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S3 licensed
Quote from Dac :you sir are not an alien. you are a foreign alien from a parallel universe where you defy the laws of driving!

Oki doki, IF during the summer I don't get well cooked in meh room, I promise to make a movie. It's gonna be simple, no shiney video effects and magic, just some text, some pictures and some LFS driving and it's gonna explain in detail how to go from zero to alien in 1 year time. Alien is just a state of mind. It doesn't really exist.
S3 licensed
Mm, I hope everyone understands that giving the XFR a sequential gearbox with ignition cut has made it considerably faster than UFR, so I'm hoping the UFR gets one too. Otherwise it's a bit unfair..
S3 licensed
procrastinating.. big word for a small bird

but yea, ur prolly right.. i diserve to be celebrated (cause of my awesomeness).. tnx tnx xoxoxo
S3 licensed
silence infidels!
S3 licensed
Quote :23:12… × @My3id|r4p slaps scipy around a bit with a dildo
23:13… @My3id|TimmY: DILDO!
23:13… +scipy:
23:13… +scipy: rofl
23:13… +scipy: timmy has like a highlight
23:13… +scipy: wheneva someone says dildo
23:13… +scipy: he's the first one on scene
23:13… @My3id|TimmY:
23:14… @My3id|r4p: lol
23:15… @My3id|r4p: saw GT3 race replay... was :X
23:15… @My3id|r4p: 8 drivers + T1 noobness
23:15… @My3id|r4p: glad we arent in it
23:15… +scipy: rofl
23:15… +scipy: i wanted to drive that GT3 cup
23:15… +scipy: until i saw their "rules"
23:15… +scipy: about a "setup"
23:16… +scipy: with 240 N/mm springs
23:16… +scipy: ktnxbye .
23:16… +scipy: idiots.
23:16… @My3id|r4p:
23:17… +scipy: they dont understand that in LFS
23:17… +scipy: what u set as a spring
23:17… +scipy: is a direct wheel rate
23:17… +scipy: cause it's simulated that way
23:17… +scipy: motion ratio is 1
23:17… @My3id|r4p: wheel rate?
23:17… +scipy: ehm.
23:17… +scipy: ****en zafa
23:17… +scipy: doesnt know anything
23:17… +scipy: ok
23:17… @My3id|r4p: :X
23:17… +scipy: if the spring is mounted directly above the wheel
23:17… +scipy: totally vertical
23:17… +scipy: above it's axis
23:18… +scipy: then spring rate is equal to wheel rate
23:18… +scipy: so when a wheel moves 1 inch
23:18… +scipy: spring moves 1 inch
23:18… +scipy: but
23:18… +scipy: if u ever looked under a wheel arch of a car
23:18… +scipy: coilover dampers with a spring
23:18… +scipy: are usually mounted
23:18… @My3id|r4p: :O
23:18… +scipy: a bit sideways
23:18… +scipy: like /
23:18… @My3id|r4p: yah
23:18… +scipy: if u look from front
23:18… +scipy: this means that
23:18… +scipy: as a wheel deflects 1 inch
23:18… +scipy: spring is gonna deflect more
23:18… +scipy: cause it has "leverage" over the wheel
23:19… @My3id|r4p: yah
23:19… +scipy: via the suspension arm etc
23:19… +scipy: so
23:19… +scipy: u acutally use harder springs
23:19… +scipy: or softer
23:19… +scipy: depending on the motion ratio
23:19… @My3id|r4p: i see
23:19… +scipy: how much wheel moves compared to how much spring moves
23:19… +scipy: divided by 2
23:19… +scipy: or sumtin
23:19… +scipy: SO
23:19… @My3id|r4p: but theres one thing i dunno understand
23:19… +scipy: IRL porsche
23:19… +scipy: will use a 240 N spring
23:19… @My3id|r4p: :O
23:19… +scipy: but the motion ratio
23:19… +scipy: will divide that
23:19… +scipy: by some value
23:20… +scipy: so u will get a "wheel rate"
23:20… +scipy: of 90 N/mm
23:20… +scipy: but in LFS we use 90 right away
23:20… +scipy: cause the spring is simulated as a vertical force thingy
23:20… @My3id|r4p: :O
23:20… +scipy: if u look at the F view
23:20… +scipy: u will notice it's just a huge verical bar.
23:20… +scipy: so motion ratio = 1
23:20… @My3id|r4p: :X
23:20… +scipy: so 240 N/mm spring in LFS = idiotic.
23:20… +scipy: so GT3 cup = idiotic
23:21… +scipy: and run by idiots.
23:21… @My3id|r4p: yaya.. is all good - but i dunno understand something
23:21… +scipy:
23:21… @My3id|Evolution: i like the conclusions
23:21… +scipy:
23:21… @My3id|r4p: what does this have to do with u and dildoes?
23:21… +scipy: i should start charning these convos
23:21… +scipy: u see
23:21… +scipy: a dildo has it's springrate
23:21… @My3id|Evolution: rofl
23:21… @My3id|r4p: true
23:21… +scipy: so depending on how the tip is tilted in regards to the base
23:21… @My3id|Banister: hahahaha
23:21… @My3id|r4p: u move 1 inch, doldo moves 2?
23:21… +scipy: this is important
23:21… +scipy: cause the motion ratio changes
23:21… +scipy: exactly!
23:22… @My3id|r4p: i gets it
23:22… +scipy: i think i've peaked the humor of that

