Yes, I would have. It's got absolutely nothing to do with nationality.
I'm pretty neutral when it comes to the racers themselves. I only really dislike those that have bad media attitudes. Otherwise, I see it as a competition, and i'm glad to see ANYBODY succeed. Sure, there are some racers I favor over others, but I don't sit there and hope anybody drops out because I don't like them.
Lewis seems like a nice guy, but I think he's being a bit too welcome to all this media attention he's receiving. That's all.
I think people also dislike him (not me, but PEOPLE) because he's currently number one for the championship, and has only won TWO races.
I think that people dislike Lewis mainly because he's started in an A class car. I know that's primarily the reason I dislike him.
I also dislike him because of all the media attention he's receiving, and while I do realize he can't really control them, he could be a bit more humble about it i'd say. They portray him as the second coming of Senna, and he really seems to just soak it all up and play the part.
He's a great sportsman when it comes to the tarmac, but he needs to lose this mental media stigma he's been carrying.
I'm colour blind green, so I often times have a hard time differentiating which blip is mine in the mass of orange yellow and black dots. I don't have trouble if i'm say out in the open, but my vision deficiency gets considerably worse when there's a bundle of different colours all clumped together in one spot on the track.
I say make it something that's a less common colour deficiency, like blue, or even maybe make your car a rectangle, while everybody else's is a triangle.
I was thinking, it'd be really useful if when you receive an LFS world message, you get an in game message announcing to you that you have an unread message.
Would make communicating via LFS World much more feasible and useful.
My main issue is how eurosport seems to set up cameras in certain corners, and then they'll just show one camera at a time. I really wish they'd follow the individual DRIVERS.
Since the WRC is in their summer intercession, I figured i'd spend some time trying to find some better WRC coverage than the shit that Eurosport puts out.
It feels like when I watch a rally on eurosport, i'm just watching the highlights. They don't actually follow the individual cars through the stage, they follow ALL the cars through the stage at ONCE.
I'm trying to find something where they'll show you a brief overview of each stage BEFORE the stage is run, then they'll follow the individual cars, one by one, through the stage.
So they'd do something like give a few minutes to describe the stage and its turns, then say Loeb was up. They'd show video of ONLY Loeb on the stage.
Once he's finished, they'd show Marcus and ONLY Marcus run the stage, etc etc.
I realize that this would be hard to do, since there's usually more than one cars on the stage at once, but I figure it wouldn't be too difficult to do if the video was a little less than live. Like, once Loeb finishes, show all the video of Marcus, even though some of it is dated (IE was shot while loeb was still on the stage).
Anybody know of anywhere I could find coverage like this? I just really feel that the current WRC coverage on Eurosport is really lacking. I'd love to see somebody give WRC a proper hour of airtime, just like any other racing series.
Make the cybercafe computers only capable of joining lan games, then put the server on the same network as the cybercafe computers, but give ONLY the server access to the internet.
And I have a feeling you just want LFS working for her ASAP so you can get a tad closer to this lady friend of yours:shhh:
I've been having a bit of trouble recovering from having two tires slip into the grass. I see people do it just fine, but for me, it seems like tire + grass = spin.
What I try to do is just snap the throttle shut, and slowly try to steer back onto the track (assuming the track is clear), with copious amounts of countersteer to combat spinnage.
While i'm no racing expert, I saw the move to be, while a little on the aggressive and desperate side, perfectly fine. Sure, he probably could have and should have waited till a proper overtaking spot, instead of diving down the inside of a chicane, and it was fairly obvious that he did it out of desperation rather than "omg i'm a better racer so i'll use my supreme racing skill to pass", but it happened, nick went off, no collision, get over it :\
Watching a torrent I downloaded, and I JUST saw that crash. Haven't finished the race yet, so i'm hoping Vizo comes out of it ok. Still isn't moving as far as I can see.
But holy shit, this whole race is just one big mess. The Zuber Glock starting crash, Vizo's spectacular crash, and then a pitcrewman gets run over?
I think i've got it. What I tried today, was instead of trying to "do" it, I tried to just "notice" it when I turned, and I noticed that no matter how hard I tried NOT to use it when I turned, it just came second nature.
I did a few little tests too, I drove at some pretty good speed (maybe 30 mph) into the back of a parked van, and tried to use accentuate my turn with an excessive amount of countersteering. I've noticed that if you TRY to be excessive with it, it becomes allot easier to stably take sharp turns.
Feeling allot more confident in my street riding now, thanks guys
I'll try to get better on my bike then so that when I have the money to upgrade to a sportsbike or a dualsport, I won't be left staring down the face of an irate learning curve.
I was working on my dirtbike today, was inside of the airbox trying to troubleshoot some stuff, turned it on to see how it reved open carb, and well...
Stupid me forgot that the bike was in gear, and holding the clutch while starting is just second nature for me. So, clutch held, I started the bike, gave it some revs to see how the top end sounded, SLAMMED THE CLUTCH SHUT WHILE REVVING IT (because I thought it was in neutral), and the bike SHOOTS out while i'm still holding the bars, I drop it and hope the engine stalls, and well, murphy's law kicks in, and the tire spins up and rips the skin off of my foot, and does so till my friend pulls the key.
My foot's stopped hurting, and is all dressed up, but no LFS for me now . It hurts to bend my foot, as the skin ripped off right at the joint. Don't you just LOVE road rash?
Hopefully this heals soon, so I can get to practicing for the next Gentlefoot Cup race. This'll be my second one missed too
Wouldn't have been so bad if my bike had street tires :ashamed:
EDIT: Btw, wasn't sitting on the bike when this happened, which is why I lost control of it.