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S3 licensed
-irtep- says (16:51):
you cant deny that idea isnt the most outstandin ever
scipy says (16:51):
fuken tards

MSN is the window to the soul.
S3 licensed
Ur an idiot and u should be beaten.
S3 licensed
You bunch of silly bitches, why do u do this to me. As if I don't waste enough of my time on silly crap.. now I'm blasting youtube best of 90's all morning long
S3 licensed
Cmon forbin, if he doesn't even wanna read the manual and doesn't understand crap, lay off the dampers and shiz.

1. take a set you liked on some other track (or a hotlap set for the current track if making a race set)
2. adjust gearing first, top gear to run out of rpm at the end of longest straight, other gears suited for particular corners: i.e. if you are approaching a corner in 3rd gear and have to shift to 4th for like 0.5 sec and then downshift again - make the 3rd gear longer
3. downforce (depending on the car): for formula type cars you want 1 click more of rear wing if making a race set that will carry a high fuel load since the fuel tank is in the rear. Opposite for FZR for example (since fuel tank is in front).
4. probably leave the springs and dampers as they are (since damper settings depend on spring stiffness anyway) and just adjust the antirollbars if you want more or less oversteer
5. in RWD cars if the rear is getting away, don't put more wing right away, try more rear toe in (+ values)
6. if the car feels sloppy on turn in you can increase front camber a bit, if the rear is breaking away progressivley through a corner then increase rear camber a bit (which ever end has more negative camber that end has more grip)
7. go read the manual, it's there for a reason. this is the last time i'm writing any help/guide for people who are too lazy to help themselves.
S3 licensed
Hi! I'm looking for a team! I like drift & oval bestest. Usually 7 sec off WR (but worse with practice)!

Just die in an xfusiony fire
S3 licensed
omg, now I have to change avatar..
S3 licensed
it's true, i just have nothing better to do and everyone else is so bad at arguing that this was way too amusing to stop right right away :P i'm just glad that crashkart sees m point xoxo

oh and as far as whole "good team" arguments go, just give it a rest. any team for which 4-5 people on TS agree (within the first 3 hours of the 12 h race) is a MEANACE on the track and start warning you when you're about to lap them "ur approaching <team name> go REALLY wide cause u know how stupid they are" is not and prolly never will be a good team.
Last edited by scipy, .
S3 licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :If you say so scipeyyyyy, unlike you, i don't use cheats to get my pace, i think you saw that one coming, probably already got your answer typed out.

As always, u were right.
S3 licensed
I love how it went from good to decent, let's demote it a bit more to a realistic level. Although, when you left it got better, that's for sure.
S3 licensed
Quote from TexasLTU :If you want grumpy and ignorant players, who think that no one else is faster and more intelligent than you, join rFactor.

Wait, u mean u should go join rfac cause ur ignorant and think ur fast? I agree with that one. hf
S3 licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :So scipy, how are teams ever supposed to get good without fast drivers?

Stop being so fekin critical about everything people do, its their choice, not yours, if everyone was like you the world would be a seriously ****ed up place.

So ur argument is: if your team is slow - get fast drivers? how about get some non-idiots capable of learning and improving? hihiihihih.

If everyone in the world was like me it would be beautiful, it would be complete harmony. There would be no stupid in-the-way people who don't start on green ligths, there wouldn't be stupid questions, just.. ur making me cry right now cause I know it's never gonna happen

Tnx for ruining my dreams.

P.S. "xfusion is a good team" good one.
S3 licensed
Quote from Chriskart :Heh n scipy, what a weirdo you are

WTF is wrong with you people? I am the wierdo? Seriously, you are ALL acting like mindless drones. I could probably post a topic that says something like "scipy joins a demo racing team in order to drive more blackwood rallyx" and there would FOR SURE be loads of idiots just congratsing away. Just stop being fake nice and congratsing everyone on even the most missguided decisions.

That's why I usually never reply into topics like "<insert nub name> joins <mediocre team>", but still there's post after post of congrats to both parties and they're BOTH probably worse off than they were before.

Fact is, scawty (whom I still kinda love, a bit) joined a team cause of his missguided alligience to some 2 australian fools that happen to be in this team. It's a terrible thing that happened and there's nothing to congradulate anyone on. They took a "good" driver cause they're selfish and he's too weak to say no cause he has to see one of the fools every day.. hence - my condolances to ducky.

