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S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :I'm very happy (and surprised) to see this not ending in a flamewar.

Way to go, guys

LOL I was/am wrong so it's only right that I admit to it and take responsibility for it!
S2 licensed
Quote from kuba.g :Sorry but I still don't get it.
Does this mean that I can play over a LAN network with 3 friends (4 computers in totall) from which I unlock 3 the first month, and the 4th the 2nd month?
However I may play only with three from the four computers on the INTERNET?

So I can have as many computers as I want unlocked on a LAN network, but only 3 of them may play on the INTERNET at thesame time?

Am I right or not?
Please excuse me for my n00bness in this area but I want to get this right before I buy a licence....


You can unlock any computers you want with your unlocks (depending on how many unlocks you have) but you can only use one at a time to go online!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :OMG THAT WAS THE WORST DAY TO GO! full of kids, thus all the cars were tucked away and you couldnt get close, look at the Elise with the ruined doors for proof

It was 1st full day i believe - It wasn't too packed IMO.

I got there around 10:30/11:00 so wasn't too late and my tickets were free complimentary for any day so nb really.

The Zoom Zoom challenge looked good but i was with a 15 yo and a 17 yo so you have to be 21 to drive it which is a shame.

When you say kids i'm guessing you are old enough to drive so what do you drive or go in i.e. adventure land etc
S2 licensed
Historic car racing - Lets show some respect for our racing ancestors
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Just got back from it, was ok, if lacking VAG! saw some nice cars (ie the Barabus and a McLaren F1 LM!), no less than 3 SLR's, a leaking BMW garage and a sneak peak at the brochure for the McLaren SLR "722 Edition"

To see some of me and my dads pics - erm, nope, that link dont work right!

im too cheap to buy a proper flickr account, so look at this page -
page 2 -
first half of page 3 -

OMG i went same day as you!!
S2 licensed
Lol I found BMW to be so "up their arses" - They oooo need their own little stand lol

I found the Excel show quite dissapointing compared to the one at the NEC but i did enjoy the adventure land... Even if it was with the complimentary pass from KIA lol

Also i did manage to shove the vol up in that Pink C2 which was quite fun until i saw some 2 year old in the back lol

Did anybody see the escalade with like 26's and that pull-out amp shelf?? And that mini with the chain wheel and gear stick??
S2 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :newb= someone new to the game
noob= someone with an IQ below 50.

I take it that you don't write the wiki??
S2 licensed
Quote from Noccy :I find this thread rather amusing.
Mr. sam came to a CopsandRobbers server with the name "SP" and didnt care one bit about the rules..ramming everyone and almost getting himself banned.

While i was driving around with the name "Drug lord and his wife"..just roleplaying a bad guy and hoping some cop would chase me around.
So after a while i checked the nameslist and saw someone called "1x Arms Dealer 2x Guns"..thus i changed my name to "hezbollahrockettransport" and drove up to his car asking for 2crates of AK's and some explosives. After al we are roleplaying right?

At this point Mr.arms dealer(didnt know it was sam up till then) goes a bit mental and speaks to me, like he pointed out above "u bastard change your name right now or i will report u and have u banned!!"
I pointed out his name was Arms dealer and that armsdealers are the cause of many deaths too, but Sammy didnt listen ,he just kept shouting about banning and that i had to change my name right away.
So i explain this is a cops and robbers server..where people roleplay a cop or a bad guy,and that his nick (armsdealer) even made me change my name. No use..more namecalling and threathning to ban me. From there on i ignored him and just kept driving . Sam will even confirm i didnt start any slagfest or argued with him any further

So sam disconnects and makes this thread..which i find quite illogical and hypocrite since his own nick was armsdealer at that time, which inspired me to go for the hezbollah name.

And to Dejavu and Kurent ..yes im a attention craving kid who was abused by everyone in my family, nice of u guys to make such a striking analysis on the basis of a nick in a roleplaying server. (sam has proved here that he loves calling people names and likes a bit of drama around him, maybe u can analyse him too)

Here's some cake and a flower for anyone who was offended :cake: [etals:]

You did?

