Well spank my ass and call me Sally but F3 has gotten lot of attention from my sweaty hands lately. Just stock cars with only race brakes to help me twist the back end to the corner (gamepad understeer) and hours just pass by online in T10 enduro server and offline in Nordshcsshlfhlsdlhhlfleife.
That is indeed true. Same as pretty much every DSLR made within the decade will give you an identical result when shooting in optimal conditions.
So it's a question of ambitions with lenses down the road and fondling the camera bodies in the store like they were your step sister's boobs and go with the one that feels the best.
Thing is, Nikon systems are pretty much done, balanced and ready to go from the start with a proven track record. Pentax, Sony and even Canon have a lot of, more or less critical, ifs with their systems whenever they release a new system. 'If they fix the AF, if they fix the high ISO, if they up the FPS, if they fix the long mirror blackout, if they fix the etc.'.
Cool. Nikon Pro User repair turnaround in 72 hours. Replaced the electronics, replaced all rubber grips, buttons, shutter release, multi-selector, wheels and upgraded the firmware for no charge. And the body was nearly two years old. Excellent service.
Hopefully the put some pro skillz in there too my pics won't suck as much.
Ah but here's the thing. I love the simple, quick and robust 'throw window on left, throw window on right' and now I have two big and full views of, for instance Lightroom and Photoshop and I don't have to alt-tab constantly between them or Expose my way around stupid amount of windows.
And Spaces is a waste of space. I have screen estate enough for full UI views of two applications.
Bad karma keeps following me around as my D700's shutter died last night during a gig. Nearly 100k actuations on it so somewhat a premature failure. Two years of heavy use so it needed a checkup and sensor cleaning anyway. Now waiting for the invoice how much it'll cost for Nikon Pro User member.