Well talking about Bass - when i manage to play upstairs, amongst my 2 screens, i have 2x 300W Woox bass speakers with built-in amp and 300W Sub to go with it but my parents don't really get a say in what volume it goes upto
You have a point there but by downloading S3 whilst still S2 the features in S3 will still be there but just locked as is the auto update in S2 - It's still there for demo users but just not avaliable to be used...
It's always nice to hear about things - The Motor Show (which i went to and spoke about), this, what cars people drive... It's all about getting to know things about people...
You can't which is why I obviously have an IQ of 538 which as you should know from the highly intelligent brain signals that i have been sending out over high speed, 300 GB broadband to your internet connections, through the computer, through the mouse and keyboard and into you!!
And it would replace the LFS one that is there now, right? Because if it does then it will look fine the way that it is on the skin - hollow and bold etc...
Exactly the same with mine lol in our dress-up drawer - I aslo bought the cap grenades and i scared the S*** out of everyone lol *Sigh*... Those were the days
Think of it that when S3 comes out and you don't buy S2 - You are using S3 graphics and physics etc with S2 features (i.e. cars and tracks) and when you buy S3 - Like when you upgrade from Demo - S1, S1 - S2 etc you unlock the features without having to dl it again...