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S2 licensed
Quote from Michael Denham :Haha.

How about this guy, I think he makes a good elf ... 50e840aae0714c2bG06122412

That's original lol
S2 licensed
Quote from dark_vandal :cool, thanks for the positive feedback guys, and for helping a noob out

Well, if we wouldnt've helped, we probably would've beaten you up along with the rest of the noobs Have a good Christmas and New Year!
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :no need to read, pictures speak for themselves

Well, it looks bloody great!
S2 licensed
Just unlock it again...
S2 licensed
Quote from Falcon140 :not where i live man

i hate this town

Well, give it a few months and you'll be driving legally!! Think of yourself as very lucky!! I'm 15 1/2 and have to wait another 1 1/2+ years to drive
S2 licensed
Quote from Falcon140 :i have no where else man

i live in the city

my yard is the size of a postage stamp

There's gotta be a field or something around? Even if you go to a circuit... I did rally driving in a 500KG body shell with a Ford KA engine, that thing was bloody quick!! It was £99 from Red Letter Days (UK based i believe) but there gotta be a US alternative!
S2 licensed
Gotta admit, i have too many skins etc. so i most probably wont try them but just wanted to return the favour and wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Falcon140 :and u expect me to go to my drivers test having never driven

i have been driving for 6 months omg

and what do you care im nowhere near you...

and i dont see the difference in me driving now, or in a couple of months when i get my permit...

im not any different in 4 months....

so whats the point of waiting i can learn now....

Well, just drive off the road, away from the public. All because i'm not near you (i do wish i was as i am obsessed with America! ) doesn't mean that i don't care about the safety of others... If it's just a few months, practise somewhere else other than the road then it wont be long before you drive on the roads legally!!
S2 licensed
That is pretty funny
S2 licensed
What's gna happen with it then? isit gna replace an interior or is it for something else!?! lol i have to admit i haven't really read much of the thread
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :oh my god why did you quote something back last year?? thats the M3 lol, that car is such a mess i wont even think about going back to it (not that file atleast)

how about a christmas eve present?

i figured you all would like one, i haven't updated in a while anyway

not to to much work has been done, i was gone almost the whole week last week for my mom's dad's funeral, died at age 95, missed all of my exams so i get to take those in january, can't wait.. yess

anyways heres a small progress shot ... he%20Boxster/e96a0aa1.jpg

Porsche Boxster??
S2 licensed
Quote from Falcon140 :idc what some official says

i drive on the roads... and im a good safe driver.

Well, good luck with that and make sure you have (valid) insurance
:biggrinfl :chairfall
S2 licensed
Quote from DejaVu :1st post here and you're trying to get money off people, z0mg

He's not making anybody GIVE, he just wants help and support, nothing wrong with that.
S2 licensed
Quote from Falcon140 :1st off: what is a cardrome

2nd: i drive on the roads. why is that so bad.... im a good driver

1) Over here in England, we have this place where you pay £10/£12 (around $19/$20) to go into an environment with roads and dudd traffic lights, it is open to all ages and you can also get drivign lessons there from pros. Any car is allowed there, this is a safe place to drive!

2) You have not officially passed a driving test or even unofficially AFAIK, so you have not been deemed a "safe driver" by anybody who is important enough to make that judgement!
S2 licensed
Quote from Funnycat :Lol, that won't be paracetamol, nor citramon, aspirine, nor andipalum

Exactly my point
S2 licensed
It's not the fact that you drive with your parents, its where you drive with them?? If you go to a cardrome, fair enough, that's what it's there for but if you drive on the road then you better check the contents of your parents' paracetamol boxes...
S2 licensed
Have a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!!
S2 licensed
I reckon this is a pretty good idea but maybe uneeded work, its not exactly neccesary! If it could extract data from LFSWorld about where u are then maybe it'll b easier.
S2 licensed
Thank you! This is my christmas present from you! Have a good one..
S2 licensed
Quote from mik22 :ive got a mc2 from madcatz that i use with my xbox and im going to get an adapter to connect up to my pc. the only problem is that the accelarator seems to be stuck on, and pushing the pedal does nothing and it just redlines and i cant control it. is something wrong or is there anything i need to check/fix?

oh yeah i know theses arent very good wheels either

thanks for your help

The adaptor is shit with the wheel, dont get it. i got a venom one and the calibration was terrible with the MC2. I used a PS2 to USB adaptor.
S2 licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy :Some wheels have bad paddles which accidently can click twice, making you shift two times instead of one. This is a delay on the click so it won't make you shift twice. If you have a recent, good wheel, you can set this really low, if you're having problems like described above, increase this value.

*Almost forgot the F in shift*

Well, yes my old wheel does sometimes make me shit more than once... Shame really
S2 licensed
I don't know what does it for me but i just seem to like to be able to mess about there... Some people like to just race time after time after time whereas some like me like to relax lol
S2 licensed
Quote from BrandonAGr :There will always be some people who complain, but the dev team knows they are doing a kickass job and there are tons of people enjoying their work.

Who's complaining...
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Eww... Well then I can understand why you're bored. I don't suppose any improvement to the sim would make that any more interesting for you.

Well, if more cars were added, the hosts would be more inclined to let you use them on their servers so it's more about car improvement than track improvements IMO for me.
S2 licensed
TBH with you, 90% of my play is at Cops n Robbers which is why i don't have high race stats.