ok , so i was close to the real thing then with my own "guessed" setting which are 720° + 30 lock, it was a feeling matter.. i imagine the other cars should have around the same steering lock that's 30, am i right ?
i been wondering what would be the best combination to acheive the most realistic way to handle the steering..
i'll take the XRT as the main example : these are my current setup
* 720° steer ratio and 30 steering lock and 0 steer compensation
do you think it's how a the car would be set in RL or at least what would be the default values for the car IRL ?
i suppose that 0 steer compensation is totally linear, how about the steer ratio ? does 720° reflect reality ? or should i set my wheel at 900° with a different steering lock value maybe?
u may've got it , im trying to be as close as the reality when it comes to handling the steering, cos fast counter steering doesnt really bother me..
all what im trying to say is : the camber value is too high for a GTi, in real life you never have those huge cambers for such a car... in LFS you need to have too much camber to reach the optimum tire temps..
yeah sure about the V8 series , but im talkin about a simple GTi which supposed to be just slightly modified if you see what i mean.. i think you shouldnt comparing the 2 cars cos they're way too different IMO..i still think the camber is way too high for such a car, even if it's meant for the track use..
cool , hopefully we'll have some clarifications, cos honestly those cambers really surprised me and the funny thing is that the car seems to handle pretty well with those values and tires heat doesnt seem to be unbalanced even if it should.. i'll post the setting itself so you can take a closer look at it and test it..
just noticed that many setups (not mines) have a huge camber values, especially for the GTi.. take a look at the screenshot (it's a setting i got from someone online, and he was always on the pole position by the way )
anyway , i'd like to know what u think about those kinda huge cambers, is it that way in real life ? would you set your camber that way if u had a Gti (meant for racing of course) in real life ? i mean settings are supposed to be as close as reality goes , dont they ?
was just wondering if there's any chance that LFS supports multi CPU management in the future ? should the whole game be totally reprogramed ? or only some modification would be needed to make it compatible with multi CPU's ?
the point is , LFS will be more realistic with some more calculations i guess , maybe it would push even further the physics in term of realism..am i totally wrong here ?
voted yes cos i totally agree with the poster , LFS is getting quite boring for me now since i first started playing it, and god knows it's been a long time !!! so yes for some new tracks, and if i only had to pick one, it'd be "THE RING" .. so, LFS definatly needs something NEW !