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S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :What about just not voting?

(On topic: See Tukko's post )

I voted other... There's nothing there that says only vote if you're in a team!
S2 licensed
Quote from DejaVu :Doesn't matter what game you play, there's always people who will have completely retarded names. They just want the attention - probably abused by there mothers brothers uncles father when they were young.

Let me start off by trying to connect the "lol" from the other past and this...

This guy had a temporary name - I wasn't really that badly affected by it but i just felt that i wanted to bring it up...
S2 licensed
Not everybody is in a team so maybe add an option like "not in team"!!
S2 licensed
Repeated thread #932196
S2 licensed
Just so that I don't get absolutely nailed into the ground, I chose becky as obviously if i were to want to meet a man i.e. my best friend then i MUST be gay!!
S2 licensed
Quote from DejaVu :lol

Can you expand on that please... :bananadea
S2 licensed
I respect your views but this can be prevented and i did speak to this guy about it! I just wanted to show how ignorant people can be these days - I have to admit that i can be racist but I don't take it too far but this is Silly!!
S2 licensed
Quote from 96 GTS :I think you'd get about 0FPS doing that, too, unless you had a mega-uber computer, then you might get 10...

I think this would require a huge rewrite of LFS, too. Polling two controllers, generating two sets of physics simultaneously, drawing two parts of the track at the same time, etc, etc, etc.

I don't see this happening any time soon :-\

I have 2 screens connected - I clone not split and FPS is identical on both so why not do that when it splits?
S2 licensed
I wrecked a huge pile of sh*t because it led to free credits.

We'd do anything these days for some free credits
This is makes me sick!!
S2 licensed
Look at the attatchment screenshot - how can somebody call themselves that when we know what is going on in the middle east?? :vomit:
S2 licensed
Quote from DethMag :Seriously Uh-hu

MR2 is too expensive to be 'Chav' around here...all the dumbasses are too busy pissing around with Escorts, Astras and Clio's to get something with RWD :pillepall

Then again...I am in essex, could explain a lot.....Uhmm

I'm in Loughton, not too far from you and I don't know if you've seen but the MAIN car that you see in an evening on the High Road is a black (mostly 52-54 plates) Renault Clio and you just know it's a "Loughton boy" sitting behind the wheel Big grin
S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :There was a light I would always hit on my way home from school and one night I was there especially late. So it's dark out and I'm on my little 250cc motorcycle. I came up to this light and it's red. I see the light for the road going across my path go yellow, then red. My light stays red as it's a delayed green to allow people going the opposite direction to turn left. There's no one else in sight. So I get ready to go, then the light for the street crossing my path goes green again! I said to hell with this and made a right turn, followed by a U-turn, followed by a right turn to get on the other side of the light. I think this particular intersection had weight sensors, and with me on it, the bike weighs a little over 400 lbs, simply not enough to trip the sensor.

Dangerous lol - IMO - All of this is BS. And if i'm wrong then I think that these lights need to be changed because if YOU flash the lights and they turn green and the person on the other side has got a legal green then you can guess what could happen next... :moped: --------->:bananadea
S2 licensed
Judging by the results... FM who??
S2 licensed
Quote from Captain Slow :rofl r you reffering to "engugh"

TBH, If you hadnt've mentioned that "&%$*" he calls English then I would've
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Once upon a time there was a virgin and a shephard going to the little town of South City to register their tax returns, two wise men and a spectator followed them there by following a trail of rubber laid down by a brightly twinkling billboarding system in the sky.

When the virgin and the shephard got to South City but could find nowhere to sleep, but a kind hearted inn keeper led them to the pit lane and later that night the virgin popped a sprog on the underpass. They named him Scawen, in honour of the mispelled graffitti on the underpass.

When Scawen grew up he was crucified by forum goers for not releasing patches quick enough, but luckily he was reborn with S2 - and said he planned to come back to life again later.

Somewhere along the line he was joined by two of the wise men who guided Scawen and proclaimed him the son of Scavier, the divine sim racing God, but this was bollocks because we know he was the son of a shephard and a virgin.

Excellent post lol
S2 licensed
Quote from harlen :sounds pretty awesome man!! ill meet you on there in a mo!

