Conclusion of the day:
- Ferrari is some serious trouble.
- Red Bull is not in the best shape either. McLaren, Lotus, and Mercedes are all in front of them. They would have been starting at 7&8th if Kimi and Nico didn't screw up.
Damn slightly disappointed about Button. But McLaren has it in the bag this year. If they don't win the WDC/WCC, they are doing something seriously wrong.
I knew I was going to be right when Alonso dropped it. Alonso could probably (just) get it into Q3. But it was always going to be tight if you look at their car over the course of a lap. It was so unstable. Understeer at turn-in, oversteer at corner exit.
Btw, good luck to Massa because if he keeps this up, Massa might get dropped before the end of the season.
Yeah CTRA was the only place with good racing back in the day. But it is very difficult to find a consistently populated server with decent racing. I do miss CTRA if I am honest.
(you can argue cargameS2 is pretty good. but in my opinion there are too many classes. there are often only a few cars in the same class)
I recently build a new computer for the first time, and I am having trouble with my rams in dual channel mode. When I was installing Win7 for the first time, I kept getting blue screen in the middle of the installation process. I read on the internet that it might be a faulty ram, so I took one of the rams out and left it as 4gb.
Then I switched the ram to make sure its a ram issue, but it turns out the other ram just fine. When I put both ram back in, the blue screens came back (can't even get to the login screen). Is it a faulty motherboard or is there anything I can do?
I really hope they use the GTR not the crappy Maxima.
This is a good move for V8 Supercar though. You can't just have two manufacturers. I hope the others follow Nissan. (Hope to see BMW, Mercedes, Honda, Toyota, and Chrysler)
EDIT: Nissan (Aus) CEO said it will be a brand new sedan. so no GTR
I have been playing for like two weeks or so and i have only had like maybe two close games. Most of the games consists of one team spawn raping and another team of complete idiots.
Overtaking/Blocking: In a fight for position cars may not return to the racing line when breaking for a corner. Once off the racing line you need to stick to that line. (reaction to Monza Schumacher/Hamilton)
Not too happy about that if i am honest. I thought Schumacher was racing fair in Monza.