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S2 licensed
I'm pretty sure that South City is Live For Speed's take on Monte Carlo...
S2 licensed

Jesus! There'd be virtually no difference between a wankel powered and a pot powered car in LFS, aside from the sounds and the torque curve.

It'd just be "another car", and we already have so many that end up unused.

Watching how this thread's progressed, it's turned into a bunch of elitist rotary lovers ranting and raving about how great the damned things are, and how much of a travesty it is that the engines aren't in LFS.

Sound pack + xrt and you have your beloved RX7 wankel dankel. Hell, it's a fake car anyway, so you can just pretend that the torque curve on that specific engine was engineered to be less wankely.
Last edited by sinkoman, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Loveless :I do not know how you people do it, but it seems extremely difficult for me even stop freaking out. I have participated in a drifting competition hosted by a few buds of mine, nothing big but just a few people to make it happen. We had about three rounds to show what we could do and earn our scores. I was second or third to go in some occasions, so I simply drove out there before I was a go. An immense amount of pressure just came over me, I race with a Mouse and Keyboard by the way, my hands would not move like i wanted it too. Others could notice what was going on through my performance; I sometimes hesitated to turn for a drift and often braked too early because I was cautious.
At the end of the night I took, fifth place out of a couple of people, first event and it seemed intense.

Any tips on how you guys get ready for these kinds of events or relieve yourself from this anxiety?

I see no problem here.

Great game + great competitors = extreme adrenalin rush. I get it all the time, my heart will be thumping at a million beats per minute as I try to outbrake some ****er into a hairpin, and I end up braking too late and slamming into the outside bumpers.
S2 licensed
Quote from DeKo :did you watch a different grand prix from me today? amazing race, filled with plenty of overtaking, accidents, collisions. One of the most action packed races ive ever seen, much moreso than qualy.

most races arent like that though, and i do agree that most are stale. However, places carried over is a pretty dim idea, if you were on pole by default, chances are you would run away with it every race, thus making you on pole for the next race. The format isnt the problem currently, its the cars.

Haven't watched the Canadian GP yet

And I do see your point, I hadn't realized that. I thought about it a bit more and yeah, what'd become of the racers who ended up eliminated at the beginning of the season? They'd never be given another chance at competition.

I like Briatore's idea. Races won in qualifying, but don't remove quali, just reverse the grid in a second race.

Quote from deggis :No, the problem are the monkeys at FIA headquarters.

Last edited by sinkoman, .
F1 idea
S2 licensed
I know that most people believe that F1 needs to make some changes to up the excitement in the racing (and the actual racing itself), as atm, there's very little passing or battling in the races themselves.

Now, i've noticed that all the action seems to take place in the qualifying sessions, and then the races themselves end up stales. So, I was thinking, why not remove qualifying, and have the racers carry over their places from the last grand prix?

I'm a pretty big newb on the racing scene, so i'm sure there's some big problem that I don't see with doing this, but it just dawned on me while I was watching the Canadian Grand Prix Qualifying sessions, that THAT's where all the overtaking, the battling, the struggles for placement, all happens. In the qualifying sessions, not the races themselves.

It was the same at Monaco, lots of fights for pole position and struggles to stay afloat in qualifying, and then the race itself ended up being just a stale attempt to retain placement.
S2 licensed
Quote from hughesie89 :best thing

autocross in the dirt! be able to add dirt rises
and elevations


Already been suggested like, a million times.

Can't wait for it to be added though, as the devs have said it WILL be added. RBR till then.
S2 licensed
Quote from Wakkaman :companies that are willing to infest in live for speed 2.


Letting in third party devs would just be an infestation for the LFS devs to deal with
S2 licensed
Quote from Secondaries :You can't shift very well in LFS unless you revmatch. It just won't switch gears.

You don't quite understand how transmissions work do you? When you're heel and toeing, your right foot is on the brake, slowing for a turn, and on the gas raising revs, while your left foot is on the clutch. Heel and toeing just gets the transmission in the correct gear to exit the upcoming turn. And with synchros, it's not too necessary to double clutch. Just bring the revs up to prevent driveline shock and stick the shifter into gear.

Also, the input shaft is connected to the clutch by a splined end. Can't move one without moving the other.

Well, I probably just didn't write what I meant very well.

I understand how transmissions work perfectly well. Maybe not exceptionally well, but I know how, lets say double clutching, works.

I just don't understand the ultimate purpose, and intricate details, behind blipping the throttle whilst downshifting. I just know that if you don't do it, you risk transmission shock, and locking your rear tires, and THOUGHT it was because the lower gear ration means higher input shaft speed, meaning a shit tonne of engine braking when your engine makes contact with the input shaft/clutch, and that heel/toeing keeps the engine rev up so that when it makes contact with the input shaft, there's less mess.

And what I meant by "rev matching clutch" is rev matching your engine to your transmission input shaft.

Maybe I don't understand the inner workings of a tranny as well as I think I do...
Last edited by sinkoman, .
Couple of shifting questions...
S2 licensed
Does rev matching actually have any effect in LFS?

