I should be on tonight. I got registered on your forums, and plan on asking for the TS password if that's ok. Anyways, I'll look you up a little later on, until then, it's errands for me...
I'm not looking to join a team if the're worried their image will be tainted by someone who doesn't race enough for their taste.
That said, what I do want is simply a group of people to hang out with, and judging by the responses here, I may have found a couple. If this is a club, more than a team, that's fine. I don't care what you call it, I just wanna hang out with some good people. I know there's lots of people that play this for reasons other than 'appearing god-like' on a leader board, main reason beyond that is FUN.
I have one friend in real life with this sim, and he doesn't play nearly enough to be considered reliable, in terms of company. That and if he could make it around the track without crashing, that could be even more fun...
So anyways, not trying to make it more complicated than it is, but maybe the definition of 'team' isn't what I'm looking for, but maybe something along the lines of a 'motoring club'
Here's the deal. I love this sim, it's just plain great. I play as much as possible, time permitting. I'm currently a student in college, and depending on my class schedule, I can race on regular nights.
I am looking for a team to join, but I'm fine with the whole idea of not racing (unless I'm needed to fill a spot). I don't want to jump in, and just expect to start racing. It's also been a while since I played this sim on a regular basis, so I guess I'm just trying to find a group of people to hang around with and practice.
Public servers are ok, but the people are too random, I figure if I can just meet a team to hang out with, or hell, even a good server that people go to that's fine too, but a racing game isn't much fun when you have no one to race with.
Anyways, feel free to leave a response if your team would like to take me in, kinda like a pet. I can be a novelty of sorts, can even skin the UF1000 to look like a clown car :P
EDIT: It's late and I forgot details about myself...
Age: 25
Input Type: FFB Wheel/Pedals
Voice Chat: TeamSpeak or Ventrillo (headset, I know how much speakers can suck)
Average FPS in Race: 60
Type of Net Connection: Cable
Looked like this would be cool, from the screenshots, but as soon as I completed the first lap while running the ghost car addon, my entire comp crashed. Blue screen, minus the usual white text, with stuttering sound. So, after a cold reboot I was back up and running, but not willing to try this again.
Any advice for avoiding this issue? I'm running S2 Alpha P.
Thing is, fastest lap around their track was a minute-20something. The 'budget' car is usually around 1min~40. That's a lot of time to add to this track.
I made a version on my own and was doing about 50sec lap times in the UF1K, so I'm not sure what can be sone with the current 'blank' lots we get to work with.
On that note, is there any way to make a blank, all new course, or is that something only the developers are allowed to do? Can we request tracks? I wouldn't imagine a 1mile x 1mile square lot would be too much
Well I made a track that at least looks like the TG track, but the longest lap time I can pull is a weak 50seconds, a good minute in length shorter than what the track SHOULD be.
Oh well, guess we'll have to wait until we get a car park about 1 mile in length before we make something true to life on this one, until then I guess it's just another autocross track
I'll be making this on the Car Park, asuming there's room. I hope so anyways. Should take the entire length of the car park, just not sure if the width will be enough.
Anyways, here's the picture I threw together as a reference to build with. It's the actual airstrip Top Gear uses for their track. The red line indicates the first half of the lap, the blue line indicates the second half. The track is basically a figure 8. Small black dots represent the tire wall.
If all goes right, and the current Car Park can accomodate this track, then a lap time should fall between 1minute/~20sec and 2min depending on the driver and experience with the track.
I am not skilled enough to do this yet, but I was wondering if there's any other fans of the British TV Show, Top Gear. Well, if anyone here is, you think it would be too difficult to try to recreate their test track on the car park?
I'd love to take my reasonably priced car around that test track and see if I can't beat Simon Cowel :P
Apparently my ISP had some issues the last couple days, but it's all cleared up now. Wasn't a firewall issue, and not about forwarding ports, but thanks for squeezing those suggestions in there, despite how hard I tried to avoid those responses lol.
And thanks, Victor for cleaning up after me with the threads!
First let me appologize for double posting, since I posted this in the general forums.
I've done as much searching as possible through these forums and have not found a suitable answer, so I appologize in advance if the answer is here, I've not found it.
The problem I have is when I try to creat a server, either listed, hidden or private. The server will start just fine and show on the server list, also my friend can see my server, and see me if he searches my name, on my server. Though they can see it, they can't connect. When my friend tries to connect, they get as far as "Connecting To Host" then nothing happens. I've had them try to setup a server, and they have the same problem, as I cannot connect to them, and the connection fails at the same spot, "Connection To Host".
Neither of us have an enabled firewall while trying to start a server, or joining. Neither of us are using routers and we can both join other servers without any issues. Anyone have any ideas?
I've done as much searching as possible through these forums and have not found a suitable answer, so I appologize in advance if the answer is here, I've not found it.
The problem I have is when I try to creat a server, either listed, hidden or private. The server will start just fine and show on the server list, also my friend can see my server, and see me if he searches my name, on my server. Though they can see it, they can't connect. When my friend tries to connect, they get as far as "Connecting To Host" then nothing happens. I've had them try to setup a server, and they have the same problem, as I cannot connect to them, and the connection fails at the same spot, "Connection To Host".
Neither of us have an enabled firewall while trying to start a server, or joining. Neither of us are using routers and we can both join other servers without any issues. Anyone have any ideas?
And apparently I've landed my post in the wrong section of the forums. A second appology for not paying attention