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S2 licensed
Im going to BUMP this... This guy needs your support, drop him a few messages...
S2 licensed
Quote from Lible :No? And what's the point of it. It isn't fun... it's like using LFSTweak to be a faster driver.

I was just wondering what it would be like...
S2 licensed
Quote from felplacerad :heh i visited the fm oval party (bf1) the other day, and failure had obviously not found the time to config the scripts yet. kinda wacky getting drift points whilst racing on the oval.

I didnt get that lol... ill try it now!!

Thanks for backing me on the topic!
S2 licensed
The FZ250 is being taken over by TC... at first i didnt realise it had it but i decided to turn at speed wit throttle full and it just completely cut out the power... its very good for beginners to have a try on it with TC!
S2 licensed
Quote from Pegasus :Dear LFS community,

I would like tell you how I've utilised LFS to fundraise for charity.

In a sponsorship event called Race Against Time '06, I am driving 5000 virtual miles by mouse control to raise money for Parent Project UK Muscular Dystrophy (PPUK), a charity set up by parents of young boys with the muscle wasting disease Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) to find a cure for this devastating disease.

At the moment I'm almost half way through my Race Against Time and so far have raised a wonderful £3,108! You can keep track of my progress and read more about my fundraising efforts on my website at

Kind Regards,

Pegasus :heyjoe67_:heyjoe67_:heyjoe67_

p.s. I'm driving under the racing name RaceAgainstTime so look out for me.

You are the kind of person that i respect. I wish you the best of luck and let us know how you get on!!

I just went on your website and read the top... what happened to your brother is terrible! Best luck with the money raising, you are definetely doing the right thing!!
S2 licensed
Anybody got a program as i asked earlier???
S2 licensed
Quote from L(Oo)ney :Does this one count?

I was on two wheels just before i hit the jump.

Also made a little vid of it..

Great looking pic!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from sazea :This is the FRH server

S2 licensed
Quote from ROCKRAZOR :i think the lfs people should put a new game installer with NOS.

Please... no more useless mods, LFS is soon going to be NFS!!!
S2 licensed
Erm... Roast Dinner...
S2 licensed
Looks lovely!!!
S2 licensed
I get that too. I think that that's just how it's supposed to be... And since when are there any curbs in LFS???
S2 licensed
We ARE but im giving an example of how you can take off from a standstill using launch control and not have any wheelspin!!
S2 licensed
i know, i know but its 1 of the only examples of launch control i could find... and it is a lovely car... lol
S2 licensed
I like it... nice job!
S2 licensed
Quote from Tanuva :wouldnt it be nice to have one of these trucks in lfs? Thats the only onroad motorsport lfs doesnt have yet...

and on top of that, I (and be sure not just me) just LOVE these f***** monsters on wheels

look here:

ps. I know MBTR...

You guys come out with anything lol... I would like them but i dont think it would be practical against a road car in a race :jester:
S2 licensed
Quote from TagForce :You gotta love how the credits screen credits the translators in their own script...
Who of you knows what the cyrillic translator (russian) is called?

Erm... were talking about in-game credits... not the design team etc. lol
S2 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :i didnt think the 2006 cars had launch control. i'm pretty sure the 2006 cars dont have it.

The new E60 M5 does and that 06... have a look at this vid at around 1 min 20 seconds into the vid to see launch control... Speechless - ... 621219101155&q=bmw+m5
S2 licensed
Quote from danne :Well the TC works almost as a Launch Control, isn't that enought?

Na... what i wanted was like you get in F1 games where it sort of revs for you and takes off at just the right time to get you the most power/acceleration with the least amount of wheelspin.

It may sound like cheating to you but i believe its not... if the LFS team believe it is cheating then maybe just make it on single-player mode???
Thanks, thats my question answered
S2 licensed
Phew... And i thought the Tech Crew were making some more add-ons lol.

Drift Credits??
S2 licensed
I was in an online race about a day or 2 ago and on the chat there was host messages done by a computer saying that *** (persons name) has drifted their way to **(certain number) points, what are Drift Points??
S2 licensed
Mine have gone too... since the "T" update!!

also... whats up with the drifting credits when in a drifting-type race???
S2 licensed
The rollcages on the cars in LFS are not actually there for any other purpouse except for the racing look - every car reacts the same to damage, rollcage or no rollcage.
S2 licensed
Quote from [RDP] GAV :noob

This is a forum for people that request help... nobody should be called a "noob" here...!
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :If you wheelspin the tyres wind up, and actually propel you above the pit lane limit. Best to lift off a bit before you reach 75km/h so you can hit the limiter more gently.

The limiter works independantly from the TC.

Tristan is right... this happens especially when you are in a powerful car i.e. the BMW Sauber.