S3 licensed
Quote from sidi :Whats wrong did they knock you back?

Finally! Someone noticed
S3 licensed
Quote from EliteAti :You've heard of a donkey which is unique, because its faster than a horse?
Its Xfusion

Tnx for making my point for me, it was expected that some lower life form from XFusion will try and jump into "defence" mode and fail miserably.
S3 licensed
Talk about going from a horse to a donkey.. My condolances ducky.
S3 licensed
OMGOMGOGMOGMG UR SO CUTE! next time u could say like "hi scipy, i wuv u".. that's the least u could do after everything..
S3 licensed
lawl, everyone is so "sad" and "awww" but in the back of everyone's head is prolly "omg omg we godda get bawbag into our team"

bunch of hypocrites. sry paul, xoxo
S3 licensed
Quote from Rudy van Buren :scipy said he didnt use it aswell..

hahahahhahahhaa. go die in a fire. xoxo.
S3 licensed
This is all very pathetic. You all know very little about tires (at best), so why not just shut to hell up, because you are not helping to solve the problem and your whining and arguments are of no help to anyone. That's as far as insults to the comunity go.

As far as Scawen is concerned, for Christ's sakes.. get some proper beta testers. You have a god damn Norbi playing this game and if anyone bothered to actually CHECK for some FACTS you would find the following:

1. cold tire model = total garbage, once the tire is black (24°C) even 3 laps of pushing on Aston GP wont get it back to how it's supposed to look.
2. too little a number of compounds, R3 on a XFR are not supposed to be the same as R3 on a FZR, nor should they have the same temperatures etc. LFS needs at least 1 compound more between the ones that it already has.
3. tire grip doesnt get BETTER as the thread is worn out (it gets worse, how much depends on the manufacturer of a certain tire.. for example Pirelli who is an official supplier of tires for Seat Eurocup has a pretty bad tire which suffers from a lot of punctures and the lap times get progresivley worse)
4. cold pressures should be a lot lower (1.4 bar for example, instead of at least 1.8 which u need in XFR if you don't want R3s to burn)
5. thread comes back from massive overheating. WRONG. in real life, once you go past the optimum temp by more than 10-20 deg you can stop and throw the tire away. chunks start falling out, delamination etc. optimum tire temp for a Leon is 80-90 deg, if you go past 110 tires are RUINED and no amount of cooling down will help them come back.
6. tires should be able to operate at optimum temps but have different rates of wear. example: leon tire is 3/4 worn after a 60 km (14 lap race) even if kept at nice optimum temps.
7. tires should operate best at lower slip angles (talking about slicks) and reward nice and smooth driving.. for now it's possible to just get the car into oversteers and keep correcting the wheel all the way through a corner.. tires go up 1-2 deg but everything is "fine" (and this is basicaly the fastest way to drive for now).

Now the things that are correct and things that other sims have wrong/right:


1. tire at 50 % wear still keeps same temperatures as a new tire rolling down a straight. WRONG, thread is the heat capacitor in this case.. as it is worn there's less stuff to keep the heat. LFS has this right.
2. tire grip falls off as the tire is worn. this is correct, but the numerical values are waaaaay too big. example graph: ... lemetry/LMgripfactors.png
Tires in lfs should lose grip, but not as drastically as rFactor does it. Even at 13 % wear grip falls off by 5 % in rfactor and the tire becomes almost undrivable. You should be able to do some decent lenght stints on endurance tires without them turning into complete crap. LFS tires get better as they wear out (until the extreme end when they're very cold and become slidey again). FRESH tire has the best available grip, hence hotlaps should be the fastest on a fresh set of R2's.. but if you completley ruin them you can get up to 1 sec advantage on a longer track.
3. bla bla they pick up too much temp by just rolling friction and some other unrealistic things.. but I dont have the time now.

Conclusion: there are probably PLENTY of people who race something in real life (let's count out some of the racers who drive on track days and stuff like that).. just ask people who are succesful in real motorsport AND in LFS.. someone who can feel the difference on a real track and on a LFS track - that is the person who needs to help you beta-test things. Not some kids who just played lfs for 3 years and finally got good at it but have no clue how things actually work and they just wanna adjust everything so it suits them in LFS.