that conversation might shed some light
S3 licensed
good thing no one who matters cares about ur vision. ur little whining rant is more about your shortcomings than the shortcomings of lfs. imo, you dont get to complain since you didnt finish 1 race in half a year. fierce competiton is still here, and i'm guessing that you are still not fierce enough for it.
Last edited by scipy, .
S3 licensed
OCT is actually an austrian company, but they have a division in croatia. I believe in croatia it's around 1-1.5k euros, in austria tuning for powerful cars sets people back several thousand euros. But then again, they are the only ones giving you a 100 000 km warranty on the engine and everything related to it (a friend broke his dual mass flywheel because the car had more power and OCT just gave him the money for a new one, he didn't even have to present the old one as evidence).
S3 licensed
OMG. Just stop, everyone is using loads and loads of argument fallacies about "oh zhe engineers will tune a spring to give it more df" and "fat guy with beer belly will remove a part to make the car faster", you actually proved nothing. Chip tuning done by a guy with a laptop in his mom's garage can ruin your engine, it will run too lean, it will smoke etc etc. Chip tuning done by a professional is a feasible way of improving performance, ofcourse it wont cost u 500 euros (that most of the momma's boys will charge) it'll set you back let's say 1500+ euros if done by OCT (a company that chiptunes all the Subaru's for the austrian/german rallys). There is an argument to be made about efficiency too, if you up the engine power by 10 % and fuel consumption stays the same or even increases by a few %, relative to the new engine power it's still a better efficiency than the one you previously had.

My suggestion Victor, don't write it off just yet, especially for turbo-diesel engines (those get the biggest gains) - rather check out the company which is doing it and their reputation. There are reputable firms employing a large number of "zhe engineerz" who do wonders with engine control managment.
S3 licensed
Mista Southwood \o/ |o| (o( /o\ (YMCA ja?)
S3 licensed
Quote from Darkone55 :Just this afternoon, Scip came to me for a setup for Aston National/BF1. But maybe it's not the same set. I don't really care, but I thought it was funny.

Yah, I asked u for a base set, something to start me out with, but it was far from a drivable race set (drivable by pearcy).. but yea, let's say 80 % of the set is Darky's.. Don't know how to look at it really since I changed: springs, arbs, ride heights, dampers, diff, pressures, cambers, brakes, tc settings. Only things left are gears, downforce and steering. So, is it really the set u gave me? I mean, I'll give credit where its due, but just to clarify, I didn't just take a set from basnub and resent it to pearcy, some actual setup development was made.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bawbag :I just wanted to say, I got a setup from Sasa for as Hist FXR tonight for the LFSWS and it was the absolute shit, dude got skills and dude needs respect.

