The FZ250 is being taken over by TC... at first i didnt realise it had it but i decided to turn at speed wit throttle full and it just completely cut out the power... its very good for beginners to have a try on it with TC!
You are the kind of person that i respect. I wish you the best of luck and let us know how you get on!!
I just went on your website and read the top... what happened to your brother is terrible! Best luck with the money raising, you are definetely doing the right thing!!
Na... what i wanted was like you get in F1 games where it sort of revs for you and takes off at just the right time to get you the most power/acceleration with the least amount of wheelspin.
It may sound like cheating to you but i believe its not... if the LFS team believe it is cheating then maybe just make it on single-player mode???
I was in an online race about a day or 2 ago and on the chat there was host messages done by a computer saying that *** (persons name) has drifted their way to **(certain number) points, what are Drift Points??
The rollcages on the cars in LFS are not actually there for any other purpouse except for the racing look - every car reacts the same to damage, rollcage or no rollcage.