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S2 licensed
definatly NO, i dont wanna get into that Rfactor hell again.. it's just a big f***** mess (personal opinion just in case u didnt notice it )
S2 licensed
well, my 2 cents now.. i recall i saw a real video of a car such the LX6..i can remember exactly how the driver was acting since it was an onboard cam..i can tell ya he was really struggling to keep the car straight (dry condition), countersteering like hell almost on every corner..even smooth corner sometimes..
S2 licensed

thx for your replies and good sense of humor..but im actually looking for the steering lock ratio's giving by the devs for each cars.. i remember a post a long time ago where it's specified, but i cant find it anymore..i recall that every car has it's own "realistic" steering ratio..
Steering Lock
S2 licensed

just wondering what'd be the most realistic steering lock setting for road cars ? despite the personal feeling etc.. im using a G25 with a 720° rotation.. cos i honestly think that 36 is pretty unrealistic if u know what i mean..

many thx,
S2 licensed
thx for your welcomes..

maybe yo've missunderstood me, i was refering to the wheel axis sensitivity which is in the G25 goes from 0% to 100%.. i was just wonderinf what value would allow a linear motion..
Hi ya All
S2 licensed

it's been a long time now that i was kinda "forced" to quit hanging out in LFS since i had to move somewhere else and a lotta things gt changed in my life .
it's been 8 month now without LFS, and i could tell ya it's hard to miss this wonderfull sim almost everyday for 8 month and god knows how i love it since day one from the very first demo back then.

anyhow, redemption is coming now i ordered a new PC and a new wheel. i should get them by the end of this week. i been reading hanging out on the forum these 2 or 3 last days to know about how to set up the wheel for instence and see what's been goin on lately here i am , back to THE sim,

i just got a question question if you dont mind, it's the axis sensitivity on the G25 profil. what values you guys put in there concerning the throttle, brake and cluth as well as the wheel ? what would be the most realistic ones in your opinions ? especially for the wheel ?? i guess 50% is linear but im not really sure about it.

many thx and cheers to ya all ,
S2 licensed
im a big fan of the XRT, and it f**** pisses me off to have a ridiculously fast FXO racing with me , plus almost all races are full of that FXO's ! it sucks
What's up with that Locked Diff again ??
S2 licensed
hi ,

even after the last physic updates , i keep noticing a lotta setups having that locked diff. i mean as before u know.. is that diff exploit issue is solved or not yet ?
S2 licensed
right foot here.. makes no sense to left foot brake..even on a 2 pedals set...
S2 licensed
LFS graphics are good se far and looks very very realistic to condition though , you gotta have them mxed out oth in the game and especially in the VGA driver with the highest res possible..then LFS is a blast !
S2 licensed
Quote from Hoellsen :Wrong.

what wrong ?? firther more, what's that single word answer ? doh !!

IMO, in real life GTR cars have the sequential box that cuts the power a bit even if your foot in fully on the trottle (if you u consider that flashifting)..

and by the way, flatshifting in LFS is getting on my nerves as well as that fu*** locked diff exploit that seems to be back.. AFAIK, i never flatshit, i use a sequential gearbox on GTR cars with a cut while shifting and the blip on downshifting , just like in real life..i dont care if im competitive or not with those crazed poeple on the track...
Last edited by silent_wind, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :I've been racing the GTT, can't quite get it sweet, it either understeers a tad or low angle drifts around the corners. Still fun though. Until the rear tyres melt

Practise will tame the beast.

so that means you dont wanna share it anyway ? it can't be worse than mine i guess..but if you dont wanna give your setup, i'd understand... i'd try to understand actually
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :One that neither understeers nor oversteers (when the clutch is in at least), so that effect engine braking/throttle can be observed accurately.

I'll attach some neutral sets over the weekend.

by the way bob , do you have some new setups that'd work with the new tire physics ? i'd really appriciate if you can drop me some of the XTT setups here.. thx in advance dude..
S2 licensed
Quote from Flotch :illepallit would be better to stop talking again and agin about the same bugs !!!
Yes FWD are completly unrealistic now, both for handling and setupping. Soft rear antiroll bar generate oversteer on throttle, and the locked diff is the only way to have something that can be driven with not too much crazy behavior of the engine when you are not in a straight line and full accelerating...

first off, i didnt know that people have been mentioning this point before..although, i made a thread from the way i see it and was hoping to get some proper answers to my "specific" query..furthermore, is my thread bothering you that much ? what's your problem anyway ? lose the attitude dude and get a life !

