Wondering why I wasn't getting pushed exiting T3, and it was because it was the last lap. Thought for sure I saw 41/42 going into T3. Oh well, I blame Deko not saying "WHITE FLAG" like he normally does.
It's as hard as you make it. If you practice a lot and try doing a lot of setup work, then it can pay off well and you can do pretty good. But to qualify, you want to finish in the top 10 in points in either season 1, 2, or 3. Season 4 you then have pro series, where I believe you must finish in the top 20 in order to obtain a DWC license. Pro series is a 10 week season (skips Xmas and New Years) that is normally messy as people scramble to get points. In the past, playing it safe in Pro can almost ensure you a DWC license. Please note though, that pace in the Class A series does not always relate to the Pro/DWC level whatsoever. Rarely you have a top driver go through A class anymore, most of them currently aren't top 10 material (no offense to them, just being honest).
In the end, you would have to see if you even like the car. Being consistent in it as well with good pace is probably the most important thing. If you can't stay concentrated for 60-90 minutes straight, you're going to have problems later on when racing.
Ignorant: lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated.
Wasn't really going for an insult, just wondering how on Earth you were trying to make that comparison.
Personally, iRating doesn't mean all that much at that low of a level. Gaining iRating in D class would probably be easier than gaining in rookie, as the chances of you being taken out have dropped some. You can start from the pits and still either gain iRating or remain the same. In most rookie races you'll have drivers dropping like rocks, allowing you to gain positions. It only takes four races I believe and you can be out of rookie, so why not take that opportunity, evening out your iRating as your worst possible outcome and just move to D? If you believe you won't be gaining iRating at D class level, then it isn't entirely other cars to blame.
When quite a few of my team mates were moving from LFS to iRacing, they went from Rookie to A class in 3-4 days, only buying the Star Mazda outside of the F1 car. They got out of rookie ASAP, and then gained all their iRating using the Star Mazda so they could reach the top split races in F1 by the next weekend. Trying to juice everything out of the rookie class just isn't worth it in the end.
Going to compare the first season of iRacing to now, k. Not only is everyone in rookie at that time, but you couldn't even advance licenses until after the season is over with. So basically can't tell if trolling or if you are being that ignorant.
T3 curb gets me good. A couple at Silverstone do it too, one being Becketts. Sometimes I think I'm clipping inside the curb and that's pulling the inside front tire, but then sometimes I'm just barely on the curb and it sucks me in. Not really sure why. The curbs on exit don't really bother me, as normally that is predictable.
It's not really the curbs giving me silly bounces, but instead the random grip and grab I get from the inside curbs in low speed. Maybe it is my imagination, I don't know.
Great racing. All the good cars were up front at the end which made for a great finish as well. Glad to see Jr as happy as he is, his FoxSportsLive interview was great.
Only bad part is that Dillon wrecks 10 cars in two different wrecks and gets a top 10 out of it.