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S3 licensed
I think its pretty silly to start a team, and say "first come first serve" when your pretty new, and havnet really earned anyones respect yet.

sure, im no-one to say, because i happen to be new also, but im just saying.
S3 licensed
Quote from xWolFx :More like 2/5 are to be licensed within two weeks. 1/5 within two days. 2/5 within three months.

I was one of the people who within two days purchased a licence. unfortunaly, i have the ever popular S1 licence, basicly still forcing me to race online in demo, because NOBODY is online in s1
S3 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :You haven't done your research :P This would take a lot of recoding of the graphics engine.

Not exactly. When you select a setup of the track, they could just make it so there are no bariers, for a "free run" option.
S3 licensed
Here dude, read this thread, you might find it kinda helpful:

Anyways, if i could get your AIM adress or somthin, thatd be cool, because me and you are probly the only S1 racers on here. Ive been dying to race the S1 tracks online, but everyones either on demo, or s2.

Ill be down to race the Go carts with you tho. My AIM is SketcHyRollin564
Let me know if you wanna race
S3 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :Try getting a wheel - but if you can't, just get a Playstation-style pad, (4 face buttons, 2 shoulder buttons on each side, 2 analog sticks and so-on).

Use the right analog stick for throttle/brake (I prefer that inverted), Left analog stick for steering and what would be L2 and R2 for gears. Play around with what you find natural, I use Select for limiter when I can't be bothered to plug my DFP in (My desk is very very small and has a keyboard tray with an unremovable flaming wrist thingy).

Do they make playstation style controllers that hook up to a USB port? Right now im using the Gran Turismo wheel made for playstation, but its got the USB cord.
S3 licensed
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :the STCC server

Alright, well i just tried to enter that, and i need a licence. Soooo... i just tryed to get a licence on the said website, and i couldnt figure out where/how. By any chance, would you know where i could aquire a licence?
S3 licensed
Quote from joen :Well I could post a long list of what else is unrealistic in GT4 (which I'm not going to now). It certainly is not realistic enough to be called a sim that's for sure.
Sure the graphics are nice but that doesn't have anything to do with physics. I really don't play games because of nice graphics.
Don't get me wrong I think it's a fun game, I sometimes play it at a friend's on his PS2, but calling it a sim really doesn't cut the cake.

fair enough. there is a couple weak spots as far as reality goes, and you might be right about it not deserving a simulation title, but i still think its pretty decent compared toa lot of other racing games.

Also, have you ever tryed playing it with the force feedback wheel? If not, put that on a list of things to do, because that changes EVERYTHING about the game.
S3 licensed
Nvm, i just noticed they have some in S2. Anyways, theres a lot of REALLY good suggestions here, and they should really be taken into consideration. Is S2 where ALL the action is at? because i see way more people in demo, than i do in S1. I take it, most people skip the S1 step, because when looking above peoples avatars on this forum, pretty much everyone has S2
S3 licensed
Guys, call me stupid, but whats a racing number?
S3 licensed
Ohhhh, that makes sence. So like, if your parents are divorsed, you can have the game on one computer on each house? And then if you got a new computer at one house, you could lock the old one, to make room for the new one?
S3 licensed
Whats the SCC server? I bought the S1, but untill i can affford S2, im using the demo.

Whats funny is, after playing the game, and coming onto the forum, when im ready to post somthing in a topic, i automaticly hit "T", and wonder why a textbox doesnt pop up for me to say somthing. Then i say "oh, im not racing anymore".
S3 licensed
I have a sence of humor, but i dont get why i should be getting made fun of for not thinking that GT4 sucks. I like it, because its not like needforspeed and a bunch of other racing games, where the physics are completley unrealistic.

Anyways, i can see why they wouldnt choose nurburgring as a track, because its pretty damn big. Anyone think a mountain pass/touge track would be fun?
S3 licensed
So i can only go onto S1 Mode a certain amoutn of times a month? and then after that im stuck in Demo?
S3 licensed
So i basicly just payed the E12 to have more fun in training mode, and unlock sig and avatar usage? I have to pay double to race in non demo land?

