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S2 licensed
enthusia is pretty good for the ps2 but i've never played it with a wheel.

one really cool thing is seeing the "circle of traction" as a hud. it also shows you which individual wheel has broken free when one loses traction.

it's nice for tuning for driving style and for teaching my friends who have NO CLUE about racing.

S2 licensed
yeah, tire warmers sound great. after that they could program in auto steering and auto braking so we never have to crash again!!!

what's the point in having tire temperatures if you've got warmers?

do you realise how few racing series' actually HAVE tire warmers? only the very top ones.

S2 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :thx for repeating me.

read your link in your sig.

was your post construtive?
did it add anything to the forum?

i believe those are quotes from your link.

S2 licensed
Quote from Chaos :such track exists, and you can drive on it with you car... it's a kind of toll road now...
Nurburgring Nordschleife 13 miles, 73 bends

i think he was being sarcastic. most racers know about it and how you can pay per lap to drive on it.

S2 licensed
i think cue-ball hit the nail on the head.

without actually "feeling" the g-forces of the race car it's tough to know how much grip you actually have. i've done a LOT of kart racing in the rain and love it, but in a video game you can't "feel" with the seat of your pants the same way.

if you want to simulate rain just put knobby tires on for a lap or two.

S2 licensed
as long as you have mom's permission using her card should be no problem at all.

as far as buying two accounts i think you'll just have to make two seperate payments. but once you're able to make one, making a second one isn't any harder. it just takes another few minutes.

S2 licensed
i love it when there's two simultaneous threads on failures at the same time.

S2 licensed
Quote from StanleyCarter :couldn't agree more.

here in Malaysia we tend to lag at most of the servers, we get best pings from the nearby countries, namely Australia. but for most of the other european or US servers, I'd be lagging quite much.

It's painful when you can't even have a decent driving fun with your best buddies at Poland, or in the US.

at least you've got Alex Yoong
S2 licensed
Quote from Thomas Fink :
If I can ruin an engine by overrevving why not by overboosting?

because race cars which are allowed higher than atmosphereic manifold pressure have a "pop-off" valve to ensure they don't exceed a preset maximum pressure.

though it might be interesting if over revving allowed for you to pop the pop-off valve and you lost precious seconds while it reseated itself.

S2 licensed
for those of us (mainly me at the moment) who don't know what RSS is could you elaborte please?

S2 licensed
Quote from nikimere :i also raced cars and i think the reaction to dirt on your tyres in LFS is WAY too drastic. I mean you do loose a slight amount of grip for a few corners but nothing like LFS. you hardly feel the difference after one or 2 corners. This really needs to be sorted out, it's a major pain in the a$$!

i can think of a good way to sort it out. keep it on the black stuff!

also, the amount of crap your tires picks up highly depends on how sticky your tires are. i've had my kart "stuck" to the track after i've come and stopped in the pit lane. the first time it happened i thought my kart was heavier or something. i just gave a YANK and the "SMACK" of the rubber unsticking from the pavement told me what had happened. if i run my hard compound tires they still handle well but aren't nearly as sticky and don't pick up much stuff offline.

S2 licensed
i've had some INCREDIBLE races on all car servers in the past. i was using the mrt and some other guy was using the equivelant of a toyota supra street car. (don't rememebr the LFS name of it)

i think we were on blackwood. we had nearly identical lap times but he'd roast me on the strights and i'd roast him inthe corners.

S2 licensed
i bought a new computer 2 weeks ago and i was having random reboots as well. my comp has been at the shop ever since. :o(

they can't find the problem.

S2 licensed
Quote from Ugo_Xauri :
Ohh , and one more thing, a little (little,little) less of dirty wheels. Sometimes it is just too much.

when i kart raced if i got off line and drove through the marbles my tires were SHOT for a good lap or so. i don't think they've been unrealistic at all.
if anything they clean up TOO quickly.

S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Please read the previous discussion as to why it probably wont be included (patent issue).

ok, the name "ghost car" might be patented but i've played many different games with "an image of a car driving my best lap" that i can compete against.

rally trophy by bug bear has it.
hard drivin' in the arcade had it.

did they pay royalties to have a "best lap car"?

S2 licensed
i enjoy games with a ghost car of my best lap to race against. but when you get within one car length of the ghost it needs to disappear or become VERY translucent. there's nothing worse than trying to see through a solid copy of your car that's on a slightly different line than you.

S2 licensed
Quote from al heeley :ZX81, hoping to upgrade to an Amiga 512 soon. The ZX81 really struggles keeping up with S2, and the 4kb memory expansion block on the back keeps falling out.

amigas RULED back in the day.

too bad they stopped producing or we wouldn't have to be stuck with crappy pc's running on microsoft garbage.

S2 licensed
ok, i think i've got the ultimate solution.

if your online name doesn't end with "227" then you don't get into the server.

problem solved.

seriously though, there is no "one solution fits all". i find the CRC servers pretty good and that's why i'm one of their current applicants.

now if i could only et my computer back from the computer shop i'd be able to race again. :o(

S2 licensed
i can see your point but there's a problem with it. i've only got 1900 miles but i can get within a few seconds of world records because i've got real racing experience.

an idea i was thinking of a while back was to put a lap time requirement. the server could check the person's best lap times online for the track/car configuration and if they didn't meet the set time they couldn't enter.

one problem is that they may not have driven that car/track combo but then they can ust go burn a few laps off on another server to update their personal bests if need be.

how's that sound?

S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :........ I've never heard of any racing having an auto transmission.

it wasn't so many years ago that f1 had automatic transmitions for 1 or possibly 2 seasons. back when they realized they couldn't police all the computer aids and they legalized traction control, launch control, AND automatic transmitions.

S2 licensed
Quote from (NOZ)RockyZ :
Also a small dirt oval like the ones those champ cars race?

What champ cars have you been watching? DIRT?

S2 licensed
is there a link to this video of the neurburg ring driftin session?

S2 licensed
i think drifting competitions have been part of the Champ Car circuit this year in north america. personally i'd love to watch it.

there was a day at a karting event where for some strange reason the race director wouldn't declare a wet race even though it was pouring all day. it was cool because we all had to go out on slicks, sesion after session. i basically drifted my laps for fun.

when you can get the back end loose in the opposite direction of the next corner you can let it "hook up" and whip the car around and into the corner.

29 horsepower, 320 lb kart including driver, slick tires, and rain = pure enjoyment

S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :In reality, to actually get grip while driving on the ceiling youd have to be going 300MPH

actually you wouldn't have to go NEARLY that fast. fluid friction varies with the square of speed. as you double your speed you quadrouple your wind resistance and therefore downforce. once you get above 200 kph/120 mph the wind resistance escalates RAPIDLY with speed. i've heard that professional racers call it "black magic".

if you've got a motorcycle or really fast car, try waving to your friend at 200 kph and then try at 250 kph. i did and hurt my shoulder as the wind tried to take my arm off!

i hadn't considered the effect on the fuel and oil system.
whatever system stunt planes and jet fights use could probably be implimented relativel easily.

HANGING in the seatbelts would be a strange sensation.

Last edited by speedfreak227, .
S2 licensed
yes, around 200 kph a champ car or f1 car will stick to the cieling.

i've been waiting for a stunt man to build a corcscrew leading up to an inverted section of track for YEARS.

mabe i'll just do it myself.

who's in?
