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S2 licensed
I like the poster... Be there, or be square lol
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :I can't stop looking at it. I've become so obsessed with knowing exactly how fast I'm going that I'm not getting any faster, because I'm so busy looking at the speedo I can't get my line into the corners right.

Should I just quit, cold-turkey, and force myself to judge my speed until I can do it properly, or is there something else you lot do that I don't do that makes this whole slowing the car down lark a bit more straightforward?

Me too... but the worst thing you can do is get rid of it -

1. you will need it for when you pit in during a race, and

2. It's better to know than to wonder!
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :I bought it and didnt change anything.

Im too stupid to do this and am afraid, that it will break, if I try to change anything.

You could just update your video and sound cards... if your'e not sure how then you can just google it and you will get step-by-step instructions on how to do it.
S2 licensed
It's actually quite suprising that a big amount of people have built their "rigs" themselves...

But the question i ask is - is it really worth it? What are the pros? What are the cons?
S2 licensed
Quote from tinvek :forgot to say

try and get to know one track and one car really well

use the track to learn other cars and use the car to learn other tracks.

try to avoid the new car and track situation, especially online

Good Technique!!
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :I have completed my homework, it is (almost) definite that I will get a liscense today.

Good luck! lol
S2 licensed
Quote from Chaos :well not the Bug Reports section of this forum....

I apologise... i was looking on new posts and didn't see the section!
S2 licensed
I was wondering why it was posted in a forum, as a forum i believe is for questions and discussing...
S2 licensed
Quote from keiran :The thing is you got to put yourself in the drivers shoes. What is the point in risking it when you know you got the car under you, you know you've got more fuel and you know if you try to battle the car your going to use more of your tyres and fuel.

A Grand Prix is more endurance than the likes of the quick sprint races in the likes of the BTCC etc.


:iagree: !!
S2 licensed
Is this a question??
S2 licensed
Quote from colcob :Here you go:

S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :is that you in the back?

Hahaha. Good one
S2 licensed
Quote from IReallyHateBureaucracy :I'm new, I've been playing the servers a bit and I noticed a few things, see if you can help me out.

When approaching a corner, if someone else is already going round the corner and they're in your way, you ram them off the track to get them out of the way.

If someone overtakes you, you have to catch them up and ram the back of their car, again causing them to spin off the track.

You must never slow down for yellow flags, just go full tilt and then abuse people for being in your way.

For a blue flag, never slow down or get out of the way. If someone does, crash into them.

Is that about right?

S2 licensed
Quote from Hankstar :... and me

For those who haven't heard of the Ariel Atom, click that and go drool. It may not be likely to be in LFS ever, but it's worth a shot. This little beast would whup ass on the MRT, RAC, LX6 and just about anything else that isn't a single-seater. Hell, this thing would whup an LX12

... An MRT with a way higher tuned engine, lighter and with a bigger chassis!!

What a great idea!
S2 licensed
Quote from MyBoss :Would actually like to see an VW Passat like car in LFS, station wagon, or what its called.

Me too... Real cars always make you feel good!! That's why i like PGR 3 so much!!
S2 licensed
OMG!! I want it... Did you make or buy the gear shift???
S2 licensed
If i'm in a race, i usually end up hitting tab and looking at the exact position of the other racers. Only then to find that i'm on the grass, doing 300 360 degree spins!
S2 licensed
I agree, this would be a good idea
S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :I went out and read a book in the sun. illepall


Maybe in Germany you can do that but the last day or so, there has been rain here lol
S2 licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy :If you got on a few hours ago there was an explanation what was wrong. So if you don't know what was wrong, you're not a hardcore fan enough, otherwise you would have noticed

I tried the website and the forum like twice every 5 mins for 2-3 days... I was going skitz lol illepall
S2 licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy : ... g_simulators#Aerodynamics
This wiki compares the features of different racing sims. It can be pretty interesting.

P.S. I don't know if this is old or not, but I haven't seen this before.

Nice One!
S2 licensed
Quote from Anman :What will happen if i try to unlock LFS on my parents computer?

Do you mean what happens if you have 2 LFS Games and 1 Licensed name on both Games?
S2 licensed
That's Great lol... the only thing that gave it away though is when you see the logo on the steering wheel, i recognise that from arcades. But, other than that, It's so real!
S2 licensed
Quote from Primoz :gargantula how are you going to drift a real car if you don't have a 45 degree lock? Rant at the manufacturer?

But did the manufactirers want the car to be able to drift? Thats the question
S2 licensed
Quote from Smax :Right now I walk/use the bus/push bike 'cos I'm a skint student, but I came across a few pics of the Cossie I used to own. The front end damage was caused when it was in a car park, I was gutted and never did find the clown who did it.

I'm a Cossie lover!!