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S2 licensed
Quote from Noccy :Look up the 3 demoaccounts with the earliest registerdate on this forum ,who are still active (browsing ,no need to post) and have a poll who deserves it most.
The poll would serve to make sure if there was an ancient crasher that he wouldnt get a license.

But this thread could go on for ages and by the time the thread is seen by many people, it could be months and the people in the poll may've become inactive again - we actually should go ahead with the essay thing for all of the demo users!!! That would be sooo cool!
S2 licensed
Quote from spookthehamster :No, it's not a longboard. It's a picture of my car that I posted on a similar thread on a longboard forum. It's a 1976 BMW 1502.

Stupid fruit-booter.

You drive a very grown-up, mature car for an 18 year old... Or you just know what a "REAL" car is!! Good on ya'!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :lol, no, not abbreviations but a pronunciation guide, which it turns out is wrong. The word comes from isotropic, with the an- suffix of course meaning the opposite of. So it means "not isotropic". Isotropic means "dentical in all directions".

Thanks for that!
S2 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :So do I.

I'll help mark them.

I'll be the supervisor to help them spell their names!
S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :AA = Anti-Aliasing
AF = Anisotropic (AH-NEES-OH-TRO-PIC) Filtering

Thanks for the unnecessary abbreviations!
S2 licensed
Quote from Captain Slow :ROFL
how about you buy a g25 and have a competition for s2 players instead?

Trust me, if G25 was out and i was rich - every single one of you would recieve one just because it's so amazing and i wouldn't want them to go to waste (not that they would if i didn't)!!
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :They have to write an essay about why they deserve the license and the one with the least spelling mistakes and best grammar wins.

A clear win/win situation.

Let's enter faster111 into it!!
:ices_rofl :Eyecrazy: :slap: :biggrinfl :static: :uglyhamme :something :tit: :huepfenic :smileyrai :
S2 licensed
Quote from DEVIL 007 :Unless you kidding then the AA+AF make games looking much better.

Of course i know that but what do they stand for??
S2 licensed
Quote from Captain Slow :naa i was only jokin. althoough the first letter of ma racer name is pink, im entirely straight and normal and dont like animals in funny ways or anything like that.

My racer name is in Japanese but i'm fully English and i do not drive a riced-up Honda Civic (No offence to anyody who is Japanese or drves a Honda Civic - Anybody who does feel offended go to for a free cookie!)
S2 licensed
Quote from jovadzic :Hi, one more FXR skin, its calibra opc, not bad !!!

Nice skin - You're a very talented skin-maker!!
S2 licensed
Quote from jovadzic :HAHAHA, yes. am merried , and my wife was born a daughter at last Friday 21.07., now im dad too !!!

S2 licensed
Quote from Captain Slow :Wheeeeeeeeeeeey.

u wudnt want to know.

I think you're right!
S2 licensed
Quote from Captain Slow :my dad flys remote controled planes and helicopters, but he still manages to be a pain in the racing seat. btw spsamsp, can i call u spasm? i think its funny. no offence or anything

lol i've had it before, many times... Whatever floats your boat - call me what you want. Sam or Samuel is the most acceptable but like i said, whatever floats your boat
S2 licensed
Quote from Captain Slow :im a noob, say no more. the hotlap on lfs world is me, not my dad. he was just looking at them. my dad is less than half a second faster than me at So1 because thats all he will play on, wheras i like to vary my tracks. overall id whipp his arse methinks.

@ mr b. good idea. lol

My dad doesn't even know about the game lol and i'm always on it - He's too stuck into golf on a course sat and sun morn - range some evenings, gym every day and football on sundays and wednesday evenings - all spare time is work lol
S2 licensed
Quote from Blackout :International community just seems so powerless

The problem is who is in which community...!
S2 licensed
Quote from MR_B :Replace your wheel with a broken one off ebay, just give him the shell, claim he ruined your wheel! And demand he either coughs up the cash or stops using LFS. It's a win win situation.

Cough up enough for a G25 for both of you!!

EDIT: How can he go on Ebay when he can't use the computer lol and don't say use somebody else's computer
S2 licensed
Quote from PLAYLIFE :1 lap race at BL1
last guy to cross the finish line wins
the last finisher must not take more than 15 minutes to cross the line
if so, the race is restarted

the most clever of all wins

Great idea... NO Pitting allowed and no going speed below 10MPH and no going same direction for more than 20 secs lol
S2 licensed
Quote from DEVIL 007 :Set 4xAA+16AF and I bet it will be more slideshow

I don't even know what the F888 that is lol

Anti-aliterating what and anti filterating??
S2 licensed
Quote from Scrabby :euh i guess but a MAN is better

MAN'll do - When do we start?
S2 licensed
Quote from Scrabby : ok a racing truck they r cool to race

Like in Mercedes Benz Truck Racing??
S2 licensed
Quote from Blackout :Ok, I thought you could have been thinking the looks. But for a moment I thought you had totally lost your mind

Erm... What did you say lol
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :I played PGR3 many times, and feel that it seems very disconnected, like its just a game, but luv the interior views...LFS... take some not, we want interiors like dat ^__^

I have fallen in love with the int views too!! :jawdrop:
S2 licensed
Quote from Highsider9 :Captain Slow's Dad ist faster than i am, now _that_ is distracting.

Are you fast?

He may be faster than you but if you are the slowest then he may not be that fast...
S2 licensed
Quote from Scrabby :euhm the Terminator?
but serious, i think ppl always want race-cars, road-cars, rally-cars, WHY NOT A MONSTERTRUCK, i mean to get-out of all the pressure, just have some fun with a monstertruck and allot of power:bounce8:

A lot of power, hardly any speed!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :thats BIIIG broadband!

OT - if you think someones sig is big (or in my case, offensive, at least my first one was), PM them

They never care though otherwise they wouldnt've used that sig in the 1st place?? I always get abused when asking for something nicely