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S2 licensed
Quote from lorenhsu :Hi all

This is my 2ed LFS skin

Ford Focus WRC for XF GTR


screenshot: ... ource=XF-GTR-Ford-WRC.jpg


That looks ace!!
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Cos it's fun. It's only a few bits of metal after all, it's not like there are or should be morals about this. I have a personal goal in life to see how engines blow up, inline 4's, rotaries, wankels, v's, flats, deltas etc. Can't wait.

Yes, buy why do it to a fully functional car? it's ok if you've got something terrbile that cost like £100 but with the (i believe it was either an Integra or RX something), that car looked and sounded fine before those meanies got their hands on it!
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :Okay well.. im making this later than i wanted, but earlier than i wanted also, i really wanted to kick this thread off with a bang with a finished model.. unfortunately i have none of those lol

so heres what im gonna kick this off with; a mockup R8 that i started yesterday, i probably wont do much to this model, just use it more for paints and materials to see how they come out (right now its just a simply mat with a simple falloff reflection..)

when i say mockup i mean it has the basic layout of an R8, but there are a number of differences.. didnt get nearly as far as i wanted yesterday.. but hey.. lol try and model one of these, so many wierd curves, i promise you wont get what you want

but right now im fairly satisfied

P.S. secret project is still comming along nicely, i havent put any mats on it, but im closing in on the finished model

Pics remind me of Maserati MC12!
S2 licensed
Quote from ElShotte :Hello guys,

I am fairly new to LFS, I tried it a while back... hated it. Now, I downloaded the S version demo a week ago, started the Training, got pissed, deleted it. Couple days ago, I downloaded the newest version (U) and am enjoying it, very cool game. I have no wheel and pedals, now, I loose time on the turns because I cannot apply the proper throttle with the XRT Turbo, If I try anything fancy Ill spin out and start muttering. However, as in a real RWD car, when your wheel is barely twisted you can apply throttle without spinning out, although gotta be careful. Anyway, I got an idea, I love driving with the mouse (now that I have gotten used to it), and realized I have throttle control on my logitech joystick, and was thinking of this setup;

(5 button Microsoft Mouse)

Left Mouse: Gear Down
Right Mouse: Gear Up
Side Button Big: Clutch
Mouse Axis: Steer
Joystick Throttle: Acceleration/Braking
Joystick Button: Handbrake

However, jumped into the options, and apparently, I can only use a KB/Mouse or Wheel/Joystick config... anyway to mixmatch the two so I can achieve the above? Also, any way to lower the mouse sensitivity? I find myself steering out of a corner catching a light drift and countersteering too bloody hard and start drifting and sooner or later if I have not regained control of the car I end up doing a 180 to reverse and J-Turn...

Also, I find it quite enjoyable to do 360's, 180's to reverse and J-Turn out or 180 Boomerangs... anyone else? Not alot of the games actually let you do this, and if they do, it's too bloody simple... I like the method of Handbrake, twist wheel, switch to reverse, reverse the wheel, hit the gas, straighten wheel hit drive...

Ohh and, how come whenever I hotlap or play a singleplayer game the replay is not recorded? Is this a restriction within the demo?

Woah, woah, woah... Way too confusing for you and me... why don't you just use Mouse - Axis for steering, Left button for Throttle, Right for Brake and just config the keyoard for everything else...
S2 licensed
Quote from reyco :No any erors but this is my deb.log

LFS : 0.5P
timer resolution 1 ms
read config
get command line
preinit d3d
number of adapters : 1
adapter 0 - valid modes : 86
load bans
load font
max texture size 256
can do shadows
can use 2x tex
can do multi tex
can't use dynamic tex
can't use compressed tex
can use 2x tex
can do multi tex
can't use dynamic tex
can't use compressed tex
I have Windows XP profesional, and AMIGA SPORTS 3 driver. The cpu is 544 Intel Celeron, 384 MB ram.

Ouch... Celeron is NOT good for games!
S2 licensed
Quote from ayrton senna 87 :thank goodness for that.

i wonder what happened?

Yes... i was starting to wonder too... My friend wanted to purchase S2 but couldn't so he'll be happy!
S2 licensed
Quote from jojo531 :I am wondering if we can put a huge big football in BL3...............

Was it on Top Gear when they used the Toyota Aygos'?? that was so cool!! Good idea btw!
S2 licensed
Quote from Stellios :For me, the FZ50 is the easiest car to drift, its the easiest to get into one and the easiest to hold there.

I favour the XRGT/XRGT Turbo for drifting! And once you become more advanced, try the LX4/6!
S2 licensed
Quote from Gargantula :Back in Version 0.1 I remember being able to set the steeering lock to 60 degrees I think. This was when drifters were storming the servers. I just checked now and it saw only 1 drifing server.

