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S3 licensed
Hm yes, you're right. It's most likely all is fine then since i'm using customized English file with different filename. One from B version... my bad
S3 licensed
Small bug in the appearance of the "Lost connection nickname (username)" message. The '(username)' part is colored the same as the last character in the nickname. Only spotted it once and it was red in that case. Figured it's worth a report because if it's not a bug and it's intended to be red it wont cost you much time.
After that i took a quick look at other similar messages that could be affected but found nothing out of the ordinary.
S3 licensed
Actually it's "nickname (seconds)" now. It's faster to identify guest in connection list this way so it's better then "username (seconds)". I was concerned about guest lagging off the server then coming back with another nickname (making fast and easy identification impossible) but then i found that lagging off produced a 'Lost connection nickname (username)'. All the info we'll ever need, Thanks

Troy's presentation is good in principle: it solves the main issue about having to manually count bars and guests but it raises two issues. Didn't want to spam-comment until i knew that it's a consideration.
1) It spreads that little bar movement across a wide area. Right side of monitor will be blinking. Seems small but it wont be. Even if it is put into connection menu and not visible all the time it will present a problem with people that want to look connections often or maybe drive with that thing on. Mosquito flying in your peripheral vision sort of feel
If it's made to appear only after shift+f8 is pressed then i would agree, along with 2nd issue being dealt with.
2) It will be very hard to tell who has good or bad connection this way without a detail checking. Bars were all in line before making it easy to distinguish the differences between them. Making these ones go left or right would put them all in line again provided they're close to each other. Maybe i can work up a sketch similar to troy's because it somewhat hard to visualize what i mean. I rather not tho, cause not a single Picasso gene in me

That's all i think, sorry if i go too in-depth too often, making stuff hard to read and/or understand. I do it because i like to be made right the first time. Things believed to be made right but are wrong are hard to change
S3 licensed
Rather simple and elegant solution would be to leave it as-is and move the connection bars for all guests into SHIFT+F8 network debug.

Reasoning behind it is that screen remains less 'cluttered' for players while they can still observe their own connection quality. It's not of vital importance that they see connection quality of everyone while driving 200 km/h, especially cause it is impossible to tie particular bar to a driver few meters away of you. We do that visually so no change there.

A quick overveiw of the situation is rather necessary however, mostly for admins who watch over us . Simple glance in shift+f8 and then more thorough if the situation calls for it. Players could check it too to see if it is acceptable for them to drive on that particular server.
Also, network debug is sufficiently 'annoying' that most people would turn it off after they asses the situation. Saving host's CPU time and bandwidth (if that's the main reason connection bars got removed - I have no idea only guess ) that way.

Bit off-topic, but more to add to this: maybe later, when there is time and will there could be a more conveniently made connection quality overview. Such as there is no need to manually count bars & guests to tie them. Something in the connection list while network debug is on perhaps (but don't take my word for as i don't have any visual designs capabilities).
O-T 2: currently when a guest on track is lagging there is LAG (seconds) instead of his nickname, informing us of his lag. What about replacing it with: username (seconds). I don't know of any other way to identify who is the person who is lagging but to manually click through the connection list until i get to that person. Most know that when seconds in brackets appear it is lag, that's why i suggested to put username in place of LAG and save some space
S3 licensed
Guest connection is very fast, taking around half a second. Observed both as guest and seeing other guests connecting. On only one occasion it was taking about two sec at which point i left server without a hitch (not possible before). After that i tired joining same server again but i got username already online msg for about half a minute. Although I can't say that it has to do with test patch, can't say that it doesn't either

Seen a lot of lost connections messages but not a single timeout. There was no previous sign that it would happen (bars rising), it just happened without any problems for other cars. Didn't observe the car prior to losing connection yet so can't tell whats happening - if there is a nasty sign like car jerking all around prior.

Generally it feels like B with better, smoother netcode. Like singleplayer
This all was on server with around 20 people.

