I think it's meant in the sense that the car handled pretty erratically, and not very realistic..
In other words, to make it not handle like shit you need a weird setup.
In a not-so-distant future update, worlds should have a new save format. Hopefully that means worlds saved in a single or very few files, resulting in much faster copying
Equal amounts of power and torque makes no sense.. :dopey: And yeah, current engines don't have a very wide powerband. The 2013 engines will probably have a wider powerband, but will also have to deal with turbolag.
Global warming doesn't even exist, yeah.. Pretty sure anthropogenic climate change is real though. The difference mostly exists in that we aren't sure that we're actually causing a warmer climate. It's just changing because of us.
The media focuses a lot on negative things, which is a problem I think.. Leads to thinking like this. IMO the only real problem you've stated is overpopulation, which is going to be bad..