TPS Racing Versus Team Finalgear, first race out of 2 during that evening, AS Cadet FXO/GTT/RB4.
After a lot of messing around with how to get best performance, quality, fps etc, I finally did my first LFS video.
Some bits and pieces dont entirely match the music, but well, will do better on the 2nd race/As Historic video. It was a bit difficult to synchronize the race action with the music, because I wanted to keep the original time line. Anyway, I think the result is ok, could be much better, but not that bad either, I hope.
PS: A few time on the transtion from 1 picture to the other, the 2nd picture stalls a bit and is not moving immediately, no clue why that is.
The quality isn't best obviously, but perfectly fine for a preview.
And please leave some comments, 170views and no replies at all doesn't tell me much. If you dont like the layout post that they are crap, if you like them, post that you like them. Just post your opinion, whether bad or good.
PS: You can find the videos also on our site, and also for the previous layouts as well.
I'd recommend taking a bit of time and putting some effort into learning photoshop. Copy paste 1, doesnt't look good, quality etc and 2, isn't very unique.
If you are very very noob at PS, get some plugins that have fire filters, and your job should be pretty easy.
Good atmosphere: yes
Internal championship: yes, new sesason started in january, ends in july, (then its a bit of summer vacation) every saturday at 19:00 CET (17:00GMT). Q + Sprint Race + Feature Race.
Team motto: have a good time, and ejoy races. Races are shaped to promote as many dogfights as possible, to make things more challanging and entartaining. We share everything, endurance setups, practice experience etc, which in a way makes races also more competitive.
Not trying to lock you in, just introducing Team Finalgear as an option. We are not actively seeking new members, but we welcome everyone who'd like to join us. The more the better.
Vale 46, the blur on some of your pictures seems to be too hard. On the 1st one you posted, its too much I think, and on the last two the transition seems to be too sharp.
Oterwise pretty nice work, the angle and composition of the pictures is pretty cool.
I believe noone likes crackers here, all the people who bought LFS respect the developers and their work. And everyone knows this. Posting 100times "go away cracker" doesn't make the situation any better, and won't get rid of crackers.
But anyway, my post wasn't directed at cracker issues specifically, it was more like an example.
And I do have a sense of humor, but when 100people post the same "go way noob" or whatever "funny" picture 100times, and reply the same thing 100times, in 100different repost threards, it's not funny anymore.
The 1st post doesn't sink the forum any lower. It's the 100 replies that do, unfortunatelly. A guy got excited when he saw the news (a bit late), without looking for other threads, he posted this. Big deal. Instead of simply telling that it's a repost, and pointing to the thread this is discussed in (which someone did actually later on) people keep jumping up and down on a post, that's nothing new anyway.
What are the threads with most discussion?
1, When there's a repost
2, When there's a cracker
Simply lock these threads, and don't deal with them. What good does it bring for 150people to shout in repost, repost, repost.
To be honest, I don't follow all the sections in the LFS forum, mainly the media/screenshots/renders section, add ons, layouts, and that's about it. In most of these sections, people that actually post something creative and useful, don't get any reply whatsoever. Threads with x hundred views, and noone says anything. The only time there is some activity in those threads is when some cracker posts something, and then 200 poeople jump in throwing around hot air.
You'll fine on our site a few posters that I've made (below the wallpapers). Most of them are quite similar, since I usually do them in a hurry to have them up for the weekly race in our team, and don't really have much time to experiment, but well, worth to take a look I guess.
If you hit shift+U while watching the replay, you get a save layout button.
So people can save the layout already from this replay, no need to post the actual layout anymore.
It looks quite ok, although I'd change a few parts. I have several layouts like this where me and a mate "test" BM style cars with stock setups against each other. Although none in the city, most are for Aston and tracks that have some more elevation, to make it more "touge"-ish.
What I'd change is the following:
- Don't use everywhere these buggy barriers, and allign them better
- Some parts are too narrow and slow
- Some parts are too long and fast
So I'd balance it a bit more, but that's just my taste and preference.
Also, don't expect many replies. Apparently people don't tend to give a lot of feedback on layouts. Made 2 threads myself with x hundred views, and got 2 replies in total.
3 New drift layouts are added. Screenshots, details etc on our site as usuall.
EDIT: Some of the links below may not work anymore because our site went under major changes, but all the layouts are still on our site. Just visit the link below, all layouts are sorted there, you can easily find everything.
You have to scroll down a bit, the new layouts are on the bottom, 5-6-7.
All are drift layouts for Fern Bay. One for each rally track (only tarmac part there) and one for FE Green Reversed, 1st section.
Intro videos are availabel now for all layouts, so it's easier for you to see the actual layout without opening LFS. The video is in a rar file split to 1.4mb pieces, due to file size limit on, where we host the videos. So sorry about the inconvenience.
NB: I didn't steal the idea for the short FE rally track, from that other thread that's here. All of these layouts were done quite a while ago, just some finishing touches here and there, to make them nicer, have been done recently.
Added a few videos, for those that didn't try the layouts yet, and are too lazy to do so.
NB: Sorry for the crappy quality, but these are not edited videos, just for illustration purposes, so file size had to be kept down.
Also, these are not hosted on our main site, its just something I registered at for these videos. Hopefully bandwith won't be killed and links will be up for a while.