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S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :lol thats like what happened to my dad; he took my N64 away from me in middle school because my grades were dropping, and well.. lets just say he pretty much lost where it was lol

so like 4 years later or so, we buy one off ebay (which.. rip off guy didn't have the ram in there..) anyways, about a week or so later, my mom finds it between a foldup mattress we have up in the bonus room

i just kinda stared and laughed at my dad for being a fool lol

Well 2 things have happened to me that are kinda like that -

1. My dad dropped my PSX and we bought another one but the woman (obviously) made a mistake and charged us £50 instead of £100 lol

2.And the other time was when my mum took away my cap guns - I bought new ones because i always did for some reason lol but i found 2 of them at the top of the wardrobe when i was climbing up to hide when playing hide & seek lol
S2 licensed
Quote from Madman_CZ :ermm wasnt sure it did. I didnt really play lfs s1 too much.. you got a pic of it anywhere? maybe i can replicate it!

Well at least i dled it whilst i like it before you spoil it with the bate Caterham wannabe thing!
S2 licensed
I'm going to Spain on Friday morning at like 3 AM Can't wait!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Madman_CZ :yeah, the lx texture was really bad. Came out rather well i think. Not sure whether i should remove the lfs logo i added to the dash. Will wait on what people say!

Logo is reason why i dled the texture - It looks great and it has the "engraved" look which looks really good!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :hide the speakers, and buy some cheap headphones lol

His dad will be on there for so long that by the time he's finished - Captain will have waited soooo long that he hadn't needed to use the speakers that he has forgotten where he hid them lol
S2 licensed
I find it annoying when i'm in a nice CnR server - speakers turned to my preferred volume (sod what everybody else thinks) then suddenly if the door is close then it's opened or somebody just walks in and says oh... Mum/Dad sai'd it's mine turn - "5 minutes" - 2 minutes later... "It's been 5 minutes" I end up in an argument and banned from using the computer for a day lol

I then go upstairs to my computer whcih is wireless so always searching for internet networks and i'm lagging then i disconnect - It's a lose-lose situation
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :i believe we do have one, but im saying that i still use other people's signatures, its just .. there are certain sizes (like... your signature) and quotes shouldn't be allowed in signatures

Maybe put a pm through to mod and discuss a limit of however many lines allowed in sig...?
S2 licensed
Quote from nutty boy :I didn't know what to have for this but I typed a random thing in and i've got a hilarious result.


S2 licensed
Maybe have option everytime you enter a thread or in your CP to have view sigs off/on?
S2 licensed
Quote from harlen :heehee. this one goes on for ages!
oh and for the guy who wants the animator : search Pivot animator on google. its a free animation program (i use it).
the anime gets a bit laggy as its so long.

p.s im only 13 to!

Bloody long lol
S2 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :The car cost 300e, the stock 4K engine drinks about 6-7l/100km of fuel, insurances cost almost nothing.. so yeah, it's quite cheap to upkeep and drive.

The wheels are really dirty in that pic.. as so is the whole car really.

NB NB - Do you know the performance stats?
S2 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :
Who says that a stock S13 can't go sideways.
I must admit that open diff makes it an bit of a challenge. T_T
Got this Corolla few weeks back too, supposed to be a daily driver/winter car. Seller said it had an valve problem because it was running on 3 cylinders when I bought it. Problem ended up being a vacuum hose in the intake manifold and no valve-problem whatsoever. Quite fun car to drive actually: 65hp / 850kg / RWD.

Those rims and tyres remind me of the old Mini - fat and wide but small!! Nice small car and i suppose it doesn't really break the bank...?
S2 licensed
Quote from Fragmatic :Honda turned me into a ricer -

What's funny is, all those stickers are from Honda and they all say "The Power of Dreams", give em to a ricer though, they'll slap em all on the car and proclaim it's some super JDM DORIFTOOOO tuning co.

It's a shame that i didn't really go and have a close-up of the type-r.

I only came over to the Honda stand twice, first time to book a test drive, 2nd to do it lol

Did anybody see Max Power there??
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :I vote for obscure racing forms.

Tristan Bumchum
S2 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :knob is someone who acts like a penis. knob/bell-end/d*ck all of those are vulgar names for the male sex organ.

Thanks for that...
S2 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :Why do people have to do this whole "fake sympathy to show people that I care and look good" bullshit. I've been bugged to death by it all, even more so recently when I get phone calls from people I've not seen or even taked to for 15 years saying "omg, we're so sorry for you", bullshit you are, you want to make yourself feel good.