And what is the purpose of heel and toeing, in real life that is? Is it to rev match the dog teeth, or to rev match the clutch? Because I don't see how it'd help to rev match the dog teeth unless you actually double clutched whilst heel/toeing.
S2 licensed
Front wheel Drivelol.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mike85 :I get a feeling that some people would leave LFS if it became "mainstream". LFS needs new noobs so that the community grows. It only brings in more money so that Scawen can spend it on development.

Noobs will not brake LFS, they are harmless Embrace them.

I think the shit-tonne of "blue flag" and "wrecker" threads littering the forum (not to mention the entire Improvements section) beg to differ.

Quote from Mike85 :Forza 2 is already an example of a succesfull product because its high budget and marketed etc...

And Americans only buy such stuff

You still haven't explained how more money = better LFS...
S2 licensed
What do you guys suppose is the best Sports Car Series to follow?
S2 licensed
Quote from CodieMorgan :Why are ALLLLLLLLL the servers worldwide 'empty'?

This isn't what we paid for..... nonexistant online racing!

I have the same problem. It's just that most people don't play at these hours, as most people live in a different time zone.
S2 licensed
Quote from glyphon :you asked what rotary cars were as fast/famous as the rx-7. i answered your question, and cited my results, otherwise people would be griping about where that info came from. if this thread bothers you so much, the easy solution is, don't read it

I never asked that...

And really now, this is the internet. I'll read whatever the hell I god damn please.

Besides, I came into this thread because wankels are genuinely cool engines imo, only to find a bunch of posts stating the exact same thing over and over...

"wankel rules, everybody who disagrees sucks".
S2 licensed
Quote from Hankstar :Yes! For the love of god, don't post in any threads where you disagree with the OP. This is an internet discussion forum, not some place where people can share different viewpoints :rolleyes:


This thread is getting really ridiculous. It's turning into a giant Wankel love afair of "omg copy paste specs of cars from wiki".
S2 licensed
This thread has turned into nothing but a Wankel love orgy.

A bit hypocritical don't you think Mako?

Quote from Mako. :To all the above: clearly, you should follow the advice of someone's avatar, and remove youself from the convesration. I posted this to discuss about it being in the game. NOT about how it is to drive on the street, or reliability, or anything else.

Lol :P

Anywho, I personally couldn't care less to see the devs spend their time putting a wankel powered vehicle into LFS. I suppose it'd probably have to be done eventually, but I, personally, don't care if they're never put into the game.

Not to say they're bad engines (although I personally find them to be a tad eccentric), but that I couldn't see it benefiting LFS all that much.

It'd just be one more of the tens of LFS cars that nobody drives to begin with.

I'd much rather see the devs just change the engine characteristics of an already existing LFS vehicle to turn it into a rotary.
S2 licensed
Btw folks, when I say defensive drving, I mean I drive without agression. I don't make a point to attack the line, or the track, in order to escape the guy behind me, I don't try to downshift out of the corners any sooner, I don't accelerate sooner at the apex, I just drive a normal line, without making a point to battle the corner.

And i'm glad to see i'm not the only one, I was scared for a bit that I was the one at error in these situations!
Omg Blue Flag Nonsense
S2 licensed
Am I the only one who follows blue flag procedure properly?

Every time I get a blue flag, I stick to my line, and that's it. No blocking, no break checking, I drive defensively and conservatively, till the other person passes me.

But every time I do this, somebody will slam into the back of my car, and start yelling at me "SINKOMAN, BLUE FLAG!". They all yell at me, "blue flag means pull over and get out of the way you tard!!!".

WTF, and it's not just a few idiots, it's EVERY SERVER I GO TO. DAMNT.

So lately i've been trying to do precisely what i'm told, and slam on my breaks and move over. Usually they either slam into my rear end, or T bone me, and scream at me "WHY DID YOU BREAK AND MOVE?"

Holy shit, am I doing something wrong here? I thought that you weren't supposed to actually change your line when given a blue flag.
MOMO Revision?
S2 licensed
How does one go about figuring out which revision their MOMO is?

I bought mine about a month ago from a store, and am curious as to whether I purchased some old stock they were trying to get rid of, or a new shipment.
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :Have you built one, sinkoman? I have about $4 in my shifter. S2 is around $50.

I figured it'd cost a bit more if he started from scratch, IE no shift lever, no scrap wood, no switches, no wires, and still needed to buy a controller.
S2 licensed
The logitech would probably have better PC support than anything else.

Btw, wrong section.
S2 licensed
Quote from brendonv :i was thinking of getting S2 but i dont no i mean i got a team in demo and i really like demo.
Plus S2 is expensive!

Building your shifter will probably cost just as much, if not more...
S2 licensed
Saw the last half of GP2 Monaco while waiting for the Monaco Grand Prix to come on. Looks like good stuff, prolly start following it
S2 licensed
Do they actually time you? I'd imagine it wouldn't be too difficult to just put a sensor on your dashboard that's synchronized to another sensor at the start line. Wouldn't be the most accurate of devices in the world, but I figure it'd be better than nothing.

Don't have any local tracks down here though atm. They just shut down a drag park not too long ago, and I believe they're trying to get it back up, and possibly also construct a circuit.

If they only get the drag park back up, and not bother building a circuit, i'll be pissed...
Real life track Q
S2 licensed
How difficult do you think it'd be for somebody that already possesses a full fledged drivers license to go down to a local track and just run a few hotlaps?