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palec hore
S3 licensed
Finally i test i can pass!

Made a couple of mistakes: message text size is 0.045 and driver ON and wheel ON. Hope its still "A" worthy.

Now, to the guy who put 0.49 as his Dynamic LOD... pls man fix that and get in line! You're killin me

To the number 10: minimum Dynamic LOD makes your game look better

Nice survey, i had most fun both filling it and comparing stuff!
To Vic: sry bout the music bro, lol. If its a consolation I had it on first year!
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Join the club
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Looks like VRAM is dieing to me. I had same kind of artifacts with old ATi 1950 but also with voltage chip overheating. If that's the case there is nothing you can do. Maybe buy an old used GPU cheaply online if you're in a hurry.
Ofcourse, before that, I'd test some stuff people have said, starting with PSU.

Sound issues may be related to HDMI sound drivers that came with ATi card. If the card is dieing, who knows it may affect it's sound chip. It was the first thing i removed. I just use the MOBO sound card.

PCs don't like summer very much
S3 licensed
You are using a laptop right?

Try this: open intel graphic control panel and change every single setting that sounds like optimal, balanced, anything that makes you think that drivers are deciding how to do the rendering. Switch all to max performance, or anything specific that doesn't sound vague. You can leave the "Application settings" as they are though (preferable).
Maybe you will have to restart after those changes just to be on the safe side, and even then this is a long shoot

This is all regarding the 3D app performance and power settings only. Color management and image scaling, resolution and other stuff you don't have to change. This cleared out most BSOD i was having on my laptop.
S3 licensed
have you downloaded lazy+radar.rar? Not the one in the first post. The 'unpack to your LFS folder.rar' fodler structure is kinda confusing - you have to put the dll file inside LFS root folder and overwrite data folder (it will only add one subfolder there). The existing DLL folder inside the rar is unnecessary.

no idea, but you copy/pasted you pubstat key from lfsw into lazy?

I myself use the 06.21. dated version (from first post atm) because if i delete the dll file from "lazy+radar" and "unpack to your LFS folder.rar" combo i get the "Could not create file mapping object." error.
And i delete the dll so to prevent possible errors that might arise in the future from God knows what . Just so i don't have to think about it. It's not needed for me as i don't use radar.
If you could make the newest exe not to be sensitive about the missing dll but still generate an info/error msg when the user tries to enable the radar without it that would be swell
Hope i made some sense lol
S3 licensed
There another side of the coin to this little issue, the one that tells the tale about waiting and seeing how to tackle it sometime later. It's not as a wide spread as we make it sound. Most people just drive their merry races thinking their sets are safe which is for the large part true. It's also very tabu to talk about it online so this subject is contained. Some people just don't care. In a nutshell, problem seriously affects only a very small portion of people in a way that they refuse to drive online or upload hotlaps. A manageable scenario. That is not to say i don't sympathize with them.
Another thing, on the psychological side, is that currently a person must do wrong to steal a set which is a barrier of conscience. Hopefully it prevents most urges. Also newbies usually get shared a set when they ask, although i would like to see more of that

Perhaps an intermediate step, client side option to enable setup sharing for everyone would be better. To expand a bit - toggle button: hidden / everyone / team members (this info is fetched from lfsw). Leave server side option for later to see how this goes first.

After a night of sleep I just don't feel it is that big of an issue right now to go forward with mandatory sharing as it certainly looks it would stir stuff for everyone as opposed to a minority like now. And i suppose the league community has its own ways of dealing with thieves.

But yeah, good patch, no problems so far
(any change of digital speedo making a comeback? :shy
S3 licensed
After a few less then 10 years Dennis, only you weren't aware of it. All of your hard work was a continuation of someones else hard work and so on. You, or anyone else, would loose nothing.
Only people who would loose are those that still believe that they're the only ones stealing other people sets. Expression of their faces would be priceless, oh well gotta rely on imagination

Of course the best solution would be optional set sharing but from what i heard it's not possible. What would be possible is to make it harder to steal temporarily, at a cost of performance and development time.

This way everybody would be forced to be a kind, sharing person™

The setup sharing sites would still make sense as a readily available repository, the stealing tools wouldn't need to be updated and the replays would still store the setups you wish to steal (advanced version takes the set right under the nose of the person on the server, and even that is few years old). Some cool stuff there.
It would largely help newbies at well, not to mention saving the race winner's time to find and SS every person on the server who asked for a damn set.