S3 licensed
Quote from LRB_Aly :Ok so in terms of serious competition you never will use fully manual driving, no matter how well trained you are in h&t. Thank you guys for your approachs to this matter.

Don't get me wrong.. the point of heel'n'toe is to keep the car balanced under heavy braking and downshifting it's just that you need to brake and blip the throttle all with the right foot. With left foot braking you just brake with the left one but the throtle should still be blipped on downshifts (with the right foot) depending on how your car is set up i.e. brake bias, tendency toward oversteer, diff locking on coast and diff preload.

Example: on SO4 with FZR you want a very responsive car that will turn in easily so you mostly go for the bigger wing distribution on front, less preload (around 500-600 instead of 700-800 used on most fast tracks), lower locking factor on coast (like 60ish %) and then you have a car that will turn in quite well BUT since the track is very bumpy and some important braking zones are on downhills and over curbs, your brake bias has to be set 1-2 % more towards the rear than it would usually be. The cost of which is that during hard braking and quick downshifts, the rear will want to snatch out and that's where blipping comes in.. you blip (as you would with heel'n'toe) so that the clutch meets the engine flywheel at a more similar rotational speed.

On the other hand, track like KY3: you would use a much more preloaded diff and higher locking factors to stabilise the rear (because the car will have about 34 % downforce on front, usually it's between 30-32 for most other tracks) and then you will blip the throttle less on downshifts (or not at all) to intentionally distabilise the rear in order to help the car to turn in quicker for fast turns. Distabilised rear means front has more grip and the car turns in, because of huge downforce the rear will regain grip almost immediatley after the turn in is done and you drive off into the sunset.
S3 licensed
Quote from LRB_Aly :Hi just wanted to ask what experience you´ve made with heel and toe driving (in combination with manual gearing on a shifter box) in terms of setup and lap times. Does it slow you down? Does it make a difference in setting up you car? Is there anyone driving as fast with paddles as with manual box?
Please share your experiences and opinions.

Setup - no difference.
Does it slow you down - quite a bit.
Anyone driving as fast with manual - no.

Several reasons including, brake pedal modulation, throttle-to-brake transition, clutch timing, misshifts, gearchange timing, inability to keep the concentration on keeping the car at the limit of grip while trying to move your hands and feet off the wheel/pedals.. Basically, if u wanna be slow and keep it "real" in some nubraces/cruise/whaeva then use the shifter and clutch (that's what it's there for), if you want to be competitive and push the limit down to the last possible hundreth of a lap time then paddles are the way to go. The biggest reason for that being that you can minimize unncessary movements and brain time that's otherwise lost on manual work.
S3 licensed
Quote from xaotik :ah cool - a fan on the wheel.
I hear that's the next new thing. Well done.

S3 licensed ... pic,4960.0/topicseen.html

But, if he wanted to achieve anything good, he shoulda opted for a BMW.
S3 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Ok, stfu Scipy already... I had respect for you, laughed to your random jokes on Mirc, etc... if i only knew your such a two-face fa* on time..

: hahhahhahha GG. I'm two-faced just because I don't agree with your ridiculous point of view and fullfil my responsibility to point it out with sarcasam? You should go into politics, maybe u can be pres0dente!

BTW I make it a point to never flatout insult anyone, unlike u just did. I always list specific points and reasons which kinda always lead to a uniform conclusion that the person in question has diminished mental abilities. Tnx for falling in line with the theory.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bandit77 :ahaha... calling people who like racing under other conditions "mentally challenged" is a bit over the top, to say the least.

... and is there any other details about your bike racing that you haven't told us so far?

Actually, it's not over the top, not even a bit. IMO the only restriction in any racing class should be power to weight ratio and tire width - so you can fit 5 different types of cars in a class, and anyone can choose their weapon of choice. Also if your running a "cup" or anything similar setups should not be restricted in any way, why would someone who has the knowledge to give themselves a completley legal advantage be put in the same failboat as the whiner who just came there with no prep work at all and thinks he should have the same chance at winning.

In simracing it's even worse, many of the aspects that a good driver and/or race engineer would consider in real life racing are completley absent in simracing, there is no taking care of a car, keeping track of how many miles each component has and when they have to be changed, or a gazillion other things that help smart people get the car across the finish line. So, with all those "advantages" already gone, can you seriously argue some kind of locked setups and "equality"? It is for the mentally challanged.