One thing i feel is made worse tho. Like troy written there is only one connection bar visible bottom-left. So the only way to identify someone is lagging is to visually identify him. When that's done it usually too late, if u get me. As i said we can't tell if someone has connection issues as there are no signs of it except directly visual. Multiple bars showing was the other, not ideal but something
S3 licensed
Scawen, related to last part of your post: when a new guest is in the process of connecting to a server its connection process takes priority over pretty much everything. Existing users can't enter spec mode, can't shift+p, can't even change any of the options while a random even such as guest connecting takes place. If a guy happens to connect from another side of the planet con process can take up to half a minute cause of ping, effectively disabling everyone to spec, pit and don't know what else is tied to it. I mention spec & pit above else cause it prevents people to avoid avoidable accidents by specing or pitting.
I understand the reasoning behind it but i hope you can figure out a better way.

Sry for this not being in suggestion thread, i know you don't particularly like off topic suggestions; reason is you seem to be 'in the zone' of this packet thingy now and i wanted solidify your thoughts about packet system
S3 licensed
Of course, of course
S3 licensed
Sorry što nisam došao na prvu trku jer imao sam torgsdagrace ligu kojoj sam vjeran od početka a koja se kosi sa vremenom sa ovom, jbg Malo sam pogledao kalendar i čini mi se da ću vam se priključiti u trećoj rundi (FO8). A onda slijedi Šumaherizacija

Podržavam Milana, može i smajlić koji?

Jel možete pozvat i Đoleta da ga pritisnem bar negdje, kad nemogu na BL1-xfg već..
S3 licensed
Love you way of pixing passwords (not that i agree with em)
S3 licensed
Zabranjen je jer tako piše u pravilu lige A od prvog zareza pa do kraja rečenice ja te ništa ne razumijem.

Ja ću pričekati dok ne bude razjašnjeno da li imamo airio ili ne za daljnju priču.
S3 licensed
U pravilima je jasno objašnjeno. Opcije->Igrač - auto kvač [Da], uz to zabranjeno je sve ostalo uključujući i shifter.

Mali 'ali' od mene: ako je zadovoljeno auto kvač [Da] onda bilo koji način kvačila ne može donijesti prednost, samo immersion
Sada, pišući ovo svatih da shifter čak i zaobilazi ugrađeni spori način promjene od AC jer se ne koriste tipke upshift/downshift. No budući da je sam shifter težak za upotrebu i korištenje pedale za clutch u najboljem slučaju neznatno brže od AC ja se neću buniti ako shifter bude dozvoljen. Dapače čak i želim neka bude dozvoljen, neka profići uživaju
S3 licensed
Koliko se sjećam EQ Worry (tvorac airia) je jednom rekao airio koristi svega par postotaka CPU-a (čak i vrlo starih). E sada, ovo da snižava kvalitetu veze mi je prvi glas. Mogu samo reći da dosada NIKAD nisam doživio nešto slično a da bih pomislio da je povezano sa airiom, što se veze tiče je li. Mislim da čak jedna 'humanoidna' (jbt riječ) konekcija troši više prometa nego airio iz razloga što se većina prometa u airiu odvija lokalno: host<->airio (ne koristi se net) a ne airio<->lfsw npr.
Doduše nisam siguran u ovo, samo mi se čini logično.

A što se kontrole kvačila tiče ovo je uber jednostavno pod uvjetom da airio ostane. Jednostavno ubaciš pravilo da je auto-cl obavezan u airio i onda nema veze kako tko mijenja brzine. Npr recimo da netko baš želi stisnut button clutch za promjenu brzine (ili iz bilo kojeg drugog razloga): prvo će mu auto-cl promijeniti brzinu a onda slijedi i button. Samo je sporije, teže, spojka se grije bezveze, itd. Na kraju auto-cl diktira brzinu promijene ako je uključen a sve ostalo dodatno što se koristi samo odmaže. Zato sam prije rekao da je AC jedini pouzdan anti-cheat. Nije baš anti ali nema se koristi od cheata

Ovo što je Danijel spomenuo za player flags u slučaju da se odustane od airia. Pitao bih ja njega kada se generira informacija tko što koristi. Na početku/kraju ili možda u slučaju promjene. Npr netko koristi BC pa prije kraja prebaci u AC i flag pokaže AC? Ili na početku, svejedno.
Ako pak pokaže SVE flagove koje su se koristile za svakoga pojedinačno to definitivno nije dobro. Npr ja: AC, ali pritisnem button za start = AC,BC flags.