Hes so great, he's so fine, oh boi I wish he was mine.

/Ode to scipy

S3 licensed
If u had read the post a bit more carefully, I wrote that I have no problems sharing sets with bawbag/jay/anyotherdriver, cause they have all shared sets with me when I still didn't know as much as I know now.
S3 licensed
Just read what I wrote. Obviously it can be done from windows explorer but it would be easier to do from LFS, since you dont have to go into 2 folders separatly.
Multiple replays selection/deletion
S3 licensed
Obviously this can be done by going into the LFS/data/mpr or /spr folder and doing it manually, but it would be a whole lot easier if shift or control would affect the file selection in the Replays menu in the game itself (as it affects file selection in Windows). I acumulate a lot of replays and some are worth keeping and some are not, it would be great if I could just select multiple replays and just click delete once and confirm it once. Don't think it's such a big think to ask for and it would improve that menu a bit.
S3 licensed
Well I'm not that furry, actually more smooth like a baby's ass except the ass.. that's kinda furry (bawbag has a furry ass too). And this is why bagbag calls me ****lipz
Bawbag scared by scipy. Pwnage audio clip.
S3 licensed
Ok so, I've sent this clip to some people over IRC/MSN and I've been told to post it in LFS Forum cause it is "the most pwnage laugh ever, priceless, one of those things that can become an instant internet hit or ringtone, infectious" and some other things that make my penis grow larger when I hear them.

So, this is the setup.. Bawbag and I were hanging out on MSN couple of nights ago and he started a video chat (him having a webcam and me not having one :shrug, so I could see him and we were just typing some obscene things about cumming and sperm and other wonderful things. And then ingenious idea by me - let's turn on teamspeak, so we did. Talked dirty for a bit, then Bawbag got a text on his mobile from "some girl", so as he was reading it and then started to type a reply I kinda felt ignored and I could still see him just staring into the mobile (with his headset still on). So I did what any self respected humor factory would do - I screamed at the top of my lungs. You can guess what unfolded after that - Ray kinda jumped like a little girl in his chair and made a funny hand movement almost droppin' his mobile, and I started to laugh histericaly when I saw this. Teamspeak was recording our conversation so you get the distinct pleasure to hear this. Enjoy.
S3 licensed
Quote from rc10racer :Been meaning to upload my sets for while now but forgot about it so this topic reminded to get off my ass and do it.

p.s. scipy whats the going rate for being a quere these days?

you should know, ja?
S3 licensed
Quote from chanoman315 :but remember you dont like to share sets

hey, for a hundred quid i'll share my butthole with the comunity.
S3 licensed
k. i win this. no one else needs to participate cause i am the bestest and u dont stand a chance.
S3 licensed
It is your problem and your personal opinion. It does not have any hold over me or anyone else. In LFS sets might matter even more because, apart from the driver, they are the only thing that separate one car from the other (all drivers in same cars ofcourse). Again, people's ability to produce good setups depend on their driving and objectivity - so your sets (and many other people's) dont have a chance in hell of being anywhere near good enough.
S3 licensed
So if I give my set to bawbag and he takes down a WR I should forbid him to upload it? That's just silly. On the other hand, I can't really count on people being fair - can I? I think this is a good time to quote Mark Donohue. The book is "The Unfair Advantage", page 85, chapter about LOLA T70. Setup is as follows: at the first race at Elkhart Lake, Dan Gurney's car was pretty slow and had some suspension problems, but when Dan showed up for the next race the car was heaps faster. So now the actual passage by Mark Donohue:

"When Dan showed up at the next race he had a different rear suspension and the car was lots faster. He had moved the control arm brackets around and fabricated new wishbones, probably based on his experiences with the Ford factory team efforts. I didn't understand why, and I was really curious about it. Even though I still didn't know him, he seemed like such a likeable guy that I asked him. "Please, would you mind telling me what you've done here?" Dan sat down and said, "Look, we all work really hard in racing to be a little bit better than the next guy. Roger (Penske) has a lot of ins that I don't have, like getting pieces from Chevrolet and cars from Lola. Now maybe I understand suspensions a little bit better than other people, and that may give me some small advantage. I would be stupid to tell that to anyone." I thought that was a really good answer. He could have said, "Go shove it!" but instead he calmly and sensibly said what I always say now when asked a similar question. After that I never asked a competitor a question, and I seldom offered any solutions. Whenever I did, I'm sorry to say, I usually lost somehow because of it."