I didn't see that otherwise i wouldnt've reacted so badly as i just thought you were leaving it there without playing - I didn't think

I have to say - I have over-reacted and i do apologise for my actions.

The reason why i was so upset/annoyed is because i have close family living in Israel and i am already quite worried. I do know that Lebanon is also affected badly but it's hard to feel for them when i don't know much about what is going on there - All i know about is the Israeli side.

I hope we can get a fresh start in the manic CnR Server... See you soon
S2 licensed
Quote from TagForce :Risking getting flamed by the anti-rice brigade present...

1992 Honda CRX Del Sol Esi (soon to be Vti)


Big mistake posting this!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :hey, amercinan cars can't go around corners! try the GT40 in GT4.

Don't go there lol
S2 licensed

OMG Just heard a scooby full on floor it up my road lol thought i'd tell you!
S2 licensed
Quote from DejaVu :You say u weren't really affected by it, yet you go to the trouble of posting a picture about it and making a post.

Little noob? Careface - k mate, define noob please?

As requested by the noob, for the noob -

A newbie is a newcomer to a particular field, the term being commonly used on the Internet, where it might refer to new, inexperienced, or ignorant users of a game, a newsgroup, an operating system or the Internet itself. The term is generally regarded as an insult, although in many cases more experienced/knowledgeable people use it in purposes of negative reinforcement, urging "newbies" to learn more about the field or area in question.
Variant spellings, such as newb, nub, noob, nooblet, foob, noobcake and, in Leetspeak(1337), n00b are numerous and common in Internet use. The term newb itself is usually used to refer to a person who is new to the field in question, whereas noob is used as an insult.
S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :Sony FW900 24" widescreen CRT (100 lbs / 45 kg, yes, the desk has a slight curve to it from the weight)

AMD Athlon XP 3000+ (2.1GHz)
ASUS A7N-8X (nForce 2 Ultra)
512MB (2x 256MB) Mushkin PC3200
ASUS V9999GT (6800GT 128MB)
Seagate 7200.9 250GB PATA
onboard audio ()

This will probably change in another 2 weeks when Conroe comes out.

Sick Wheel and pedals!!!
S2 licensed
Dell Dimension 3100
Windows Media Center 05'
Pentium 4
Intel 82915G Family... Video Card (64MB i believe)
Sigmatel Sound Card
Harman/Kardon 3.1 Speaker System
15" Flat Dell LCD screen
Wireless Logitech KB
Wired Dell KB (Logitech wireless broke)
Last edited by spsamsp, .
S2 licensed
Nice one...

Looks like fun - Do you find that you can compare your strategies of LFS to driving you did in that (maybe compare to FOX)??
S2 licensed
Quote from Mini_ron_82 :my first attempt guys, so be easy on me!!

let me know what u think good or bad!

Any more info/screenies??
S2 licensed
Quote from Gentlefoot :Here's my current beastie. I'll take a photo of each of the cars too sometime.

Rover 25
S2 licensed
Quote from Captain Slow :@spsamsp:

you`re to young.

Lol you are the first to reply to that!!!

You deserve a free cookie! lol

*gives FREE cookie*
S2 licensed
Quote from Ecret666 :and the kids like is see!

In English please...
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :I'll give everyone a cookie! Just visit the STCC forum and you'll find it in your browsers temporary folder.

Thank you very much for the cookie - It was lovely!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Ecret666 :esteblished in 1998 as SAS Quake Clan and since May 2002 named as Fragmaster (FM) and still running!

P.S.: i think this threat is only for teams not single drivers

This is the time when the noobs speak out!! :ices_rofl
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Big improvement, if you vote here, that you arent in a team.

Well it would be interesting to know who out of everybody here is actually in a team! Back off...
S2 licensed
No problem - you are excused. Look at this:
S2 licensed
Quote from DejaVu :who cares tbh

If you don't care - Don't post.

Thank you for your time little noob
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Common sense? The vote is about teams.

But it is a general post and improvements are always welcome, are they not?