GRRR, wheres a job opening when you need one? Im 14, so that doesnt make it any easyer to find a job.
One thing i noticed about s1
S3 licensed
So i have S1 now, and its pretty cool with the new cars and tracks. One thing i noticed is that when i go to the online mode, with S1, theres like NEVER anyone in there. When i click on demo, its more civiilized, with ACTIVE rooms, and theres also a ton of rooms. In S1, theres like a total of 5 rooms, and there all empty. I assume that everyone that made the effort to buy a licence, bought s2?
S3 licensed
Alright, so i hit Shift+U. It opens up a bunch of stuff i can put. my question is, i can take the object out, and move it around when its floating, but it wont let me actualy place the object on the ground. How do i do this?
S3 licensed
From what i can tell, yours looks like some old fashioned tunnel digging game? 8/10 for randomness, and origionality.
S3 licensed
Quote from joen :GT4 has physics ?

Other than the no damage factor, and the fact that you bounce off walls and cars when you crash, the rest of the game is pretty realistic, and you cant say that the graphics arent pretty good. Especialy when you turn off all driving aids, it makes for a pretty realistic game as long as you dont hit anything.
Car Suggestions
S3 licensed
Alright, so i already read through the Sticky.

The Trucks and Dune Buggys, i was gunna sugest. Those would be REALLY fun with the offroad and mudboging tracks.

There is FF, FR, and AWD cars currently avaliable. What would be pretty cool, would be to mabey have a few MR and RR cars avaliable. Just a suggestion
S3 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :...not even close lol

each time LFS unlocks itself you can only unlock it 3 times in a month; after that you'll get a key

hence why i always tell people.. dont unlock LFS until you have all your hardware/software whatever you are working on working properly before you unlock it

I still dont get it.

Just to make sure, i already bought S1. This means, i have UNLIMITED acces to Singleplayer, and multiplayer S1 add-ons, correct?
S3 licensed
Alright, thanks. Ill give that try when i play and let you know how it goes.
S3 licensed
Yeah, i remembered about that right after i hit post, lol. I did scroll down about halfway through the Suggestions page first, if that counts.

Anyways, i read the stickied thread at the top, after i made this topic, and noticed that mountain, and wet tracks were already suggested.

Anyways, i saw a LOT of good ideas there, and some of them wouldnt really be too hard to make

Such as the South City track, but in free mode, where its like intersections. This could be really fun for online/multiplayer. It really wouldnt take much effort.

Another, which would be a louder BOV sound, and more smoke for burnouts. I know that wouldnt be hard to do, and that would just add to the overall fun factor of the game. Its small details like that, that can make it more fun.

Anyways, i sure hope the Touge driving, wet tracks, and the Free roam mode come into S3. That would make for one hell of a game.
Some ideas for new tracks
S3 licensed
So heres some ideas for new tracks. This isnt recomending a real track, but ideas for making new ones.

Idea 1: Mabey a mountain pass/touge type of track? Lots of people would love to do touge runs, and this would also be very popular with the drift croud. I think it would be really cool.

Idea 2: A "wet" mode for a select few (or even one) track/s. Probably the most popular track among the drifting croud. Basicly a version of the track, where the road is wet, just like if it just finished raining.

Idea 3: I could personaly care less about this one, but possibly a NASCAR/circle track. Basicly a mile long, oval shaped track, with banked curbs. I personaly think its boring, but theres a lot of people out there who are a fan of this type of racing.

Thats about all i got.
Anyone else wanna chime in?
S3 licensed
Wait, so what does that mean? You can only play with S1/S2 a certain amount of times in a month, before it puts you back in demo?
Another stupid question
S3 licensed
Alright, so this is my first day of having the S1 licence. Im wondering, on the autocross track, how do i go to the mode where i can make my own cone layout and stuff?