So, to sum up. Bawbag is probably the most naturally talented driver in LFS, it took him the shortest amount of time to go from nob to consistant WR holder and race winner. His sets, I'm sorry to say, usually suck (for normal people) becuase they are too edgy (oversteery) because he can balance the car on a much finer line than me. On the other hand, I lack talent, but I make up for it by reading countless books on driving and car mechanics and suspensions. So if this setup (or any other setup) is the tool which allows me to come to a same level (or at least really close) to Bawbag or any other "alien" for that matter - it is only because I've put in the work and made a set that is very driveable with the correct technique (trading off braking for cornering forces smoothly). So who are you, or even who is Victor, to say that it's "fair game" to just take it?

P.S. People who don't know basics about how springs and antiroll bars work wont benefit from seeing "oh look it's a harder suspension for this track". They will just copy without any understanding and still not be able to drive it because it is not tailored to their style or level of skill. So please just quit trying to justify "stealing". Or even if you do steal or take what is not yours - give credit where credit is due. And credit for most good FZR setups that float around your folders goes to Sracer - because it was his Aston GP set from almost 2 years ago that is STILL the base for many of the sets out there (including the as3 set in question).
S3 licensed
k, patience then. tnx for the speedy reply.
S3 licensed
Didn't know if I should post this here, but it's a problem in Y19 too so.. I'm gonna bring it up here. During a race, if you pull up the F12 menu and request some setup changes (like more negative camber in the pitstop - because you might have 1 of the suspension arms damaged and the middle layer of the tire is heating up the most) - as soon as you stop it fixes all the damage (even though the damage repair is set to NO!). Please fix this as BF1 races are almost impossible with losses of up to 20 seconds on fixing damage (and damage is picked up even on the straights, and obviously on realistic curbs).

So, if the damage repair is set to NO and we request some setup changes like pressure or camber, even wings - make it not fix everything and then do the setup adjustments. Please.
S3 licensed
Me not giving people a set is not a challange for you to go and steal it from a spr. I've had the sub-wr time on aston national for the past 3 months almost and never felt the need to upload it just cause of people like you (and others whom I have occasionally asked for a set and got "SRY TEAM SET" excuses). So it is _NOT_ bawbag's set (in fact he can't even drive it cause it's just heaps of understeer - because of his lausy driving technique :nod so he changed some of the things you cant see from a raf. In any case, the set first came from Biernot (SKA69) in the previous patch even, and then I worked on it and now it's credited to Bawbag. And you wonder why people wont give away sets easily (at least people who actually put in the work on the set).

Call me whatever you want but I was not and am not ever gonna be one of the people who are affraid to give a set to someone because that someone might "beat me". Hell, I gave the set to bawbag and still he got pwnt online. EPIC FAIL.

Don't go around stealing sets. Learn. Make your own. When you are able to build decent sets we might exchange some - me just giving away setups and still having to build them for every new combo just doesn't make any sense.
S3 licensed
1 suggestion though: for some of the people who would like to see the "traction circle of things".. can you make the little black balls in the G-meters leave a thin trace line that would stay there for like 1 second? So it keeps drawing it, but old parts of the line get deleted as the car drives on. And maybe this too, depeding on the car's ability to pull a G amount, draw a circle with that G value that would remain permanent. So for regular cars it can be at 1.05 or 1.10 G, and for FZR or BF1 it can be 3/4.. basically read the maximum value of the lateral G from the raf and draw a circle with that radius. Can this be done?