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S2 licensed
Quote from DEVIL 007 dont have a AGP slot? I think there is not much better-powerfull graphic card for PCI slot avaible then GF2MX400...sorry

Woah... 1 sec... I do have AGP but i didn't really use it before, but if AGP is better then i should use that... which ones are good for AGP?


S2 licensed
Quote from DEVIL 007 :Asus N6600/TD 128MB
Sapphire Atlantis ATI Radeon 9600XT 128MB

Around 50GBP and for AGP slot.

Thanks, it sounds nice but i want to use PCI
S2 licensed
Quote from whitey6272 :I replaced my cat with a straight through pipe and switch on MOT day shhhhh!

Hehehe, My friend's dad fitted an air filter and Bluefin to their ST170, giving it an extra 7-9 BHP (according to my friend) and when they had to get something fixed in their car by ford, they did the same thing
S2 licensed
topgear style? How? Looks more like The Getaway to me!
S2 licensed
Quote from jayhawk :XR GT...1.8 litre,140 HP, 25XX pounds, RWD...thats about as close as youre going to get to your Corolla.

And please rip that silly hoodscoop off your car; it does nothing except give car nerds like me a good laugh.

Hehehe, amigaguy u just got done bad!!

And Jay, you're right... Unless the air intake is connected to it!
S2 licensed
Sorry... I have mis-understood the question... i was scanning and took it as High-Def, not High-Res.
S2 licensed
Quote from DEVIL 007 :Hi DEVs,
Is there any chance Eric made track textures avaible in HI-RES version but for some reason they are not included in game(too big file size,perfomance issue or any other)?

I would like to download them if there would be such a posibility.

Many thanks for your feedback.
Best regards,


Do you have a high-res monitor?
S2 licensed
Quote from xXxKOKExXx :First, sorry for my poor english.

I think devs must create and release NOW ( not at 2012) a devs-tools for the lfs comunity.

Why? because there is other sim-games with this feature for the modders, good merchandising for the game!

i mean.... for example Rfactor - 245653 cars, 235343 tracks, and more and more and more....

gtr... the same, etc etc...

lfs?? nothing for the comunity and the game have "released" too many years ago. The lfs players need more tracks and cars! If developers dont have too many time, give us the dev-tools!! we can do the job.

Lfsworld could have 2 parts.... the official tracks/cars with their user times, stadistics etc... and the unofficial parts, modders tracks/cars etc....

I dont like gtr, or rfactor. I prefer lfs physics!! but im bored to play always the same tracks and cars, i want to create my own tracks and cars!! why developers are so closed?? This featured (modding) always is good for the game and merchandising!

But not... we must to wait until 2012 ( or more...) to have S3 and the dev tools..... it is a stupid situation!!

well.... sorry for my english

see u guys!

Sorry, but if you want to flame some DEVS and make us want to feel the same as you do, then you've got another thing coming... Please don't ever say anything like this again, the DEVS work hard and you just throw it back in their faces!!
S2 licensed
Are you sure they aren't XFR's??
S2 licensed
Hahaha... I wonder how he thought of looking for them.

I think you have a flat.
S2 licensed
That was/is nice of Tristan... maybe he has some left-over money from his birthday??? Who knows... But this guy is a legend!!
S2 licensed
As there is an England V Germany fight going on... Then i may as well add 5-1!!!!!!!
S2 licensed
What's a G-25??
S2 licensed
Hahahaha!! :d
S2 licensed
Quote from bo-kristiansen :red stripe on the wheel grip

You try too hard on the small things lol

But i do like your work!
S2 licensed
Quote from Highsider9 :Here is a similar helmet:
The suit should be easy to make.

Thanks you... do you know where to also get the/similiar suit??
S2 licensed
Quote from BMWM3 :are you lost fan ??? (like me ) .....

Am i? Lol... Definetely!!

The 2nd Season is amazing and apparently, there's going to be another 5!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Merc68k :Hey does anyone else miss the feature from before 0.5S where the clutch would be held in if you held down either of your shifter buttons (sequential shift mode)?

I used to use this all the time for recovering from spins (neutral to allow the car to roll backwards) and it was helpful at other times too.

It would be cool if we could have an option to have that function on or off, in case anyone prefers the new behaviour... what do you guys think?

Apparently, according to the "U" update, that was a glitch??
S2 licensed
I would like a stig skin! lol
S2 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :if your mobo supports it... i'd reccomend a 9600xt they go for about 80 bucks. i am currently using an x800gto AGP 256mb and i can run lfs at 1280x1024 with 4xAA and 16XAF easily.

Thanks but i was looking for something a bit less on the price side... maybe around a max of £50 GBP...?
S2 licensed
Quote from overdoped :Look at this :
Video of supercharged Ariel Atom (300bhp!)

OMG!!! Amazing! I love the bit when he goes through the car wash lol
S2 licensed
Love it... You Japanese are amazing, what would we do without you?
S2 licensed
Site looks great!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from sweetreid :Save the cash on the soundcard, you'll just be throwing away money.

For a video card, maybe a geforce 5700/6200. Should be a cheap little upgrade, with either of these cards your processor will be the bottleneck. You could go for a 6600 if you're feeling cheeky, don't know if there will be any difference for you though.

Don't go hog wild on the card, because it will not likely make the trip to your next computer since AGP is out and PCIE is in.

I always use PCI anyway so that's not a problem