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S2 licensed
I was originally just going to be quiet and laugh to myself about this thread.... but seriously.... COME ON... stop whining about the cars and get on the track and drift. If you dont like the cars that are chosen,.. go find another event. Pretty simple isn't it?
S2 licensed
Reserving this space for a review.

Getting my wheel next week Cant wait to try this bad boy out!
S2 licensed
i was literally in SHOCK at how fast he went from gold to plat. Absolutely outstanding!
S2 licensed
FCV wouldn't affect me, seeing as i cant drive for crap in any other view then the cockpit view lol
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
i use TekTonic's basic $15/mo package and run 8 LFS servers + my Insim system, Mysql, etc etc etc etc and it never bogs down at all... 500gb/mo bandwidth cap i believe too... more then enuf
S2 licensed
LOL here we go again.....:something:something:something

Sun, seriously.... go away and learn...
S2 licensed
Sun, the point that we're trying to make here is that we aren't going to spoonfeed you if you haven't bothered to put the effort in and try to make it work yourself. (this includes learning a programming language) Now, I know i have posted a couple of threads here.... those were way after i was thru pulling my hair out trying to fix something (both of which i figured out for myself after anyways)... so it would only be fair that you be expected to learn how to do things on your own. We're not here to discourage you, but the "begging" behaviour is just not cool.
S2 licensed
Quote from DarkTimes :Well the solution is to have a seperate class that handles all the storage for your program, then if you need to change your storage method you can simply rewrite the one class.


seriously though... text files for a database... that is MORE then scary

one wrong line in that file and POOF.. there goes your DB
S2 licensed
Quote from windstyle :I was playing with some linuxes on a vmware and after a few hours i wanted to see what the effect is to have lfs on linux...

lol vmware.. theres your problem
S2 licensed
If you dont know... then maybe you should start by learning how to program first?

the code above has nothing to do with sending the packets. But it will help you to make your own method to do so in a programming language of your choice.... If you dont understand it, not my problem.

Based on your other posts, you just expect ppl to spoon-feed you. I'm not gonna be one of them.

But, an example of calling that method in C# would be:

currInfoPlayer = listOfPlayers.getPlayerByUCID(btc.UCID);

Last edited by teedot, .
S2 licensed
txt files.... eeesh... try MySQL.
S2 licensed
read below, you need to create a function to send this packet to the current player's UCID:

// To delete one button or clear all buttons, send this packet :

struct IS_BFN // Button FunctioN - delete buttons / receive button requests
byte Size; // 8
byte Type; // ISP_BFN
byte ReqI; // 0
byte SubT; // subtype, from BFN_ enumeration (see below)

byte UCID; // connection to send to or from (0 = local / 255 = all)
byte ClickID; // ID of button to delete (if SubT is BFN_DEL_BTN)
byte Inst; // used internally by InSim
byte Sp3;

enum // the fourth byte of IS_BFN packets is one of these
BFN_DEL_BTN, // 0 - instruction : delete one button (must set ClickID)
BFN_CLEAR, // 1 - instruction : clear all buttons made by this insim instance
BFN_USER_CLEAR, // 2 - info : user cleared this insim instance's buttons
BFN_REQUEST, // 3 - user request : SHIFT+B or SHIFT+I - request for buttons

S2 licensed
There is also a config converter in that same thread. Check the first post.. iirc, ConfConv is the name.
S2 licensed
ah damn, that is odd then... sorry i couldnt be of any help
S2 licensed
-1000 points for March Hare

or how bout -6000 lol
S2 licensed
Ventrilo > *

Teamspeak sounds like your talking into a tin can compared to Vent....
S2 licensed
Submitted that replay to the Wrecker Barricade and banned those usernames from the halfords racing server. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. That replay was a total joke.... cant believe ppl think they can get away with crap like that.
Last edited by teedot, .
S2 licensed
try coding something then?
S2 licensed
you need to use Visual C# and modify the source code and use the DateTime.Now call. Example:

SendMsg("^3Track Changing..." + DateTime.Now);

I may not have explained it the best way, but that should help u.

This will send a message via InSim to LFS. the 'SendMsg' call is already defined in LFSLapper. You will get the following output in LFS from the above code. You can basically copy and paste... but it wont change the track for you like mine does

host: Track Changing...01/10/2008 9:08PM

Last edited by teedot, .
S2 licensed
that usually only occurs if you haven't got a PB on the track currently selected....
S2 licensed
Quote ::P HR are usually backmarkers ain't they?


Quote from LordBlaster :not if there´s noone from CR or FPR on the server

S2 licensed
ok i have only one thing to say....

W T F ? ? ? ? ?
S2 licensed
Quote from tenwierdufos :Beamer drivers are the worst i agree, having a Renault myself i find they enjoy pulling out of a junction infront of me about 20 meters ahead to see how good my brakes and horn is.

they have a tendency to cut off or get in front of everyone they can... because they're more important (in their minds....)