People do it all the time, a celb/sportsmen/someone of some sort of fame dies and on forums around the world you see "RIP [name here]" shit all over. Why? Will the dead person see it? No, will the family see it? No. So why bother with it?

The guy chose a "sick" name, who cares? If you're such a prude about everything then why bother breathing, it might offend you. You really need to see the funny side of things, and stop with the fake "we're so sorry" bull. No you're not, it doesn't really make you sick that he chose the name he did, you just want to show you care about things which in no way shape or form effect you.

You may not care about something but I do - You may not have connections with what is goin on in Israel/Lebanon - I DO!! I care so i speak out - If you don't like it then keep it to yourself But NEVER say who cares because plenty of people care... Ask some people in S****horpe if they care - Some MAY, some MAY NOT but like you say... I don't care what they think...
S2 licensed
Quote from BrandonAGr :Ha, I laughed when I saw the name.

Did you laugh when you saw the news?? Better keep your mouth shut. :tombstone
S2 licensed
Well done guys - looks very professional. Good luck with all your prospects in the future!!
S2 licensed
Quote from jovadzic :Thx, u slaver too me , one day, maybe i buy license !!!

Lol please do!! It will save you getting married (I am guessing you aren't married - Sorry if i'm wrong )
S2 licensed
Quote from harlen :I think its disgusting. many people threatened to report him.

oh and look at the players list - theres me!

Oh and look at the permanent ban list by the forum mods - There's you!
Get rid of it!
S2 licensed
Quote from avellis :Yes, almost.

Wouldn't this be "knob"?

That is debatable
S2 licensed
Clean? You mean update? What brand is your video card? What model is your video card? Why give us such rubbish, basic information? Why are you a worse speller than people who speak English as a 2nd language?
S2 licensed
Good job on all skins!!

Buy yourself a license and be another great addition to S2 as well as Demo!
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :1.5 hous to London for me though, and then when i get there i (read, blame my dad!) got off the docklands railway, asked a woman where to go, and we got back on it again! We said we were auto express subscirbers after they tried to sell us one, and they said "Oh, then have this free bag" it had water, a copy of Auto Express and a kit kat in it! they didnt even check to make sure we were! the free coke at the end was nice and cold!

Lol - I paid for that magazine!!

And yes, the coke was very nice before getting on that dusty, old bus
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :i got there ~10-ish and was there until 5, and after 12 it really got packed, when i say kids i mean 8-13 year olds who want to put their hands all over the cars, sit in them and make "vroom vroom" noises and pull the interior to bits, who run infront of the camera, knock you to one side, talk ******* about all the cars and are generally a nuisance, luckily the "tuned" (read, ruined) cars were out of the way so that they could go over there and drool over some 52,252 watt speaker playing some awful music, and no im only 15! but it annoyed me as i went round first and had a look at everything, then i went back around to take some pics and not only was it packed, but because of the people they moved the restricting things to stop you getting in some of the cars (ie the Barabus) alot further away, making pics a lot harder!

about the elise if i didnt say - at the Lotus stand they let anyone on, and they let them sit in the cars, and tons of little children wanted to sit in this one Black Elise, they all had trouble getting in, and put their hand on the roof to help themselves in, result being a roof smeared with hand prints, and the door seal had been rubbed by so many little arms that it was hanging off!

the other thing that annoyed me was that my dad is looking for a car to replace his Vauxhall Omega, he looked at quite a few (ie the Vectra, Mondeo/Focus, Kia Magenta illepall etc) and NONE of them would give him a brochure, instead he had to give them his name and address and have them sent to him, when he could of read them on the train home! i picked up all the promotional stuff i could see for the cars (not services), and from the whole show i got:

1 Smart EV (electric vehicle) brochure
1 Carbon Fibre sales brochure (thought it was for the Barabus !)
1 Brooke Double R brochure
1 Carber brochure
1 Connaught Type-D Styracse GT (is that right?) brochure
1 Corsa Bag
1 Kia Bag

and thats from a whole flaming motor show! i tried to get the 722 pack, but he wouldnt give me one, oh well, i still got a gimpse!

EDIT - Sorry about that, i may be 15 but im 50 on the inside!

Lol im 15 too - I didn't really get stuck with the kids and i didn't even see the Lotus stand lol - I got a KIA bag and the rest were magazines i bought and a sweet from a woman who jumped out of nowhere and said "take" - WTF lol.

The best car there must've been the M6 Convertible (minus the dropping water )

My dad was really looking forward to looking at the Audi stand for the new TT vut unfortunately they weren't there so we will have to wait for it to come into the showrooms or something

The really good thing about having the show at Excel is that i'm only about 10/15 Mins away so no 1.5+ Hour journey to Birmingham