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S2 licensed
Bah, I thought I was the 1st with this. Oh well...
S2 licensed
Nice work, BUT! There's a mismatch on the right side of the car where the front wheel panel meets the front bumper (visible on cmx preview). Gray part on the front bumper is a few pixels higher than needed. The problem seems to be on the front bumper, because below the gray part there is also a black line, so I assume you shifted that up by mistake. Left side of the car, perfect fit, but fix the right side of the front bumper.

Otherwise good work, and cool render too!

edit: the skin files seem to be correct, maybe you posted a wip preview...
S2 licensed

And again, use the search button damn it! 2nd pointess thread from you mate, within 48hours...
S2 licensed
5 days????????????? Are you kidding?
Even 5hours is too much for it, imo, even if it would be/is your 1st layout.

I would stay away from using large tires, you can't see where you're going. It's also very disorganized, and feels like a bunch of random objects to me.

Try placing objects more closely together. Also try using more or less the same spacing between them. Or just use a few objects at the apex, the lines show the way perfectly fine for the rest.
S2 licensed
I place the logos in the order teazR described. There are always exceptions though, depending on the situation. Which logo is out of place in your opinion, maybe I overlooked or screwed up something, always a possibility for human error?

edit: as far as I see only the number kit is a bit f***ed, but it's not that bad imo.
Last edited by pdanev, .
S2 licensed
How damn hard it is it for people to find the SEARCH button. Out of the last 10threads in this section 3 are the same stupid useless request, made by users who think that cars in lfs can look like a skyline, silvia, ae86 etc! There is nothing that will make any of the cars in LFS look like any of the usual requests, when are people going to understand this.
S2 licensed
A Carrera Cup replica from the UPS team. 3 Colors, red/green/blue.
This has been already made for the FZR, obviously, but I find the design quite nice, thought it would suit the RB4 nicely as well.


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S2 licensed
Somewhat similar alternative here.

I doubt that anyone still uses this, but we still host some fuel data on our website as well.
S2 licensed
Quote from Electricwolf :here one new render

That looks nice, glad someone appreciates my skins.
Mind if I post that on our site, with full credit of course?
S2 licensed
I wanted to make this for the XRR, but teazR already beat me to it.
I still like the original car a lot, so I made it for the FXR, turned out quite ok I think.

FXR Sonax

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S2 licensed
Hmmm, I just realized that I didn't post this here, I thought I did...weird! It was an entry for the last master skinnerz challange, begining of February. I guess better late then never.

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S2 licensed
Damn, you beat me to, I was about to make a UFR conversion from the XFR I made.

Nice work though!
S2 licensed
Damn, that's a nice edit!
S2 licensed
Fox Blackwood

CMX Preview here.

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S2 licensed
1, Yo guys - bad way to start a request.
2, FXR will never look like a wrx, even if you paste on it wrx lights
3, It's just a black paint with 2-3stickers - you don't have to be genius to make that even in paint

Bottom line: stupid and useless request!
S2 licensed
One of my team mates, burnsy, makes the renders. I don't think he uses anything fancy, simple studio renders.
S2 licensed
Very nice Taavi, good edit, simple and effective!
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
XFR HoldenV8

Based on a former (2004 iirc) Holden V8 Supercars livery. I didn't like how the front/bonnet of the original design looked on the XFR, so I changed that a bit, but otherwise it's authentic. (more or less )

CMX Viewer Preview here.

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S2 licensed
Maggot that looks very good! The only problem I can spot is the lightning. I think the car is a bit too bright, especially considering that the sun is just rising and is behind the car.

Otherwise, as I already said, very nicely done!
S2 licensed
Inspired by the Ford WRC Team.

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S2 licensed
Very good quality and video, as usuall. However, I really don't think the music fits here. I mean nothing against that song, its pretty good, but it somehow doesn't fit the video.

I felt like I'm on a funeral, especially the intro where it says dedicated to the dev's. It felt like some of the dev's just died and you are dedicating the video to their life.

In itself the song is good, and generally I don't care about the music in a video as long as it suits and is well synchronized, but this particular song, especially with the intro text, really feels depressing as if someone just died.

Otherwise, as I said, video quality is great, camerawork, spots, cars, skins etc the whole package (except music), perfectly executed!
S2 licensed
2nd one is really nice.
BF1 shots don't work so great I think, but the 1st two especially the second one, are pretty cool!
S2 licensed
Right, before everyone jumps on the bandwagon screaming how great these miniature edits look, I'd like to point out that in my opinion there is still a lot to improve on the miniature pictures. The topic we are talking about is generally known as Tilt Shift Photography which can be used for making miniature look alike picture.

I googled for a quick tutorial, and this one seems ok. The pictures that were posted here before I think suffer from a very sharp line between the heavily blurred area and the non blurred part. I think there should be a slight and smoother transition, as well as a tiny bit less blur.

You may want to look here, and see a lot of great examples of real life pictures. You can see that the blur does not have to be always so uber heavy, as well as it doesn't always have to be on top/bottom at same time.

Anyway, my 0.02$, I think it's worth checking the links, and try and improve those edits a bit.
S2 licensed
Inspired by Renault F1 design, which quite divides the fans into two groups, the ones that really hate the new design, and the ones that love it. I had my doubts about it in the beginning, but lately I fell in love with it, hence the inspiration.

I didn't use all the sponsors, 2-3 or so I left out, didn't want to make the design too busy, but the overall theme is recognizable I think.


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