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S2 licensed
They arent that hard. i can use them with keys pretty easily. maybe your more of a FWD man csu.
S2 licensed
Amp. going by that last picture you have about another 5 laps left i think. theres still a layer to go. And just try and make sure you arent scrubbing the wheels when you turn, really ruins tyres.
S2 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion :My CPU is AMD Athlon XP (Well that's what it says on the box

theres lots of althon XP processors, mine is the 2400. and it seems yours is a lot better then mine
S2 licensed
I would also side with you on this, but if you knew the amount of sabotage that goes on in F1 (i have contacts on the inside *cue fearful music*) almost every race at least one team has something done to their cars to try and stop them finishing the race.
S2 licensed
Riders motion what CPU do you have? as i have the same graphics card and get about 20FPs at the start of the large grids with no AA and AF and about 50-60 on average normally.
S2 licensed
Just listened to that first clip keiran.....put a smile on my face and a shiver down my spine! BRING BACK MURRAY! ill be away that weekend can anyone give me the radio station frequency? i may be able to tune in whilst away.
S2 licensed
Quote from AtomAnt :So what, I don't see servers full of this car or that...start something

I'd love to see XRR at SO1R...but i'm not going to post.......I'll just start something.

A Ant

Id prefer so2 over so1 now get that server up!
S2 licensed
Just to help scawen, i was using compressed skins and no v-sync. though i think i had frame rate capped to 62fps if it helps.
S2 licensed
Quote :6 Km Straight Oval Track

personally ive never seen a straight circle.
Possible leaving pit bug (GetPlateHandle failed)
S2 licensed
I was just on the conedodgers server, i was on the car setup/garage screen and each time somebody left the pits an error came up in the chat saying

GetPlateHandle failed

Any ideas what went wrong? was a full race at the time, maybe something to do with that?
S2 licensed
yeah i know, im rubbish at phrasing Just found a server i wanted to join, and what do u know, its using the same restrictions as the CTRA. I give up, ill start racing again when test patches come out, at least i get some good races then!
S2 licensed
i wont use them, plainly cause i get auto kicked for the fact im on keyboard n having to use auto gears. i prefer non-elitist racing. *sigh* i want crc back, least i could get some good races.
S2 licensed
i cant find any good servers its all gone back to the same original combos or under 3 people racing.
S2 licensed
yeah, all but one team is racing this season which is good! apart from me being one of the bottom two teams so far
S2 licensed
same happened here mark, but i lost im in division 39 now, anyone else there?
S2 licensed
i can get 1:25's with keys, im usually average/middle pack or near the top end when i race, unless its single seaters which is when i get the wheel out!
S2 licensed
Its irish folk/punk rock, its funny to see live, people moshing to an acoustic guitar, accordion, violin and banjo!
S2 licensed
FLOGGING MOLLY If you haven't heard of them, go find their music NOW!
S2 licensed
maybe re-create a few of my uncles creations?
Ford Thames van with a mustang V8 mounted in the back.
Zodiac with a jaguar E-type V12
Hilman Imp with a V8 (which ripped it in half somehow )
Twin Engined motorbike (fitted along the length of the bike)

And pretty much anything else along those lines!
S2 licensed
^^^ i tried installing them on my FX5700.......said i didnt have a graphics card and quit the installation. so im back on 93.xx
S2 licensed
wow u have large capacity lungs there josh!
S2 licensed
ok, so not a bug BUT an idea to help with the vote problem with all the disconnects etc. would it be possible to maybe put a button in the connections menu (like the send setup button) to toggle on/off that will then automatically vote to restart after a votes been canceled once the person has connected/disconnected? probably wouldn't work, but just an idea that popped into my head. would just have to be careful it doesn't automatically vote when the race restarts
S2 licensed
wait a while then upgrade the HQ for £2,000,000
S2 licensed
*goes to check race report*

looks like im in the boring league! only one other team competed............and beat me easily
S2 licensed
53rd for me. should be a good season.