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S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Would definitely like to watch a decent video made with the mod.

Shows promise though.

Sadly, it says the 0.5Z which Im running is not compatible, which is a necessity for me, since I need to run the tweak too, so I could have it racing against another, tweaked car.
Last edited by squidhead, .
S2 licensed
Quote from brandons48 :.. JC2 or Borderlands?? can't deciiiddee

Booze trip.... a good one
S2 licensed
Quote from SidiousX :don't mind the sh**tyness.

Even though a proper edited video would be a VERY good promo.

Anyway, where can I see the mod? Im kinda in the middle of searching for tweaked cars to feature in the video
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :At least, Arox doesn't go around putting down other people's work just to look "cool" on a forum.

No, a huge postcount makes you "cool", putting down other people's work makes you an ****
S2 licensed
Quite enjoyable. Nice job
S2 licensed
Quote from albox96 :Who at his 2nd movie did a movie that "all" sad "omg, incredible, AWESOME"?

Lynce, for starters...

Quote from albox96 :it's a crash movie...

Every movie needs proper camerawork

Anyway, since you wanted your movie to have positive comments - here's a detailed analysis of your video, after i've taken my happy pills

0:00-0:04 Allright, a good intro... you know, fading works good, moving letters also, text overlayed on to the footage works miracles. But no, trust me, a black screen with text which doesn't fade into the next sequence works much better. (and oh yeah - great music choice, you can almost feel it giving you adrenaline rush as you fall asleep)

0:10-0:19 - pretty inconsistent timing during the countdown. I love inconsistency in something requering precission

0:12-0:16 It's ok, that I haven't been shown the latter part of the crash due to the cutaway, or the early part of the crash due to the camerawork. Im sure it's gruesome, and I don't want to have nightmares

0:23-0:25 Wow, a wall... thank god there were 2 seconds of you showing it, instead of the car finishing to crash... more nightmares avoided

0:30-0:46 Nope, never used in this video before. And how about that smooth camerawork - marvelous! Thank god you used no smoothing

0:47-1:08 It's always nice to see what was going on at the server, I love reading the server text. And thank god for the camerawork. I hate to see what's going on on the track. I only bought this game so I can read server messages. I wish somebody would do more server message movies

1:10-1:24 Oh, check it out, it's the crash from 0:12. So nice to see it again. Im sure that the less material you have to film the more awesome the movie turns out

1:28-1:40 It's a riddle! I love those! I rock at guessing what caused the crash! Good job in not showing us the start of the crash!

And at that my happy pills stopped working. And in my regular condition I can't be bothered to watch a video made by a person who can't be bothered to read a tutorial on how to make proper videos. Good videos are only made by people who like making videos, not by those who had nothing better to do
S2 licensed
This will teach you how to make your first video shall you want to make one

P.S: And yeah, Ken Block's driving is all about sideways precission, your driving is nowhere near that
Last edited by squidhead, .
S2 licensed
You could have

1. Actually tried to make it into a worthwhile short video
2. Post a replay file so we could watch it from good angles ourselves
S2 licensed
Quote from broken :There are a few of them: music is well picked and synchronized

Synced? You got no idea what you're talking about don't you?

Quote from broken :camera movement is not too sudden and it's well placed...

Except for being jerky, not smooth enough and inconsistent in it's movements

Quote from broken :And one more fact I can't just pass by: They weren't made from a professional with a PC from outer-space

I bet I can make the video with more FPS on a PC half as powerful as his. I pulled off 40 fps videos on a 2.8 single core Pentium with a 8600GT graphics card. Hardly space age technology

Now for the event you've all been waiting for, Squid appears as his regular self :

Quote from speed1230 :Ignore the FPS, what about the ad itself? Is it better than albox's version?

It's piss easy to improve on rubbish, so YES, your's is better

Quote from speed1230 :I have read that tutorial and did try that method but it somehow didn't work

No you haven't and no you haven't.
Proof : Recording with the method specified in the tutorial sacrifices the game sounds... which you still have

More proof:

1. Fraps watermark in your vid
Quote from Making LFS movies #2 (new tutorial) Thread :If you used a demo version of Fraps to record the video, it will have a watermark in the top part of the screen. You can edit it out by simply zooming a little bit

2. Primitive text overlays in your vid
Quote from Making LFS movies #2 (new tutorial) Thread :forget about the regular text overlay WMM has, you’re better off with a proper JPG with a text written with nice font

3. No proper beginning of your vid
Quote from Making LFS movies #2 (new tutorial) Thread :Don’t forget, every video has a beginning and the end. Don’t cut off the video and audio feed when you want to end the video, edit it so it would feel natural (for example cars driving away and music fading, while slowly fading to black)

There's a lot of different points where you could have had your video improved and made good, but seeing you never read the tutorial and not intending to I'm not even going to list them

Verdict 3/10
S2 licensed
pretty simple and straightforward job at syncing the NFS Shift sounds from a cutscene to LFS footage done well. Can't say it's something special for me, but it's a solid job
S2 licensed
Sometimes I wonder who I made THIS - For
S2 licensed
I've seen LFS videos with better sync than this.
S2 licensed
Quote from mutt107 :holy crap, it looks real :O

you DO know what "Live Action" means... don't you?
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :Still wondering why they dropped the R30 Skyline off GT3-GT4... It was just great fun to drive it around on GT2.

The silhouette racecar - yes, was awesome, the stock - really unneeded in the game IMHO
S2 licensed
Just a small bit of down to earth logics I tend to use every time I get on a bike (yeah, Im half time biker now, learnig to ride before getting an Intruder or a Road Star Warrior (to impress the ladies, midlife crisis hit at 24))

seriously though

2 wheels and vehicle between the legs makes you more vulnerable than 4 wheels and driver inside the vehicle.

