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S2 licensed
Quote from Knight_Atack :No problem, it's understandable. And there's no rush really. I especially liked the KLM skin and was looking foward to getting it, if anyone actually feels like uploading it here. But since there's no rush, I can wait . Great job on those skins though.

A little bump on this "old" discussion. Our site is back, server move took quite a bit longer than anticipated, but well... All skins should be available now, at the usual place.
S2 licensed
Very nice edit!

You placed the car very well into the environment, perspective is perfect, size too, I suppose you placed it over the original car that was in the shot.

However, I think the lightning is a bit off, I'd desaturate the car a bit, somehow it's "shining" out of the picture.

Nevertheless I think this is a very nice edit and deserves two thumbs up!!!
S2 licensed
C40Z - that's a very nice edit, I like number 1 most, very good stuff!!!

On a side note I'd like to join DoN, take this stupid nonsense elsewhere. You guys have rambled on with that 12year old chat stupidity for 2 pages already, noone really gives a damn about that and it's not contributing anything whatsoever to one of the very few meaningful threads nowadays on the lfs forum.
S2 licensed
Knight_Atack our site is down temporarily due to a server move as burnsy mentioned, sorry for the inconvenience. You can try again later, site should be online asap, with all the skins & previews online.
S2 licensed
I've no clue to be honest since I didn't do them, whether its brazil, vray or whatever else there is...

I guess you'll have better luck at getting useful info (what to use, how to use it, tips etc) in the render section.
S2 licensed
Another FXR skin. Very simple, inspired by the Royal Dutch Airlines KLM livery.

Download Skin!

PS: CMX Viewer shot
S2 licensed
LFS branded FXR. Special thanks to one of my team mates (Burnsy) for the renders!

Download Skin!
S2 licensed
Quote from Tomas Stiborek :thx here is next couple of pictures


Very nice edits.
S2 licensed
A replica from 1994-95 DTM Tabac/Sonax Mercedes.

Download skin!

Some screenshots & a little render (thanks priitmek).
S2 licensed
I think the blur is a bit too strong, but otherwise nice shot, and damn is that some sharp and crisp image!
S2 licensed
Something simple, only LFS brands.


Skin File!
S2 licensed
Quote from Kajojek(PL) :How you guys like my new edit?

Hehe, very cool edit.

Can you upload the mpr of that race if you still have it somewhere, forgot to save it, such a great race that was.
S2 licensed
Posted this in MSZ forum few days ago but forgot to post it here.

XRR Injext

CMX Viewer preview here.

Download XRR Injext Skin!
S2 licensed
A simple LFS branded Evostar/Injext FZR skin!

CMX Viewer preview here.


Skin File!
Last edited by pdanev, .
S2 licensed
That's a pretty cool edit!
S2 licensed
I find the video itself quite a mixture of very good and bad.

Excellent editing, nice (though too long) intro, good effects. However, this does not make up imo for the somewhat confusing content. The movie title doesn't make things easier either.

I don't get the part in the city, was that supposed to be how the car gets out from the city to the track? The end is also confusing, you do show quite a lot of FZ which is the strongest part of the video, and all of a suddent GTRs come by. Ok, nothing wrong with that, but then the next moment there comes the TBO class. If this was supposed to be an overall racing movie, no problem with that either. But the long focus on the fz, and then this confusing end... weird, very weird! Also, if you do a long intro, you might want to do a proper ending as well. The ending was cut off all of a sudden as if the camera crew ran out of power or something. I also didn't get why you showed credits all of a sudden in the middle of the movie when cars were moving slow. You were building up the movie, and all of a sudden in the middle it slows down and credits, song titles etc appear...

You certainly have very good editing skills, and this video had a great potential, but the "plot" was so bad and confusing, that it kind of ruins the video. There is no clear message what this movie is supposed to be about...

Imo, you should have cut the intro to 1/2, and then show only FZ. That would have been truly perfect, and would match the title as well! Now it looks like 2-3 seperate videos glued together.
S2 licensed
Since I reopened my skin garage on Masterskinnerz, I thought I make some fresh edits of the skins I did so far. Here are the edited screenshots, quite a few of them.

Blackwood Airlines XRR

XFR Volante

FXR Injext

XFR Scavier

FZ5 South City FM


I think I already did post this earlier here, but just in case


XRR Injext

PS: If you like any of the skins grab it at the skin section.
S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :Nice to know from others, we must some day do car forum world championship or something

Oh yes, finalgear link gives just gray page for me ?

Link is correct, should be working. And this is our LFS section on the finalgear forums -

We had many members over the years, however only about 10 of us or so are regular racers.

We also have a championship going on, but we don't limit that to only finalgear members, the more racers the better.
S2 licensed
Very Top Gear-ish.

Pretty good camera work and editing, nice movie!

Good son choice as well, they had this song in the episode with the Zonda/Ford GT/F430 in France over that bigass bridge.
S2 licensed
Taavi, spot on! Very nice overall effect, love the color work there!

Is that a different tarmac texture, or is it default one with some PS work on the picture it to bump it out?
S2 licensed
1st and 2nd one espeically, are very nice Tomas!
S2 licensed
Vale the 1st and last one are awesome!
S2 licensed
Click image for larger resolution.

S2 licensed
Nothing fancy, just a bit of warm b&w color effect, and 2 extra palm trees for the feeling of Fern Bay. I know they look a bit fake, but that doesn't matter, fits ok I think.

S2 licensed
Sorry about that, we recently updated our site and these links are pretty old. Easiest thing to do is just go to our website, all our layouts can be found there.

Sorry about the inconvenience, hope you enjoy the layouts.