I don't know if you've realised - But you're S2!! Why go onto a demo server limited to 3 cars when you can go onto S2 and have the whole lot??? illepall
S2 licensed
Well done man - That looks sick!!
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Been riding less than a month, and already have had my first accident illepall.

And so the story goes............

My CBR was booked in for a service yesterday, took it in they gave me a loan bike, a brand new bright yellow Triumph Daytona 650, nice bike, at least it was .

So, I am riding the Triumph back to the dealers to pick up my bike, riding down the high street about 200 metres from the shop, when all of a sudden, some women in a Silver VW Golf pulls out right in front of me, now I am doing about 25-30mph, so I am not going fast, but she pulls out so close to me I can't do anything about it, I hit her wing, sort of bounce off to the right hand side, next thing I remember was trying to hold the bike up, then I am under the bike half with on the pavement on the opposite side of the road under a bloody great Triumph.

Engine is still running and in gear, my left leg/foot is caught in the back wheel, luckly I had my bike boots on, my first reaction is to get up a floor the person who did it, luckly I couldnt get the bike off me, took 3 people to lift it off, and by that time I had calmed down a bit.

I wasnt badly hurt, get a pretty bruised left leg and hip, glad I had all my protective gear on otherwise it might have been a different story, then had to push the bent, broken and bleeding Triumph back to the dealer, who was none to pleased .

Still, I am in one piece, and at least it wasnt my bike, bloody blind car drivers .


Glad you're ok - It wouldnt've happened if there would've been a guy driving the Golf lol... A friend of my friend had a car accident about 2 weeks after he passed... It was a right off but luckily he was ok...

As you have seen - It's not how you drive, it's how others aroudn you drive...
S2 licensed
Quote from Smax :I'd better keep a weather eye out for a Tusnami or two

Not funny
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :As much as I dislike 'being nice to everyone because it's nice' fashion, I think the demo racers should have the ability to post and join in everywhere on this forum.

Certain, small sections could do with tweaks, like not allowing posting in certain skin threads perhaps, but there is no point hiding material or preventing most posts because they will just find a way around it - RSC, or BHMS.


Wheel4Hummer: Everyone is a demo racer at one time or another, and you still would be if it wasn't for me, which might be worth taking into account when limiting demo racer forum access.

Yes, all of us were demo but nobody mentioned stopping "full" access to the forums... Maybe there should be an option tick box when submitting skins or dds files etc which says only allow licensed users to dl...

What do you think??
S2 licensed
Maybe we could get the P.O.V. of a demo user?

Anybody know anyone who would have a point on this who is demo??
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :I agree in a way, but there can be many pros and cons to all of it.

So I propose something like this:

Demo Users:
-Allowed to view all the forums
-Not allowed to download attachments in certain sections (ie licensed skins)
-Posting limited to certain sections
-Demo users should have their own section, as they are usually left out with licensed users hampering them. And licensed users shouldn't be allowed to post in their forum maybe?

My list could go on, but I think this presents some good points and bad points. First off, the way it is right now, the forum is hugely dominated by "I am LICENSED!" users. Demo users come on here for the most part and make mention of needing a skin or file which they would not normally require when being a demo user. Having these users only allowed to post in certain sections is what I think could work, but it has to be done properly... and I imagine it wouldn't be easy to do.

As long as Demo users can view the entire forum, they get that desire to actually buy the game by seeing all the benefits from making a purchase. But no matter where a Demo user posts on this forum, there is no escaping the fact that they will seen as a noob, cracker, or someone that doesn't want to buy the game and religiously plays Demo mode; and they will ultimately become a public example of stupidity.

If something IS done, I don't think it should be super-strict. At least give them a Demo section, and maybe they can peacefully hang out in there. But as you all know, Demo users are no happy campers and all it will be filled with is reports of wreckers, complaining, and probably requests for people to join their cool DrAg SeRvEr.

I just wish there was a better way to entice Demo users to buy the game! and we wouldn't be in this situation.

I strongly agree - wheel4hummer has made a great point because if a S2 player has put lots of work into something, for example a skin then they may not want some unlicensed demo user to spread it about so maybe we could take this further... +1!
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Keep an eye on others around you! It's not always YOU that is the problem!!
S2 licensed
Quote from wE1l :I once did a double, that is, hit two Materazzis with one smack. But I have since been unable to repeat the feat.
