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Quote from NONo443 :Wow, this one got ugly really quick......

Anyhow, I pretty much voted for "Don't care" because if you give one person a license, everyone is going to scream "unfair" or "he doesnt deserve it" as been said pretty much in this thread (causing un-needed drama).

Which means that they will try harder in the next activity in the next competition... See where im going?
S2 licensed
Quote from harlen :Honda Civic!!!

Nope, no way near.
S2 licensed
Quote from harlen :nissan sentra?

Nope, not close at all.
S2 licensed
Quote from harlen :Volkswagen Golf!!!!

k another

No way near - try again...
S2 licensed
Close it then.
S2 licensed
Quote from kompa :I'd rather think what's best and most beneficial for LFS.

Sure, demo racers are most likely the biggest bunch to attend if an event of some sort was arranged, I'd still try to get NEW people into LFS.

Point proven but if we do it for demo users then more people will come for a chance to win!
S2 licensed
Quote from th84 :You are singling people out, first is faster. The thread is called "faster's s2 license", so he is being singled out. Second is me, you said "can i ask YOU a question", so that's 2.

I think your so worried about getting that count up that you forget what you posted 5 min's ago.Your talking in circles man, you sadness rating is going up, but not cause of the post count.

When i posted this poll i had it open - thats what i mean by not singleing out but when i am posting a reply to you then obviously it is to you! Got it? illepall
S2 licensed
Quote from Madman_CZ :Maybe we should just wait untill he shows up, wait for him to open his mouth and make his opinion heard!..

Good idea!
S2 licensed
Quote from W1LLSD4D :He's 4 & I think he's cute (but then might be ever so slightly biased)

we normally do the car park - he steers & I do pedals though sometimes he likes to do doughnuts in the FOX

Hehe that's great - I'm 15 and my sister is 7 and i let here do the gears (A&S on keyboard) she loves it - I remember when my dad used to take me out to a car park (in RL) and i used to sit on his lap and control the wheel - I loved that so much lol and it was even better that the ground was like dirt and gravel so i thought it was funny when i created all the dust
S2 licensed
Quote from th84 :Like i said dude, your talking to the wrong one. Ive bought my share of voucher's for demo user's. Maybe you should read the forums that your so concerned about raising your post count on.

BTW, how can you say something like this (see below) in one thread, then come here saying you want to help him? Kinda hypocritical if you ask me.

TBH i havent enen noticed u inputting into that so why bring it up - a few of us were joking around and i dont even know the guy so obviously im not doing it to insult him!!

And if it has insulted him then i owe him an apology but it was all just a bit of "flamin'" fun!
S2 licensed
Quote from th84 :Like i said dude, your talking to the wrong one. Ive bought my share of voucher's for demo user's. Maybe you should read the forums that your so concerned about raising your post count on.

Yes and i could become an ultra sad person...

If you had een listening - you would see that i'm not actually singling people out to give money, im just giving ideas and if you dont want to contribute (again) then thats entirely up to you but at least let me get my idea across to others too!

Thank you
S2 licensed
Quote from kompa :Maybe a guy who's never heard of LFS is better if you Think about it.

Yes but we need somebody who we know will stay "interested" and so far the demo user that is the most obvious is faster111!!
S2 licensed
Quote from kompa :What would give LFS the largest amount of positive publicity and therefore potential customers? That's the first thing to consider imo. Then it would be easier to figure out the details but of course, it has to promote good racing.

So, is it really necessary to give the licence to a demo racer in particular?

Shall we give it to an S2 user instead?? illepall
S2 licensed
Quote from th84 :As said earlier, If you want to help so bad, buy him the voucher. Problem solved.

May i ask you something?

What the hell, im going to ask you anyway - Are you poor? Are you stinghy? Are you unable to spare 50p/£1 every month/3 months towards an S2 membership for a demo user?

That's it...
S2 licensed
Quote from K.David :OK back on topic. I still don't see the reason why a person should get a free licence just because he made a thread about how desperate he was about S2. Or is it that he entertained you guys by not being able to speak his mothertongue? At 15?!

Ok, so it may seem that we have started off quite quickly and maybe in a wrong way with this idea but faster has beened the most interested demo user IMO that i have seen in a long time so i thought that we could start it off at him and then we could do a competition every month/3 months... What's the problem with that?
S2 licensed
Quote from th84 :Tristan is at the top of the list, but there is a big diffrence. MOST of his post's are on topic and informitive, where your's are just crap.

The above is my opinion and in no way reflect's the opinion's of other's on this forum.

Since when is wanting to help the demo users community "crap"?

What is all of your problems? If you dont like what i'm doing then just dont comment but dont try and make me feel as if im doing wrong when all im trying to do is to start up a competition to help advance the Demo-S2 community? illepall
S2 licensed
Quote from Ryanry64 :I think I'll agree with Androids comment about the post count.

I'll also agree with Chris's idea of 'If you want him to have it, you buy it for him'


You put a poll up with a Yes/No answer and you don't want people to just say no? A competition of somesort would be fine but buying a license for someone because he can't spell and entertains a couple of people when there are many more deserved demo-ers around just seems odd to me.

You didnt have to answer to the poll or you couldve just put dont care but dont just diss it to the ground as its only here to help people at the least...
S2 licensed
Quote from K.David :Sadness rating = post count. Someone's signature has the top 10 or so. Quite funny to call it sadness rating

So what is Tristan's sadness rating?
S2 licensed
Quote from Kalev EST :He needs a s2 licence for racing but he can spam the forum and want to know stuff as a demo racer.

spsamsp, I normally quite like spam but you are going too far and starting to piss me off.:mad: If you dont have anything to say then just dont say it.

What do you mean "if i dont have anything so say"?? I've said enough and the things i've said have only been for good so dont bloody talk crap to me about spamming when i dont see any ideas from you!
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Not without him doing anything to earn it, no.

Btw, I heavily suspect that this thread is just a lame excuse for spsamsp to increase his sadness rating.

And why would i want to do that? illepall
S2 licensed
Quote from Fonnybone :

EDIT: Oh, i just had an idea, maybe a 'driver test' using a layout would be good
since it rewards a good driver more than simply a fast one.

Do you like the idea of a competition each month/quarter of a year?
S2 licensed
Quote from Chris_Kerry :spsamsp,

Could you please try and fit multi quoting into one post, your obsessive posting in order to try and boost your post count is pissing me and others off.

Back on topic, I like the idea of the community adding something to LFS, but for me this is too open for abuse.

If you want Faster to have a licence, you buy it for him

1. I am just replying ASA a post comes in for quick questions/statements answered and not because i want my posts up (even though i do)

2. If you don't want to input then don't but don't just judge our idea and say no altogether - maybe just help along with some other ideas... An alternative not just a disagreement!
S2 licensed
Quote from Kalev EST :No, I was a demo racer for a while and I know many people who deserve it 100 times more than him. Also those who are rooting for him to get it, have you actually raced with him or seen a replay?

How about these guys... siemens=Alex

Check the replays...
Those guys IMO deserve it more.

We/I are not judging on how he races etc - we are judging him on his input and his want for knowledge!
S2 licensed
Quote from garph :I thought that faster has already said that he is going to buy a full S2 licence soon?

With his EMA - that's not very practical as he needs that money for "more important things"!
S2 licensed

This may be quite a hard one!!
Last edited by spsamsp, .