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S2 licensed
Yes please, I would prefer if you made your own version. It will also improve the quality of the skin when you make your own lines and shapes. Just get a few pictures from the f1 car and try to best apply the design to the FXR or whatever car you want to skin.
S2 licensed
I'm with teaz-R on this one, packing a car with 100s of shapes is not really my cup of tea either. It's fine on a poster to some extent, or some mtv commercial, but I don't think its very appropriate on a car. That's just my opinion though.
S2 licensed
The shapes are an awful lot similar to the ones on my xfr version indeed.

Just rotated mine over his and lowered the transparency, perfect match.

Also explains the jagged lines the skin has.
S2 licensed
Hmmm, not cool indeed....

If you would like to use some specific part of a skin, some shapes etc, I'm happy to provide them as long as you ask nicely. Its also fine by me if you add a name, your own number etc to a skin, np. But preseting what is basically someone else's work as your own is pretty lame.
S2 licensed
I'm with sponge on this one. Why do people always get offended when they get some negative criticism I don't understand.

That mercedes skin is clearly a 2s job. There was no effort, no imagination, nothing in it. Just 3-4 terribly low res logos. It's not an excuse that you don't know how to skin, don't have the software, beginner etc etc etc. You can still try, noone's skins are perfect in the begining but at least people try to put some effort on it, try and make some shapes, put some colors, don't just copy paste one logo 5times. I know some pople like simple skins, but this can barely be called a skin.

I completely agree with Sponge, you should definitely put more effort into your work. Look around the forum here or Master Skinnerz, you will find a lot of guides, resources, tips etc which will definitely improve your work. You can also dedicate a thread for your first skin where you put considerable effort in, ask people for criticism, improvement suggestion etc, that's the only way to learn and to produce some quality work.
S2 licensed
Glad you like it guys, thanks for the comments!
S2 licensed
Not an exact replica, but inspired by F1 livery.

UFR ToyotaF1

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S2 licensed
Quote from baSh0r :looks unreal because the rear of the car is too wide the car looks like in a highly Field of View shot

I have to disagree, I don't see anything wrong with the proportions of the car.

I think you did a pretty good job Switcher, sure there are some small details but that's not important, what is important is the overall result and that is pretty nice.
S2 licensed
There are quite a few versions for this livery, FZR, XRT, RB4 that I know of, but I've always wanted to do one myself since it looks pretty cool I think.

XFR Hankook

CMX Preview

Wallpaper (click for hi-res)

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S2 licensed
Just realized that my LX skins that were intended a while back for the LFS competition but missed that deadline, were not posted here only on MSZ. So in case someone missed them:

LX4 Volante

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LX6 Takai

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LX6 LFW World

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S2 licensed
UFR Mini01

Something very simple, inspired by the Mini Challange.

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S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :It's called color spot photography, the only thing I don't really like about yours pdanev, is in some places the sky is overly contrasted, whereas if you look in the pictures of the porsche, no color in the sky takes up a majority, especially white like in your case. Then, the other thing that bothered me is the lightness of the shadow, if you look at the porsche's shadow, it is nearly all black. And the last thing that bugs me, is that in the porsche, you see trees and other much closer objects which also pick up focus, you just have.. fuzzy tires which pick up focus which isn't very appealing. Maybe if you did this on the long sweeping turns on Aston (the turns right before the 180 turn and the chicane to start line), would this look good.

Yep, all valid points. I didn't try to replicate it exactly, so I wasn't following all the details you mentioned from the original picture, I just had a glance at it, thought it looks cool, and wanted to do something similar in lfs. But indeed, the spot is not very good, Aston would have been definitely better. I also realized that I should have taken maybe 3-4 pictures and put one together, because after certain fov lfs distorts pretty badly. And the way I did it now gives a bit of limited and odd environment.

Might give it another shot at Aston later on.
S2 licensed
Yep, here is a whole set.

Well, of course you can't compare and lfs edit to some professional photography, but I kinda liked the angle and the whole b/w & orange feel.
S2 licensed
Didn't do any proper edit for quite a while, but inspired by an official porsche picture I decided to spend some time on this. The zoom/motion blur thing was a pain in the ..., even so it's not exactly like it should be, but this is how far my patience lasted. I also spent some time on getting rid of the rather ugly default reflections on the car. The rest is nothing extraordinary. Enjoy.

Click picture for 1280px.
S2 licensed
I know, couldn't help it, I didn't even bother putting them on the exhaust side. I guess you can call this ad asymmetrical design.
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XFR Injext

Edited screenshot:

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LX6 Scavier

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RAC Yamaha46

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FZR Scavier

Edited screenshot:

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You can't really see it on this one from the preview shots, but I asued a light alu/metallic base for it, I think it looks alright in game but it's not very noticable.
S2 licensed
Quote from niall09 :no, im not calling him a cracker or anything, but like, whats the point? You get to look at it in CMX viewer, oh wow :rolleyes:

It's not like you get to look at it a lot while racing either, all you see is part of the bonnet maybe.

I've made quite a few skins myself, and you know how many I have used? Maybe 1 or 2. Hell, I don't even have most of them in my lfs skins folder. I like making skins, designing, working with photoshop etc. If he is into graphics, design, wants to learn and practice making skins, then why not.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
You didn't get my point. I didn't mean make things narrower, I mean the empty space between the objects should be less. Instead of putting e.g. 5 objects in a x meter long line with say .5m distance between them, put rather 10objects in that same x m line but with 0m distance between them. Place objects more closely to each other, don't leave empty space in between them. You don't see barriers/tire walls on real tracks with 1-2meter space in between them now do you?

Of course you don't have to outline the whole track with objects right next to each other, just at key points, sharp corner etc
S2 licensed
Based on the Jim Beam V8 Supercars livery.

UFR JimBeam V8

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Last edited by pdanev, .
S2 licensed
That's.... ambitious. Unless you dedicate your life to making skins 24/7, I really don't see how you are going to manage.