* * *

Got a few ideas how to handle the transition, to expand on Anthoop's example. I am all for freely shared sets since i heard about the whole stealing business, at least until a good solution to prevent it permanently is found. And even then I'd like to see an option to make sets free to download while driving on server.
Some examples i came up with:

1) Some way to keep an option to send set (S) explicitly to a person, to let it known to him that he received it. Same as now, but to keep it this way if possible. So theres no need to tell that person: hey, take this set now I want you to try it later; how i imagine it would work in the new system.
2) Improve on 1) by leaving the set downloadable even after the sender spectates, pits or even leaves the server. Perhaps gray out the button with his nick in the latter case and remove the line after the set is saved. If multiple sets from the same person are sent and the previous set wasn't yet saved, overwrite the sent set with the newest version.
3) Some simpler way to distinguish when a set is received or being available to download for others. Even after 7 years i get confused what is S / SS
4) Optional info message about who has saved your setup. Although, it might get irritating in some cases so an additional option to block that specifically instead the whole chat. Ego booster thats proportional to the message/skills ratio

Things of that nature, keeping the usability and improving accessibility bit by bit.
S3 licensed
Works wonderful, great job Fading effect is spot on

Unfortunately I had to disable cause i need another pair of eyes too keep track of it and sometimes it look like little spiders are moving on my monitor, fuk that
S3 licensed
I get this error when i run Lazy with radar:
Could not create file mapping object.

Is new DDL subfolder supposed to be created in LFS root, or should I copy d3d9.dll and data folder from that DLL into the LFS root? Your data subfolder in DLL got me confused cause it is named as the one which LFS has
S3 licensed
Those trees have grown just the right amount . Great grass color choice, much better looks overall!

One hugely positive thing i discovered recently, during the DX9 test patch phase, is the disappearance of input lag with V-sync enabled. For 7 something years this bugged me
S3 licensed
hrt 2 hd
And tnx!
S3 licensed
Can't you put E*.*
S3 licensed
From what i tested, weather on track only randomizes if track environment is changed, not the track layout (without using weather parameter!). For example: loading AS1 in entry screen from BL1 changes the weather but loading different AS layouts after AS1 wont change the weather - it will stay how it was when Aston was first loaded and only change when another track environment loads.
I kinda got the feeling you wanted max diversity
S3 licensed
Quote from Ped7g :I'm not sure how much the real life of karting relates to LFS (I don't drive stock cars much, and formula cars are IMO much more similar to karting), but the "you can't move wheel fast" comments make me wonder why would you want to do that, usually it makes the car nervous and slower, than a well executed smooth line without any corrections. Especially in endurance races, as with the aggressive drive you can shave off a tenth or two of time in qualify or sprint race, but in endurance the smooth consistency usually pays off well.

This is nicely said. You touched one of four advantages of a wheel to mouse (only regarding steering rates). Two others are having to constantly pay attention to in-game wheel lock position (i for example take a driver with white gloves to improve visibility) and inconsistently of getting in-game wheel lock to desired position without additional corrections. Forgot the fourth one, maybe later
This all is happening while racing ofcourse before anyone decides to tackle those arguments in a stationary car.

Few more things i wish to add. Steering rate with wheel is fast already with 720° lock, even more so when you realize that only 240° of it is useful with the exception of those tight hairpins for which there is always time to add and extra 60° on either side. I know this because, well what do you know I don't steer past 120° with correct driving and no hairpins, also, as smooth as i can. The one situation where you possibly must steer ultra fast and where precision doesn't really matter is excessive counter-steering after a mistake. Only then mousers have a large disadvantageous start as they have very few options to even prevent, and after, get out of that mistake.
About the ability to drive with lock-to-lock in 1 sec (only two degrees any mouser can precisely steer to); if you think that is an advantage, please tell me
Last thing I am thinking of now is about comparing controllers by comparing two or more drivers with different controllers but of different skill as well. Hopefully i don't have to get much into that. Let's just say that even comparing same driver but with different controllers is also bad.
It's probably best to find two or, better but harder, more drivers that use different controllers but have lots of similar laptimes over different tracks. Don't know, how about 0.1 sec difference / 1 min? That level of similarity. And then find a new situation where a mouse driver constantly gains an advantage and the reasons for it. I'd be open for discussion then, but it won't happen. I wouldn't want that either, it's better to beat wheelers with a shitty mouse
S3 licensed
Tnx Mysko!
First time i spotted a deal outside of
S3 licensed
My bad about the "?s", I forgot how that dialog looked like... (and didn't know how to make it appear again)

I did a small test by putting in wrong admin pw in LFS and that dialog appeared with error message, nicely explaining what to do. Well done, that part is covered!

EDIT: Update Lazy for E16 PLIZZ
Last edited by Nilex, . Reason : 2nd most important information in the word, 1st one being: i won a 65 lapper in UFR
S3 licensed
Just a thought: how about putting a documentation or an about (or whichever name comes to mind) button in the in-game pull down menu. When clicked it would display some user friendly informations, e.g.: the author, current version, maybe some short descriptions of available options and most useful, available key bindings
This way you could avoid making a separate documentation file, or if you think it's better, make the documentation button opens a documentation file without having to navigate to its folder.

