran out either be patient until friday, or write an e-mail to the devs asking for an additional unlock.

After installing LFS to a new comp it will always be locked, even if it was unlocked on your previous comp. This is because unlock information tied to your license is hardware locked. Meaning, if you change some hardware component LFS will have to be unlocked again (if my memory still serves me). Same goes when a significant update to LFS is released. Only then, devs usually give everyone 3 free unlocks to avoid people running out of them.
S3 licensed
The new instant join system really is instant For example Daniel disconnected and the reconnected immediately after and it all took less then one second from my guest perspective, with about us ~10 on that server at a time. I can't tell exactly but it feels ~1-2 second faster then before (that beeing with all textures and other info cached into memory already). On first time connection, while the track is loading, skins are downloading, recieving all the packets etc. it's harder to notice (now client perspective).

I like that Hector brought up the connection message appearance because if there's more of us then it isn't nitpicking eh?
It's harder to tell when a person has connected for me and i hate to miss to greet a person i know, or even when he start talking to me and i didn't even note he is there. That can be scary

Saw your suggestions and an 'invite' for us see if we like it, so here are mine:

Nickname connected (username)
Nickname - light gray unless color coded (same as before);
connected - blue for visibility (same as before);
(username) - purposely light gray to be less visible, connected already stands out with it's blue color since it's unique shade of blue. There are no other insim stuff using this blue to my knowlege, even if i'm wrong it is very rare. Using two words for blue on connect would be too much of a light show in my opinon.

Nickname disconnected (username)
Nickname - light gray unless color coded (same as before);
the rest should stay as it were even if it is harder to read. Few reasons for that. It's not harder to read It stands out less when it appears at first but if you decide to read it it reads normal - it ain't THAT dark. Secondly, it stands out with it's less visible appearance, creating a hole in the chat field. Lastly it stands out with it's unique dark gray shade (except maybe while shift+f8, also no other insim... u know the rest).

That's how i like it
LFSW - host details - live progress [Fixed in 0.6B12]
S3 licensed
Driver status says 'in pits' while is actually spec'ing (pink bar). Happens only when clicking spectate from garage screen.
S3 licensed
Making the ping numbers in the connection list appear right indented would make them more easily distinguishable, like in main menu for example.

S3 licensed
'Did not receive track info' message now appears in chat field after failing to connect to a full host - B11 client and host.
Draw rubber & show racing line
S3 licensed
If draw rubber is set to main (options - graphics), it will be drawn in the mirrors as well if show racing line if pressed (4 btn).
S3 licensed
I can only support this each time it is mentioned
It mighty annoying having to reconnect to be able to save another replay.
S3 licensed
Tnx fellas
S3 licensed
Hm yes, you're right. It's most likely all is fine then since i'm using customized English file with different filename. One from B version... my bad
S3 licensed
Small bug in the appearance of the "Lost connection nickname (username)" message. The '(username)' part is colored the same as the last character in the nickname. Only spotted it once and it was red in that case. Figured it's worth a report because if it's not a bug and it's intended to be red it wont cost you much time.
After that i took a quick look at other similar messages that could be affected but found nothing out of the ordinary.
S3 licensed
Actually it's "nickname (seconds)" now. It's faster to identify guest in connection list this way so it's better then "username (seconds)". I was concerned about guest lagging off the server then coming back with another nickname (making fast and easy identification impossible) but then i found that lagging off produced a 'Lost connection nickname (username)'. All the info we'll ever need, Thanks

Troy's presentation is good in principle: it solves the main issue about having to manually count bars and guests but it raises two issues. Didn't want to spam-comment until i knew that it's a consideration.
1) It spreads that little bar movement across a wide area. Right side of monitor will be blinking. Seems small but it wont be. Even if it is put into connection menu and not visible all the time it will present a problem with people that want to look connections often or maybe drive with that thing on. Mosquito flying in your peripheral vision sort of feel
If it's made to appear only after shift+f8 is pressed then i would agree, along with 2nd issue being dealt with.
2) It will be very hard to tell who has good or bad connection this way without a detail checking. Bars were all in line before making it easy to distinguish the differences between them. Making these ones go left or right would put them all in line again provided they're close to each other. Maybe i can work up a sketch similar to troy's because it somewhat hard to visualize what i mean. I rather not tho, cause not a single Picasso gene in me

That's all i think, sorry if i go too in-depth too often, making stuff hard to read and/or understand. I do it because i like to be made right the first time. Things believed to be made right but are wrong are hard to change
S3 licensed
Rather simple and elegant solution would be to leave it as-is and move the connection bars for all guests into SHIFT+F8 network debug.

Reasoning behind it is that screen remains less 'cluttered' for players while they can still observe their own connection quality. It's not of vital importance that they see connection quality of everyone while driving 200 km/h, especially cause it is impossible to tie particular bar to a driver few meters away of you. We do that visually so no change there.

A quick overveiw of the situation is rather necessary however, mostly for admins who watch over us . Simple glance in shift+f8 and then more thorough if the situation calls for it. Players could check it too to see if it is acceptable for them to drive on that particular server.
Also, network debug is sufficiently 'annoying' that most people would turn it off after they asses the situation. Saving host's CPU time and bandwidth (if that's the main reason connection bars got removed - I have no idea only guess ) that way.

Bit off-topic, but more to add to this: maybe later, when there is time and will there could be a more conveniently made connection quality overview. Such as there is no need to manually count bars & guests to tie them. Something in the connection list while network debug is on perhaps (but don't take my word for as i don't have any visual designs capabilities).
O-T 2: currently when a guest on track is lagging there is LAG (seconds) instead of his nickname, informing us of his lag. What about replacing it with: username (seconds). I don't know of any other way to identify who is the person who is lagging but to manually click through the connection list until i get to that person. Most know that when seconds in brackets appear it is lag, that's why i suggested to put username in place of LAG and save some space
S3 licensed
Guest connection is very fast, taking around half a second. Observed both as guest and seeing other guests connecting. On only one occasion it was taking about two sec at which point i left server without a hitch (not possible before). After that i tired joining same server again but i got username already online msg for about half a minute. Although I can't say that it has to do with test patch, can't say that it doesn't either

Seen a lot of lost connections messages but not a single timeout. There was no previous sign that it would happen (bars rising), it just happened without any problems for other cars. Didn't observe the car prior to losing connection yet so can't tell whats happening - if there is a nasty sign like car jerking all around prior.

Generally it feels like B with better, smoother netcode. Like singleplayer
This all was on server with around 20 people.

One thing i feel is made worse tho. Like troy written there is only one connection bar visible bottom-left. So the only way to identify someone is lagging is to visually identify him. When that's done it usually too late, if u get me. As i said we can't tell if someone has connection issues as there are no signs of it except directly visual. Multiple bars showing was the other, not ideal but something
S3 licensed
Scawen, related to last part of your post: when a new guest is in the process of connecting to a server its connection process takes priority over pretty much everything. Existing users can't enter spec mode, can't shift+p, can't even change any of the options while a random even such as guest connecting takes place. If a guy happens to connect from another side of the planet con process can take up to half a minute cause of ping, effectively disabling everyone to spec, pit and don't know what else is tied to it. I mention spec & pit above else cause it prevents people to avoid avoidable accidents by specing or pitting.
I understand the reasoning behind it but i hope you can figure out a better way.

Sry for this not being in suggestion thread, i know you don't particularly like off topic suggestions; reason is you seem to be 'in the zone' of this packet thingy now and i wanted solidify your thoughts about packet system