Yes, buy why do it to a fully functional car? it's ok if you've got something terrbile that cost like £100 but with the (i believe it was either an Integra or RX something), that car looked and sounded fine before those meanies got their hands on it!
Woah, woah, woah... Way too confusing for you and me... why don't you just use Mouse - Axis for steering, Left button for Throttle, Right for Brake and just config the keyoard for everything else...
Torque is what today's diesel owners are buying them for... my dad had a 1.9 A4 Tdi Quattro Sport... and that had the same amount of torque, i believe, as a Boxster S! The only problem is the need to change gear so quickly because of the low RPM
Also, i would like to add, if you brake earlier it will save you having to brake hard at the last second so this will help to stop your tires heating up so much