Now that's the answer i've been looking for... Thanks everybody for all your help!!
Now i need a steering wheel with pedal, preferably with a Differential gear shift but i don't think there are many... so a sequential will do if there are no Diffs
I am assuming you watched Top Gear?? That's why they put a wing on it... I haven't seen it with a wing and i did try to Google it but when i saw it on Top Gear... It was and still is an amazing looking/performing car!!
It depends on what type of race i am in!! On Oval i use Manual as i mostly want to stay in highest gear for more RPM but say if im on a course with lots of corners i.e. City, i use Auto.
My dad would go mad if i stared disconnecting this PC lol and i'm only 14 so lagging a PC down the stairs and into the furthest room from the stairs is quite tiring, not to mention, messy!!
I can't as i don't have an internet connection up in my room as our router went back to my dad's old company... He starts his new one tomorrow so i may be in luck of getting one again!
I am very confused lol... my friend's computer seems to be older than mine and he has them... i am using my downstairs PC in my office for LFS etc so my PC is upstairs in my room and i cba to have a look lol... I may post about if i have them or not later but i swear i saw them when i fitted my new HD!!
Also... about the PCI and PCIE intergration, i know that the PCI doesn't fit with PCIE because of the added little piece on the end
Gotcha!! Forget the 3.5mm plug... i was talking about a sound card connected into a PCI slot... i use PCIE for things like extra USB 2.0 ports and wireless network adapters...
But the build quality of the mondeo (compared to the 3-series) is not good... It's hard for me to relate to the good quality of the Mondeo etc as my dad has always had BMW's (about 7 or 8, infact), although he did have one Mondeo but that was about 10 years ago? It's just that when i get into a Ford (my dad has been loaned a 1.4 LX Focus from Avis at the mo)... it just feels cheap with all the different plastcis, it's better than in some cars and still is getting better but i just can't really compare to BMW and their excellent build quality... I could maybe compare to a VW...? They are not bad but i would prefer to bee seen in a 320D than a GTi... And yes, it probably is because of the name!