EDIT: having thought about it more some improvements came to mind. Some documentation would be need to be available even before you get into the game. Such as info about setting insim port in LFS, admin password and PubStat key thingy. I wouldn't want to complicate things with my random thoughts, I hope you know i'm only letting it out there and you can decide on what, when and how
My idea for those 3 things is putting a small question mark button with an explanation tooltip or something. If you're happy with that then additional in-game info seems good to go.
If the second way is more to your liking, then rather than doing what i said, make the button for file opening harder to access. Not good to accidentally open a .txt over LFS while racing!
Last edited by Nilex, . Reason : stuff
S3 licensed
No controller will ever make your car go faster (as in increase its top speed). It can make your driving easier or harder, consistent or less consistent, depending on what you use to drive with and how comfortable you are with it. I always get the impression reading this kind of posts where it is implied that one controller is "faster" so i thought it might me worth to mention this.

I haven't responded because i don't understand Fordman's question. Physics and setup options are same for everybody so there can't be talk of an exploit.

I could only guess why he is slow and why his wheel is turning. Maybe because it's a hard game that takes time and effort to understand game mechanics (in my case), or wheel setting are badly setup, etc. As for the wheel turning itself, i would say it is a combination of very high, soft oval-ish setup and engine crankshaft rotation causing enough of a force to cause micro wobbling of a stationary car and send Logitech drivers into confusion. Who knows.

Mouse is inferior to wheel in LFS in every way, assuming both are working as marketed. This includes using 720° degrees of wheel rotation. But I'm saving that for when it counts.
S3 licensed
There is delay though not in a sense how i understand you put it. Physics in LFS run at 200 Hz, so give or take 5 ms. There is also hardware interaction delay between wheel to PC and back to wheel, etc. So far this kind of delay is only affected by individual sim physics frequency. Hardware interaction delay across sims i would assume is pretty much equal. 5 ms that is left is too low of an interval to notice the effect of a delay. If other sims physics run at faster interval it's not noticeable. If it runs few times slower then there would be more delay in them which seem not to be the case.

The only thing that comes to my mind is both the visual and physical tire deformation. Tire deforms depending on the car setup to it's max value when you turn the wheel and then starts to noticeably affect car handling. This deformation results in roughly 5 cm translation of car's center of mass before it can't move anymore. I'm thinking this is delay you're talking about.
I've singled out tire deformation specifically because i bet other sims you have played don't have this.
S3 licensed
Great to see it released finally

Have been using it since about a month or two ago, suggesting and torturing Daniel with lots of minor stuffs. He was such a sport and often beating me to it and implementing things before i could comment!

The mouse wheel menu was revolutionary when i first saw it. It is easy and intuitive to use, especially if you are a mouse driver. That and the moving of the gadget buttons with a click of a mouse
It's hard to mention all the features like race notification popup while LFS is not in focus and auto spectate if you aren't responding.

Attached is a screeny of my cockpit gadget setup (finally a working speedo ). Some values update real-time!
S3 licensed
and happy B-day :cake:resent:
S3 licensed
6.91 with XFG. Suk dat :superman2
S3 licensed
One external HDD and single online storage service site. All 7z'd and taking up 15 GB right now. More important data i have also backed up on two additional USB keys.
I don't use automated backup or sync apps because neither seem to work the way i want it. Instead i created and organized an Excel workbook in which i manually handle backup information.

Seen this program highly recommended, it's free and does the job:
Perhaps someone finds it useful.
S3 licensed
Stumbled upon this link while performing some random browsing tonight:
and... as much as i hate to say it, my understanding of mipmapping vastly differed from reality again . After reading the summarized version in the link (scroll down a bit) I finally understood what you were saying. Ah, better late then never

It looks like mipmapping could be used after all in a way you described it. We won't see the RGB versions in the sub-folders because hey are apparently precalculated and stored in the VRAM on the fly (possibly "generating, rebuilding").

This time i mistook mipmapping with more visible LOD texture quality change (not including geometry changes). You know, the type when the texture quality radically changes before your eyes when you get closer to it. Maybe it is the same thing with a different name to it but the one in LFS made way more subtle, I don't know.
I wasn't even aware that mipmapping existed in a way it's described until tonight. It seemed too simple to have it's own precalcualtion and even it's own name. An assumption which hindered my understanding of it sooner. The summarized version helped, the longer one sidetracked me into thinking it was LOD thingy, which could be the same thing, only I thoguht it wasn't
One thing that is true: larger texture filesize = longer loading time. Done simplest by resizing texture resolution to a lower value.

Had to post again in hope of rectifying my own mipmapping explanation in previous post
S3 licensed
Related text by Paul Craig Roberts (; on (independent research and media organization): ... the-stage-for-war/5371695
Taking into account guy's pedigree and nationality I'd say is pretty interesting read to say the least. It is usually very valuable insight when a person with such high credentials speaks "against" it's own government. Text is on the weak side arguments wise, but true nonetheless.

Short thought about the amusing fake reporting photos: not wanting to go into details but only a reminder about propaganda. There are propagandas of propagandas. Very easy to create in these cases, and easier to avoid responsibility. Not aiming at a particular one posted here, but more like a general idea. Something to be aware of.

You may have noticed some relation between the first two paragraphs by the time you read this. The monumental difference is only one comes with a name and background, and consecutively, accountability.