Zato mislim da je najbolje žrtvovati 1-2% CPU-a + airio pa ko živ ko mrtav

P.S. Bemti trebat ću šalić za sva ta pravila :noob:
S3 licensed
Dobro da nema priče jer ovaj nadrealist ubija
S3 licensed
I ja mislim da bi trebao biti zabranjen ali ne zbog razloga koji je naveden. Naime, cijela igra je nerealna pa tako i svi njeni dijelovi. Zapravo to je i definicija simulacije - da simulira. Dakle čisto semantički realno ne prolazi i tu je kraj priče. Može se govoriti o immersion (neznam našu riječ za ovo, najbliže bi bilo 'osjećaj urona u igru' ako me kužite). To pak ovisi o pojedincu; kako kome paše je li. Može se govoriti i o respektu, npr: 720 + shifter & axis clutch kod mene ima visok respekt čisto iz razloga težine i ništa drugo. Max respekt po meni imaju brzi kb igrači
Auto cl i button cl dakle imaju istu 'vrijednost realnosti' koja iznosi 0. E sad, button ima za posljedicu možebitno brže mijenjanje brzine i to samo u slučaju ako je brzina reagiranja tipki viša od 6 (odokativno promatranje) inače postaje samo teže ali je zato bolji immersion. Kažem možebitno jer za razliku od auto cl, manual button nema 100% uspjeh kod promjene brzine i to je samo jedna usporedba primjera balansa između njih. Ja kažem da je taj balans izvrstan. Jednom sam pročitao kako je Niki rekao da je razlika po jednoj promjeni brzine pola sekunde, što je glupost. Da je to točno balans bi bio čisto sranje i odavno bi došlo do promjene čak i kod ovih slow mtf devs jer bi ljudi masovno pizdili na to. Stvarno razlika je bliža ovoj: (ja vozim mnogo bl1-xfg pa ću dati primjer otuda) isti set - pun kurac krugova BC 1:33.00, mnogo manje krugova AC 1:33.22. Bit ću blag pa ću reći da je razlika samo 0.2 sec na 1.5 min, ajmo reći 0.15 po minuti za XFG. Toliko o balanasu iako ima još par stvari koji mu idu u prilog.

Zašto onda izbaciti BC ako sve štima? Iz jednostavnog razloga što postoje programi koji ljudima omogućuju lagano premošćivanje balansa varanjem i to na dva načina koji su meni poznati:
1) Macro - omogućuje lagano mijenjanje brzina pomoću BC pritiskom jedne tipke umjesto dvije. Kao da koristite AC po težini ali sa BC brzinom. Lako podesivo u Logitec Profileru ili čemu već. Ovo bih se dalo lako detektirati da devs nisu ljenguzi i laganini 999 godina ban. Čak i bez njihove intervencije.
2) Nema naziva ali radi se od hacku koji povisuje brzinu reagiranja tipku na koliko je meni poznato beskonačnu vrijednost. Beskonačno je malo više od 10 , čineći inače dobro balansirani BC 'prljavim'. U sprezi sa 1) ovome nema ravnog. Još je gore što lfs ne prepoznaje korištenje vrijednosti više od 10. Brzine se mijenjaju više od 10 ali lfs se ne buni. Moguće je i uploadati takve hotlapove ali oni neće dati OOS. Dakle sve izgleda 'legit'. Za ovo nemam izravnog dokaza pa neću nikog optužit ali znam za postojanje ovog još od X verzije. I znam da postoji u ovoj jer mi se nudio prije par mjeseci. Ako sam u pravu I ovo se dade lako detektirati bez potrebe za 'radom' devsa. U oba slučaja se radi o sigurnosti u varanje višom od sigurnosti rezultata u DNA test... bez šale

