Happens to me too. U can relax - your "exe" is just fine

...or, on the other hand, everybody has a defective executable.
It's actually pretty easy to recreate and circumvent. But the problem will stay forever, until fixed.
Recreate part:
- go to "Multiplayer" -> "Display list of hosts" (select DEMO - requires a full host) -> press "OK"
- wait until "List of Hosts" screen fills with nice juicy
full servers
- pick one full server and connect
- if you did it right "Host is full" message awaits you -> press "OK"
- you should be in "Join Specific Host" -> press "Back"
- in "List of Hosts" -> press "refresh" button
- VOILA ! We did it. It works every single time.
btw, ^^ reminded me of an old ZX Specy text adventure (only thing missing - a rope

- oh yes, if u didn't already, press "ECS" (or "SPACE") button on your keyboard to stop the "invisible" host listing.
Me personally have never waited beyond 12 failed connects (they fail in quartet - 4 by 4) but i assumed it goes to the end. Seeing from your screeny indeed that’s the case. Let's continue, we're almost there
NOTE: Could be that "Host is full" message is not the only thing that triggers "invisible" host (almost typed ghost) listing. It's possible that any kind of failed connection to a server, full or not, triggers it (e.g. - When during connection period someone disconnects from a server - also fails the connection). But i did not test it!
Circumvent part:
(this will actually only really help you exited the game and ran it again, because this way is much faster and works also 100%)
- okay so u pressed "ESC", u have 0 hosts on the screen -> press "Back"! (now if u pressed "refresh" again, like I'm sure 99% of you instinctively have (I did), just press "ESC" to stop the agony)
- now in "Multiplayer" screen, select "Display list of hosts" -> press "OK"
- VOILA ! Like nothing happened

(unless you stumble into a seemingly stacked (13/14 - but not full), that got full while u waited for "ESC" to stop the listing)
That's all! Hope it relived some of your worries at least