Well, I figure that as much a sim as LFS is, it's still just a game. So I really don't see the harm taking a few creative liberties in areas that don't drastically effect realism.
In fact, prior to making my last post, I had taken your advice, and was playing on a demo server.
I was racing against 3 other people, first race of the day, and I try to pass this guy on the outside of the first turn of the first chicane, which you probably know means that if all goes well, i'll be on the inside of the following turn.
Well, I hit the apex of the first turn a little too early, and ended up with little more than half my car in the grass on the second turn. No biggie I figure, i'll just re-adjust and get back on the tarmac, since I still have 2 wheels there.
But NO. The **** that I was trying to pass decides to just stick to his line, HUG THE INSIDE OF THE TURN AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE WITHOUT HITTING ME, which effectively BLOCKED me off of the road.
Now, since I was about to slingshot into a wall on the outside of the straightaway, I decided to nudge back onto the track little by little, NOT HITTING THIS GUY AT ALL mind you.
So i'm pretty much side by side with this ass hat, maybe an inch away from hitting him, and we were both closing on the next turn pretty fast (I'm still half on the grass). I'll on the inside of this turn btw.
I figure I should probably ease off on this next turn so that I can get back on the road. BUT, BUT, this anus next to me apparently decides to pretend that I don't exist, STICKS TO HIS LINE, meaning that he blindsides me at 100+ MPH, which throws my car into the air, and his car off the tarmac.
Then he starts telling ME, "WOW, some people, JEES, CMON MAN, WHAT THE HELL!!!!!".
I thought I bought S2 to get away from these kinds of people :ashamed:
I'm fairly new to the game (been playing demo for maybe a month, and just got S2 about a week ago), and due to my timezone (I live in Hawaii), have found that it's very VERY hard for me to get any racing in on the weekdays, because really, there's barely anybody online when i'm awake :P.
So i'm just looking for a fairly recognized team that has fairly regular races, where I could just actually get some seat time in.
I'm not excessively experienced, but I can lap ok on most maps, and know how NOT to cause a collision. I also know basic things like how to properly rejoin a track, and how not to be a dick when shown a blue flag.
So really, I don't believe i'd cause too much stress in any races :\
I bought a MOMO over the weekend, and am trying to get it set up to feel just right.
Everything is working well so far, except that I can't figure out which buttons would serve most useful for look left and look right. I have it on the topmost left button for left, and topmost right for right, but it's not working rly well atm. Takes too much time to press, and i'm noticing the action isn't entirely ergonomic.
I was thinking of assigning my paddles + SHIFT button to look left and right.
Then my shift functions are "sorry", pit menu, wheel temp graph, and view change, and I can't figure out what other controls would be useful to have mapped to the wheel.
I'm not entirely sure I understand how this menu works.
How does one go about changing the options in the menu? I know that up/down changes the selection, but how would I say change my tire types in the menu, whilst in a race?
I still think it'd help to stop crashers. I figure that the crasher will be removed alongside you, and nobody would want to be kicked out of a race, no matter the circumstances.
Not to mention the embarrassment of being yelled at for removing somebody else :\
And yeah, I didn't mean like, the game tracks your damage, just that if any one turn is above a certain threshold, then your taken out.