To fit my drifting style I need the steering lock to be able to be set further.I am trying to get back into it. Especially with the racing versions of the car only getting 25 degrees maximum. I heard on ESPN I think that drifters have a clutch pack LSD, rear wheel drive car, softer suspension in back and a aftermarket kit to be able to set the steering angle to a wider angle.

I find that i need more than 16.0 for the BF1 but maybe not as much as 60!?! lol
S2 licensed
Quote from Altrezia :Hey everyone. Just started playing LFS again after a long time of not playing. I'm trying to get my work-mates to join in too

Anyway, we've all got 3 monitors here at work, and I was wondering what was needed to get LFS to play accross all three in a sort of widescreen mode?


I believe you just change the settings on the desktop to 3 monitors... how many actual desktops do you have? is it 3 screens-1 desktop?
S2 licensed
Quote from wE1l :Whatever skin you wear, it is still BMW steering wheel that you see when you sit in the cockpit.

:iagree: and what a fine job they have done to make it look amazing!
S2 licensed
Quote from speedfreak227 :have you noticed the billboards around the tracks now though?

they're getting their advertising.


I saw that too... it's good that LFS is getting sponsored by large companies like Intel and BMW!
S2 licensed
Quote from vpr01 :I raced a 3 Series BMW Turbo Diesel (M spec) at Bedford Autodrome. With the racing chip, it kicked out a lot of black smoke (not thick mind you). It didnt sound too bad, and was ****ing awesome coming out of the corners with all that torque.

Torque is what today's diesel owners are buying them for... my dad had a 1.9 A4 Tdi Quattro Sport... and that had the same amount of torque, i believe, as a Boxster S! The only problem is the need to change gear so quickly because of the low RPM
S2 licensed
Quote from jdm22 :Hi everybody! How are you?! So, im playing S2 with a keyboard( I know thats suck, but at christmas ,I will get one ) So, I want to know if anybody got a good setup to play all s2 car with the carbord!? PLease! thanks you!

I take it you have a mouse??? use mouse 4 steering at meantime! far better!
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :You are a demo racer?

Buy the game. Or if you own a license, please post with your licensed S2 username in these forums. Thanks.

You pick on noobs, you're a bad person!... Or on the other hand maybe your right lol
S2 licensed
Quote from RedStarArmy :My main reason for wearing out my tires too fast is that i got into a turn too fast or at the wrong line and understeer too much so my fronts overheat. Best advice, like rcpilot said is take the turn alittle slow and that'll help a lot

Also, i would like to add, if you brake earlier it will save you having to brake hard at the last second so this will help to stop your tires heating up so much
S2 licensed
Quote from tinvek :im not fastest to say the least, apart from still learning, im still driving with a broken hand and having to relearn game after discovering major calibration cock up which id been driving round for 3 months


i run 57 or 58 sec laps round blackwood and can do them for 15 to 20 laps without overheating r2s. over this length of time im usually competative with the 55sec guys

not sure if its my slower speed or my setups but i dont seem to eat the tyres like other people.

when you say tyres are too hot is that over full width or just the insides? if the temps arent equal across width you can lean the camber towards the colder side (ie less neg / more pos to heat outside of tyre, less pos / more neg to heat inside). also extream braking / throttle adjustments can overheat tyres

Good time, especially for a guy with a broken hand lol
S2 licensed
Quote from Vendetta : ... Luckiest_Guy_In_The_World

WOW!!!!!! illepall

Corrr!!! How'd he do that? we could learn a few tips from him! lol
S2 licensed
Nice cart!
S2 licensed
Quote from nathan24_7 :Downloaded that but it still says 'searching for car'.

Also just tried my Mecanik but that has also stopped working which is strange.

What else can i try???

Same here, i dled Runtime too... any suggestions what to do now??

Dw... i read that i have 2 d-grade to Q... ill try it lol
Last edited by spsamsp, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Greboth :Heres how i did level 37. Probably a much cheaper way but im still on first run thruogh.

Thanks very much... i've now completed it lol
S2 licensed
Quote from filur :Oh but you can, just find a tiny bit of patience. Level 37 isn't hard, if you've not solved it yet you've just not looked at it long enough.

Pulley lifts armadillo with the scoop thing, stop the scoop and make armadillo fall out and into the warp thingie.

I cant stop the armadillo on the warp... what material did u use under the warp?
S2 licensed
Quote from dUmAsS :have you done a single level on your own?

As a matter of fact, i have... but when i cant do it, i cant do it. If your not going to help me then jsut keep your comments to yourself please
S2 licensed
Can any1 help w/ level 37???