S2 licensed
alright , thx for your replies dudes.. how about the ARB settings on the GTi ? a while ago , we used to find some setups with soft front ARB and stiff rear ARB, i guess that's the logical way to set a FWD in general...but now , all setups have very stiff front ARB , is this normal on a FWD ?
GTi Oversteering / Tale Happy ??
S2 licensed
Hi ,

i havent been driving the GTi that much (i drive RWD's), till recently.. so after a quick try ,i noticed that the Gti has some weired behavor for a FWD's kinda like pretty overteery no matter what the settings is , an example :

if you grab some supposidely good GTi setups and analyse their suspension setting , you'll find out they're set as a RWD counter the overteer as it's usualy done on RWD's..

so , this is it , i wanted to know if you noticed the same thing about the GTi...
S2 licensed
even if i suck in english , i've never thought one sec it could be pronouced as "live wire"...i mean come on , it gotta be some logical thinking there..
S2 licensed
Quote from bal00 :Yeah.

ok , thx
S2 licensed
Quote from bal00 :That's Windows' connection sharing, not LFS.

so you mean on the local network ?
Firewall Warning Interpretation
S2 licensed

well , while i was using LFS online, my firewall poped up with this message, i didnt allow anythin for now , i wanted to know if LFS has anythin to do with it ..could anyone pls tell me if LFS uses that "Application".. (see the attached pic)

thx in advance,
S2 licensed
exactely the same ****in problem i been having for quite sometimes now... i been posting threads about it but some smartasses here just show up to say " hey everythin is fine for me" no shit it's fine for you ? ... how about people who got the same god dam problem since the new series of patches ??? howcome i've never had any problem till the new patch ?? howcome all my ****in games run great but LFS ??? come on now , the devs should talke a closer look at this issue... somethin's definatlly went wrong about the notecode since the patches...

well u understand im so ****in pissed off and i cant have a peacefull race anymore...
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :I'm beginning to take issue with players who lag on our servers now. It all started with a post from someone complaining about people using wifi. Since then I've been grabbing people who are lagging on our servers and finding the problem.

Most of the time, I'm finding that the thing causing warping and the occasional lag are P2P programs. I'd say in 80% of the time. I ask them to kill Limewire, or Morpheus, or whichever programs they're using (occasionally even webcamming while gaming!?) and the problem subsides.

On the occasions where WiFi is responsible, that's usually easy to solve with a few settings tweaks.. but those problems are rare.

I'd say that, if you see people lagging/warping, you should draw their attention to the fact and ask them to sort it out.

On the server front, I'm sure there are people who are hosting LFS servers from home connections with 20 people allowed to join. It's really not realistic to do that, but that doesn't mean that people won't try. Those of us who are hosting servers from datacentres haven't, I don't think, noticed any increase in bandwidth demand. If there has been an increase, it's been insignificant to the point of irrelevence.

I'm with filur, by and large, and haven't noticed any increase in warping, grid-for-grid, as a result of the patch. I have seen a lot more full servers though, and I suspect it's actually this that you're noticing, if you're not used to seeing servers this full.

no wifi , P2P or playinf LFS from day one, back the very first demo , and when i said there's a difference between before/after the patch, that means there's really a if you aint got no problem and all is runing smooth as silk , good for you.. but the problem is sure not at my side too, im convinced somethin got messed up on the net code.. i just cant tell you what it is.. plus a lotta people been reporting wierd stuff bout the online..
Overall Laggy Onlline
S2 licensed
i've noticed that the online got pretty unstable after those new patches.. it's just not like as it used to be ; cars are warping often and the sound crackling is worse.. plus , it looks like heavy loaded server cant handle it anymore , especially at the start of a's just a mess..

have you noticed anythin from your side ?
S2 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :i have no clue whats the cause i underclocked my pc and set my gpu fan to 100% and it still happens...

Its really frustrating to have the game just freeze up and crash like this

i told man , it aint the OC'ing.. i have a long experience with OC'ing and im 100% sure it's not i ran a tons of test before trying to make my PC responsible for anythin, but no, it turned out it aint my PC the cause.. plus all my other games run like a charm, even games that are heavier than LFS concerning resources...
S2 licensed
i think it has somethin to do with online collisions and close racing (whne you have a car insight) especially when the server is hosting a lotta cars , actually i've noticed an overall laggy online after the new patches, plus some crackling.. i had that 10 sec freeze right after 2 cars made contact.. i beleive it's some sort of crapy or lost patckets that causes these freezes...

anyway, im getting desperate now for i been messing up with this shit for quite a while now, my online expericed just got ****ed up and i have no more pleasure to drive, all because of those damn freezes !