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S2 licensed
Quote from Nadeo4441 :How can anybody NOT like this?

hmm i dunno how about by actually sitting on it and enjoying the 1mm of suspension travel going right down your spine on every bump?
S2 licensed
good my trainer port to usb adapter that i use for rc flight sims is recognized as a standard joystick
considering that no pistol transmitter ive ever seen comes with a trainer port ill have to try and see if it actually works with a receiver that has a ppm output (it should considering weve already used it a lot as a wireless trainer cable)

also what you say might be true at the absolute top level of competition but realistically you can pick up an old vector chassis from ebay for around 100€ put in some cheapish gear and youll have just as much fun
in fact thats pretty much exactly what we did a couple of weeks ago when we brought 3 vectors into full driving condition in one weekend (2 electric one nitro)
S2 licensed
so it supports standard joystick inputs? gotta try it with a transmitted hooked up to our wireless trainer va ppm receiver setup some time then
although i kinda fail to see the appeal of using rc sims for anything other than stuff thats really hard to learn
S2 licensed
oh please do you actually believe this rubbish racer? fukushima never happened its all a giant coverup for an alien landing of a species that uses nuclear energy to drive their space ships
S2 licensed
wow that almost as big as my... no im not gonna go there
S2 licensed
im sensing a patter here of fuel being cheap in places no one wants to live in
S2 licensed
Quote from adamlfs :Ok so I got Skyrim today.. Opened.. Disk into drive.. STEAM!!!

The game cannot be installed cause it is not yet released!


the real tragedy here is that if you hadnt bought it legally you could already be playing

Quote from jibber :I was under the impression that skyrim requires a pretty high-end pc to run on high settings, but maybe that's wrong. I didn't actually bother and look up the recommended specs.

i5-2500k ~180€
good mobo ~100-130€
8 gigs of ram ~30-40€
proper cpu cooler ~40€
so thats roughly 370€ for damn fast core components excluding the graphics card
round it up to a 500 and youll be able to buy yourself a decent psu and case with it
add another ~450€ for a 3 gig nvidia 580 (most expensive single gpu card you can buy) and youre still below 1k (or slightly above when you include shipping and all that blahdiblah)
S2 licensed
hm youre doing it wrong
you can pick up a pretty neat system for under 500€ excluding the graphics card which allows you to buy pretty much any card and still be under 1k
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :For starters, even Alonso or Hamilton or Kobayashi can practice RACING on a simulator - passing, repassing, defending... stuff you CAN learn from a sim

hm maybe hamilton should try that some time
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Today I nearly bought a load of stuff to bring my 5-year-old Windows box up to date, but then I remembered that games are all shit these days and the people in multiplayer are all sociopathic wankers, so I didn't.

play less modern warfare then
S2 licensed
flymike agreeing with ows? wth is happening here?

also the reason the tea party is successful is precicely because its effectively lobbying ... t#Koch_Industry_influence
S2 licensed
i dont
if it werent for sniffpetrol and you i wouldnt even know they were seperated
actually until she was shown in every other gp im fairly certain i didnt even know she existed
S2 licensed
sniffpetrol shows a stroke of absolute brilliance yet again

S2 licensed
generating hydrogen via electrolysis is capped at around 50% efficiency... ill always be stupidly expensive
S2 licensed
i turn caffeine into technical documents
S2 licensed
Quote from Michael Denham :Messing around in the Legends car at Okayama

do they actually allow you to drive that thing online on any of the good tracks now? when i last tried iracing it was the only car i enjoyed at all
S2 licensed
Quote from ATHome :Don't you know Hamliton parted ways with Scherzinger?

no because i dont follow gossip and if it werent for martin and david pointing out which celeb ive never heard of before is annoying the mclaren pitcrews this weekend i wouldnt even realize they were there

Quote from DeadWolfBones :they can't shut Manhattan down to run a race there. NY GP would be perfectly fine.

also because racing around nothing but 90° turns would be absolutely shite
which presumably is the reason why no one even remembers that there used to be a phoenix gp back in the day
S2 licensed
looks surpsingly good for a street circuit

however im not sure how i feel about the prospect of hamilton continuing down his path of inviting pointless celebrities into the pits and seeing the entire cast of jersey shore in the mclaren box
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Well but the lad tried his best, that what I mean

so did leni riefenstahl... doesnt make me wanna sit though her her movies anymore than i wanna sit though his

now with the inevitable godwin out of the way can we please just let this topic die out?
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :All of the Transformers movies are worse than pretty much anything else.

eating a pile of excement would be more enjoyable than sitting through any of the transformers movies

from a darwinian perspective anybody who actually enjoys running their fingers and minds through michael bays excrement should be put down for the better of our species
S2 licensed
the fz5 is a lot easier to drift (properly) with than the xrt
S2 licensed
well how could i possibly describe what it sounds like... oh right ... P35qc&feature=related
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :This has pretty much been covered upthread. If you change the name, it's pretty hard to get sued for this stuff.

thats what samsung though as well
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :There seems to be an implication here, unless you just get sick of your data every 2 years and decide to start again:

who the heck keeps his data on c anyway?
either way it did usual coincide with major changes like installing versions with the most recent service packs integrated into the install cd or switching graphics cards from nvidia to ati
stuff that warrants an os reinstall without being related to cruft

Quote :As for the registry, I'm not even sure it is the registry that causes Windows to bog down. Certainly it's a bad design decision and it will have some impact on performance but I would be surprised if that's the whole story.

well have you ever had a look in /etc and /lib on any version of linux or unix? just as messy
its not like its actually possible to have a database of everything going inside a modern os without it getting hideously complicated
S2 licensed
also for the record i just checked up on the size of my oh so crufty registry and it sums up to about 50-60mb
might have been a problem 10 years ago but my current machine has 4 gigs of ram so who gives a crap about that?