Be careful around cars, especially knowing that half of the people forgot how to drive already, and the other half never knew how to begin with... And ofcourse there are 2 minor groups, one is the group of people who are actually capable of driving/riding in public (and do that safely and responsibly), and another is the one who got their brains and license as a breakfast cereal bonus gift.

I (being as careful as I can be not to end up in a big fridge with a nametag on my toe) try to avoid cars as a general at this point, so only rarely I get into situations that could provoke me to follow somebody to ask "WTF", and everytime I get the urge, I just let it go.
S2 licensed
No, that's definetly not bosozoku. Bosozoku is way more "ludicrous external modifications" and less "actual working mods". click here for bosozoku example
The 2000 GTR in Works version looks slightly like "Silhouette" racer Click here to see what Im talking about mixed with a bit less radical BMW CSL group 5 racer click here to see what im talking about
Last edited by squidhead, .
S2 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :ya not too much, but more then bareble for the high-pace it has...also the ffb is a bit too strong for comfort, surely it isnt that stron in real life (using the previous post's settings from someone)

In Options-Control sensitivity (or something like that) set Force feedback strenght from 10 to something less, Im using 2, and it's still allright, since with 10 set as default I got more chances to turning my table with my wheel
S2 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Lotus invitational at the Ring, which felt amazing. I got near the top of the pack after a couple of corners, but the leaders put up a very good battle. Threshold braking to within a couple of inches of the bumper of the guy in front after making a sweep across to take him on the inside was brilliant for example, and provided a fantastic replay. Taking the tier 2 E46 M3 (I believe, can't remember?) around Spa felt awesome, the visuals are incredible and really make up for the slightly dodgy handling. Coming downhill into Eau Rouge was a great highlight so far

+1 to everything said here, Game actually gives you some good memorable racing situations...
My Highlights so far are

1. Racing a 1vs1 race in my Silvia S14 vs a Mazda RX7 (which is one class higher), nitrousing the whole lap, and barely keeping the car in check just to win by a few meters.

2. Nissan GTR going down into the corkscrew, with a Corvette driving right in front of me. Braked much later than him, caught up so much, that couldn't see anything except his rear, blindly went to the left, and got on the gas and 3 wheeled down into the right hander, still pretty much not seing the track, but his rear. Weirdest thing is, I think the game considered the corner as mastered at that point.
S2 licensed

Sure doesn't seem to be moving... or working... Wow, good job, you actually made a point that time

The one that you ALWAYS post shit without doing any research
S2 licensed
Quote from theirishnoob :couldn't agree more.

mater should be made in real life !

Wow... what a great idea, you're a genious. What would we do without you and your bright ideas...

Same thing we'd be doing without them, since people come up with that crap on any regular acid trip ... 279789_67b4a9ac32.jpg?v=0
S2 licensed
Quote from mamoru :I've been playing shift for a few days now and I got to say that I did not like this game. In my opinion, the best NFS game was Need For Speed Carbon or Underground 2. Undercover was good too. I like streetracing and I am not so much into circuit and especially not in Need For Speed.

Carbon, Underground and especially Undercover... best NFS games ever? Allright... I get it, you like illegal street racing, flashing neons, ricy bodykits and all that good stuff that by general belief of a regular street racer or a ricer, makes your penis grow.... I mean... car go faster...
and by that same paragraph Im guessing that NFS Porsche 2000 and Shift and (remotely) Pro Street are not your cup of tea... Which leaves me with a question... How on earth did you end up with an S2 license?

Anyway, on topic.
Played for 2 days now... must say it's a big step forward for NFS series. Pro Street was like a breath of fresh air given to you in a sewer of the Underground/undercover/carbon/most wanted, and Shift is like actually finding the exit of the sewer...

Wheel feels weird, hard to keep the car straight with it even in a straight line, and when you remove the sensitivity, it feels numb and nonresponsive...
Blur is "meh" , but I got used to it... looking at the road, not at the interior... and some more modifying options of the cars would be good, but I'd rather have 3 pre-made kits that were made properly and looking decent, than a ton of crap we were supplied with since Underground first reared it's ugly head.
I still wish it was supercars on open roads like the good old days of NFS, but sadly, that area is ruled by TDU now
Drifting also feels weird, I get the idea of the accelerator pedal being the most important thing in drifting, but not to that extent. I ended up pressing it with just a tip of my toe... and that's probably way too sensitive about the accelerator position (back in the days I was working as a used sportscar salesman, I had some cars to play with, and none of them required that much pedalwork while sliding)

But that still does't necessarily make the game bad.

In short - game is good, I'd recommend at least getting a demo

p.s: and my opinion , the top 3 NFS games are : NFS 5 : PU ; NFS : Shift ; The Need for Speed (1995)... followed by NFS : PS, and then NFS 3 and 4, then 6 and then 2, and then all the streetracing stuff we've been fed for the last 7 years
Last edited by squidhead, .
S2 licensed
Quote from NitroNitrous :unless I want to do something extremely professional

like proper Copy-pasting and moving of entire composed segments of teh vid (at least that's how it was when I last used it)
S2 licensed
Quote from NitroNitrous :Thanks a lot guys.
So Vegas and Premiere are the winners.

Final Cut and premiere are the winners. depending on your OS, if it's Mac, then your choice is Final Cut, which is simply wonderful, if it's Win, then your choice is either the better Premiere, or the more simple, Vegas
S2 licensed
Quote from markorester :Hi. I have a problem. When i start recording movei lfs starts lagging too much. 5 FPS. when i stop recording it get back to 30. Please help

PC specs and Recording quality please