If you mean chat channels known from other online games, then pretty please yes. Private messages and Team messages are quite important things in LFS too, I think. Example: If we wanted to discuss pitstop strategy with teammates, we had to switch to MSN during some league race. Same when my teammate acted like a fool, and I really didn't want to teach him in front of other players.
Yes please hide !text. Chat will be free of spam. Great suggestion.
I hoped for something with a story, but I only found the FZ5, driving after interesting tuned RB4, around South City. Without all the realistic details in LFS original sound such as engine load, precise tyres skid sounds, bumps, decays from surrounding buildings. Also the driver cam doesn't tell us if the car we are in is that Police car we seen before, or another tuned ricer, simply having fun with that black RB4. No marks of police car at all.. no siren, no comms, no interior detail....
The LFS sound might use some improvement, but your soundtrack is really very funny. (a bad joke though)
Sorry for being honest, because I still like the fact that someone tried to make a LFS video, using Premiere, cool! Would love to see some more from you.
Thanks. And the hospital visitors parking is that smallest parking lot on the map, that screenshot was taken near that parking place.
BTW, I tried to play with barrier's texture too, but there is nothing we can do about that red overlay, I'm affraid. And those red/white racey stripes are the most distracting on it, for the city. No texture underneath that red stripe can help it. Except they looked really too dark (difficult to drive) sigh...
I'm still a huge fan of ATC CnR game. Although nowadays we are with few optimists working on the new CITYLIFE project. Since the game doesn't help too much to the sim-like gameplay (other than amazing physics), we have asked Monkster (the guy behind the genial LFSlapper) for the server-side addon. I'm still not sure if this will work, but we are trying hard to offer some new and entertaining gameplay which will meet players' taste. I'm one of admins at MaxH's City Driving server, and we are trying to watch and take the best game moments to the CITYLIFE rules. This time being forced by the program.
Nothing can beat the real race, but I hope this will be a funny change.
Yeah me likes the smoked rear lights, and the tattoo on the roof. But the roof looks a bit plain, if you know what i mean. I would expect some leather seams on it, or perhaps some very gentle shading... dunno...
I tried to play with your tool and always checked the passenger - they seem to completely ignore PLY config. Another interesting thing I wanted to note - in your tool there are plenty of avatars to pick from. But only 1st 10 seem to match ingame after save. Other give quite unpredictable results. Anyone else noticed it?
It's not a problem at all btw, you can just play with it some more and you will find the one you like.
That chick on my passenger seat in her hardcore racing suite and that metallic melon on her head is bugging me more.
This carbon back was my attempt to make Raceabout's ass to look somehow less boxy, and also bring on the fact that in real the whole car is using this material, so why not showing it on some part. The whole orange paint along with blue interior would mimic an actual Raceabout model, but only mimic, since the one we got in LFS is an older model - its original colour was not orange anyways. So I have decided to let the imagination fly, until we probably get the brand new Raceabout in game.
We could call this to be a single red orange colour already. (the fruit)
Did you mean this pearl orange on the whole car, without visible carbon fibre, or the colour without this chavy pearl effect?
(btw I'm happy you liked dark one, same here, also my irl friends being architects too, definetly picked the dark one. Guys in LFS were amazed only after I grabbed orange one out of the garage, for the dark elegant one they just say "well, it's... brown" LOL)
I agree with skins - for the main idea, or a moment, to be the strongest, 3 pure colours without any distracting skins would be the best. Also the blue background works for keeping the focus on main happening there. This "less means more" style enpowers the very 1st imperssion, and also its pureness raises the picture closer to the art, I believe. Since the composition is really nice.
I was thinking about the layout some more, comparing why I like certain parts of MaxHs CityDriving server for example (See "the map" in my post above) when playing it, and why I didn't like similiary planned parts in your city. The major (and maybe the only) problem I could find is the scale. Look from the birdeye view at your car, standing in the street there, and you will see what I'm talking about. That's also the reason people probably get lost there, because they are used to see differently sized road, street, highway, etc... Since there are not realistic buildings available as objects, the only reality you got is the scale.
512 objects limit sucks.
(hope this helps, I'm sad nobody else from all those people playing CnR doesn't even care to share and tell you any good idea they might have. On the other side they are smart enough to silently steal ideas of other people... this is not the way leading anywhere.)