AC je zasada jedini poznati (meni bar, ako je i to sjebano nemojte mi ni reći ) način koji je imun na te cheat-ove. Iz razloga koji mi se sad nedaju objašnjavati...
AxisC je također lako cheat-abilan ali u sprezi sa H-Shifter-om nije toliko izražen. Ljudima koji koriste h-shifter u pravilu nije ni stalo do cheatanja nego do immersion. Oni koji koriste samo axisC, dakle bez shiftera, u pravilu imaju na umu cheat, uz samo jednu iznimku koju sam uočio... tnx 4 ur hard work devs
S3 licensed
LFSW Username: Nilex
Nadimak u LFS-u: [FU]Nilex
Ime i prezime: Robert Skelin
Država: Hrvatska
Tim: **** You Racing
Broj (0-99): 88
S3 licensed
Odlično Niki, termin mi se sviđa kombo isto tako. Nadam se dobrom odazivu
Lijep pozdrav svima i zahvala za inicijativu Nikija. vidimo se
Me, myself & I
S3 licensed
94 points, cool
S3 licensed
I join 1st yo man. That's the closest i'll get to nr1 in this race seeing i never did a real race in GTR before
But I like the casual and mature atmosphere you guys running, that's the real reason i join. Respect guys
S3 licensed
I'll try & be there
Is it possible tho to move it to sunday cause it overlaps with cargame std on saturday? If not, I'll still try and be there
S3 licensed
Nice organization andRo and it was a very pleasant race form my vantage point. Since this was my first organized official race in lfs, few words i'd like to share:
- was nervous as fuk that i dont screw something up, that was big deal for me Fortunately, track was forgiving for mistakes otherwise i'd die of heart failure probs
- was amazed how quickly Niki adjusted for top lap pace. I had about 30 laps practice and he only about 5 i think. My first taste of really pro level in this game that i can remember. Extremely clean racing head-to-head with kovrcek in first race, very tough for me. Respect to both
- thnx for making the rules simple, clean and well organized andRo, played big role that i join the competition. Also thanks God Speed & Stuart for inspiring me to join as well

for the lulz:
Something caught side of my eye in one of the pits after the race, someone must have dropped it
S3 licensed
Great, tnx
All checks out here
Last minute guy
S3 licensed
Full name: Robert Skelin
LFSWorld username: Nilex
Full team name: **** You
Country: Croatia
Preferred number: 166
Car: XRG

Still possible to enter for round 6? Also one question regarding ballast: since this is my first round must i start with 10kg?
S3 licensed
I can prove as i said. Based on empirical scientific measurement. You could test yourself. All i ask is if you accept the proof, then your argument for partial removal becomes invalid as it does not provide advantage. You need to agree with me on this.
As for realism: turning force view off makes game acceptably realistic for you as I understand.

One more thing that i just thought of: you know force view does not change car's characteristics, right?
S3 licensed
Yow Seth, I must say you're 1 persistent mtf. You stick for getting it your way and won't budge till you do - I can certainly respect that. It's a double edge sword though. Good if you have support for your cause, bad if you don't as you already know.
It is a touchy subject you raised. Basically you're not only attacking a game that proclaims itself as a simulator but also, indirectly, all the people who play it. Insult their intelligence so to speak. This is the reason for some of the personal attacks on you, others being a response to your attacking attitude. That doesn't justify them, especially since you raised a valid point. And it's next to impossible to talk constructive in these conditions.

I trust my instinct that you're reasonable guy that got distracted by meaningless posts. That's why I'll explain two issues that bother you:

Firstly - LFS will NEVER be realistic with Force mode. Yes, true. You could have said 'LFS will NEVER be realistic' and still be correct. Simply because realism only exist in reality.
So, what you were probably thinking about is appearance of reality or simulation of reality aka simulator. LFS will NEVER be a simulator with Force mode. True?
If so, and this is important, forces view can be disabled making the game how you want it.
Which brings me to your second issue:

Force mode is an advantage - it's not. I know you've gotten a lot of 'it's not an advantage' etc., but not a single 'why'. Clearly the 'why' part is what you're after. Chupacabras84 and Si Mclaren slightly touched the 'why' btw, but nowhere near.
What if I prove to you that its not an advantage. In what you say it's advantageous: tire position, usage of track, more sight. Would you still ask for its partial removal even when it can simply be turned off?

I ask you beforehand because it's time consuming for me to present proof. And if your answer to second question is yes, it would be meaningless.