a temporary ban is the best option IMHO, it gives a definate message of YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE, to the wreckers, only temporary tho, start off with a weeks ban, then move up to a month, then go permanent, all that has to happen is, if you get hassled by wreckers then save the replay, sending them a warning via e-mail if we've got a few 'naughty' replays would do for a start, then once we got a few replays (at least 5 clear cases against them) then start the banning.
if they have any objections with the bans then let them appeal to the powers that be, it means that even if somehow you had innocently caused five seperate wrecks and they wre all recorded and submitted you colud still plead your case and regain your licience.
all this makes me think we could do with a 'judicial body' of some sort maybe a group of trusted server admin's etc should get together to asses the evidence and then decide the appropriate punishment.
one thing should be made very clear to ALL players (especially impressionable noobs) that wrecking is ANTI-SOCIAL AND UNWELCOME
i think LFS has got one of the frendliest communities going, but we gotta show the dickwads we will NOT TAKE ANY BULLSH!T!
thats better!