Nobody seems to be going to comment any other than just "fun-level" quality of posted screenies. Here I would love to underline the technical perfection (not seen at all pics), the artifical value (seen at just a few), and most importantly fantastic catch of the moment, like photographers use to say. I'm sure that for example DoN, being the widely accepted King of LFS Screenshots, would agree with my very high rating for this wonderful screenie.
I tried your layout and also DDS modification (even installed Nvidia dds tools again) and to be honest, I didn't like the layout too much. Maybe because I'm used to different one, too. But when I was trying to drive through your city, I was loosing orientation. Maybe except those neat "building blocks" in the center. Textures are good, inspirating job dude!
There are more than just one Citylife CnR servers running today, as you all already might notice. However, as many who visited them say, only MaxHs CityDriving Cops&robber
offers morons-free friendly environment with respect to simple server rules, frequently being checked by mature admins and even host himself.
Whoever is hosting the other city (with cloudy weather and 15 slots) should know, that it is nice to kindly ask for permission before you simply stole the layout and host it. illepall
To taste, read offline testing only. I didn't make the original layout, just suggested few ideas by directly editing it, credits go to Sternendaal and MaxHeadroom. I like to see more Cities online, just suggest you to give some credit to guys who gave their ideas and time to us, so we can play it. If you overlook the basic ethics, you just make yourself look funny.
Ok let's move over, here is a mood picture from the City I prefer to visit
Added Citylife map with important areas. A must for every serious COP!
I have no clue how did you do it, but it's perfect for Streetracing or just cruising in Raceabout. The only thing which is missing now is to be able to edit passenger as well. Ya know what I mean, me in a T-shirt, hair in the wind, and on my passenger seat some booby alien with a helmet like a melon... instead of a booby blonde/brunette!
Could it be done? Seriously.
Thanks for support. I never cared about AIs (well maybe my very 1st days with LFS, but only till I found out how sucky they are even at PRO level) and so I never thought about any kind of traffic being created by AI cars. All the traffic, cops, ambulances, taxi, all the life going on in such a city should be there thank to dedicated players, human players. So whenever Scawen said he would disable AIs, I only said "of course, who needs those stupid dummies".
And how about the damage level in percent? Can it be got from the game? Particular interest is for Autocross, where are not pits, if I shift+S (teleport to pits), script would charge me some credits based on how much I damaged my car before pit. Can it be done?
Heh, sorry but typical VIP talk. In my oppinion it is only correct if such a phenomenal combination of realistic physics, decent graphics and amazing network system found in LFS offers more driving situations to more players and their various preferences. It's not only about the circuit racing you probably have on mind. Although the AS National with GTRs seems to be the core experience in LFS, there is also remarkable variety of completely different events to enjoy. F1 races, NASCAR-like ovals, Autocross rally, MRT on its own, drags, drifting servers - all of them are so different that although I tried them all of course, I don't like them all. But still, I honestly don't see how drifters with their tuner XRTs are destroying my Aston DTM races. Why can't you just join your prefered server and let others have their drifts or ovals or autocross stunts for example?
And why couldn't we extend the posibilities of fun with this popular gameplay of Citylife as well? Especially when Scawen itself says he always wanted to do it, it's just not high enough at his dense priority features list?
You wrote you want a realistic driving experience and not a console thumb-hurting experience where you outrun cop cars. How about a realistic driving experience where you outrun cop cars? Which is obviously the only feel we can expect from Scavier? It's so obvious that the free roaming city being suggested here was ment to be based completely on the "You must do the driving!" philosophy, that your desperate try to twist it upside-down cannot be innocent. And that's sad.
Well, since ajp71, tristancliffe and other smart gentlemen only can talk about their mad searching capabilities, I have done my own try. Here is my hit:
Hmm, with that type of rendering, would it be kind of impossible to create an open, free roaming style map? For example, as some have stated an open South City would be cool. However, the way it sounds, it may be very difficult to get a decent framerate for something like that. Either that, or it would take a long time for the optimizer to work through the map.
It's horn5 (as stated in server rules to be used by cops - only) and I'm sure everybody will download it, if it will get advertised on the server. Another issue might be the tricky way to this topic, but every diehard fan of Citylife has it already in their subsribed threads!
to spsamsp: I will add an mp3 preview for you to the post above