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S3 licensed
you just wanna see who the highest climber was....
S3 licensed
It looked as if he had the better speed but was all over the back of the blue one, a very defensive driver can lead you to try something unexpected, i've got a feeling there wouldn't have been contact if the blue guy thought he'd attack there.

My tactic when given a tough (but slower) guy to pass, is to give pressure in your strongest corners, except one, save your strongest corner for making the pass, don't give 'em any hints you like to pass there. and hopefully it will come as a surprise when you do go for the pass, as long as they can see you coming. you gotta make sure they know you're there tho' !
S3 licensed
I'm not sure what ot would add to the racing, except lots of lapping.
S3 licensed
Once I've sorted a nice enclusure, I'll prolly just leave it as a nice open H-gate for looks , a gaiter would look OK but it's not really my style, I like my cars with no frills
S3 licensed
Quote from filur :I must say it does look.. cheap.

you need to see my car! illepall

It's a Dog-leg first, means you have 2nd + 3rd together and 1st (only really used in pit and at start) is out of the way. that's my logic and it seems to be pretty common on RL racers.

I just got back from the first testing session, I love it!, It feels a lot better than it looks, the gate isn't a proper shape yet due to the materials used (ice-cream tub ). I'm gonna sort out a proper box for it along with a nice ali H-plate, All can be appropriated for free!

Total cost so far - £6 for joystick

I call that a bargain

It's just sold my mate on LFS with the power of my skint-shifter, he wants one too now!
Last edited by Theafro, .
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Just wondering if you'd noticed that you've picked cars based on which provide close racing, then selected a track based on overall length. If you pick the longest track, you're not going to see the other cars much.

The track is selected more because of the challenge it presents the drivers, and you'll still get to see plenty of each other i'm sure

It would be much the same as any other GP for lapping etc but you'll not start lapping so soon. I fancy the idea of a 3Hr GP, pretty enduro but it allows more leeway for things to happen.

Although any track in the UF1 would be an endurance event!
S3 licensed

Nice work cropsy
S3 licensed
Quote from speedfreak227 :how about a picture?


damn you're quick!, i noticed just after i posted!
Damn cheap shifter!
S3 licensed
I made this in a few hours out of a old joystick, and an old icecream tub, using a copy of virtual H-shifter. It's not incredible but great fun for free (almost) the most expensive part was the screwdriver, and thats temporary!
S3 licensed
yeah, the current format must be kept really or it's just not the same, not quite enduro but still nice and long
S3 licensed
Yeah that sounds like fun how well balenced are the turbos as a class, i've never really raced them together, would be cool to have a nice mix
S3 licensed
Tip: race ONLINE as much as you can, even if you're just practicing in an empty server. For some reason it's kinda different feeling . you'll always do better laps and pick up some tips/sets from the faster guys, and you'll always do you're fastest times when somebody is chasing you
S3 licensed
You're a good bloke to have along dude! It doesn't matter if you're fast or slow, as long as you're enjoyng the race!

my first GP was Blackwood + GTi, fun GP, got me hooked, so REV might be quite interesting
Last edited by Theafro, .
S3 licensed
KY GP, 'cos i don't know it and this is a damn good reason to learn the beast , Aston Historic is my first choice smooth flowing lines and a couple of legendary coeners, + it's the longest lap in the game so you get real value for money!
S3 licensed
Looks like it's gonna be GTi next race so no excuses for not being able to drive it!
S3 licensed
Blackwood XFG is a LOT of fun, but to me XFR is the most suited car to these races, FXO/RB4 would be fun too.

Big GTs are definately a no-no with me, they're just not good for close racing like the FWD cars are, and i'm no good with 'em

1st XFR
2nd XFG
3rd FXO
4th RB4
5th UF1
6th GTRs

Gotta be at Aston Historic tho'
S3 licensed
had to drive really slow for last 5-10 laps, flatspots are scary when you're leading!

I'm lucky i set my BB to 84% before the race, I'd have fell off if not i'm sure
S3 licensed
I'm pretty sure it'll be ugly
S3 licensed
I just took these ones, not much action but I don't care - I just think the car at the front looks pretty cool
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from tinvek :throttle help!!!


crash and burn rather than use help like that

thats the spirit, turn all the aids off and learn to drive like a pro!

i vote to ban all driving aids completey

Try heading to the dragstrip and spending an hour or so launching the F08, i guarentee you'll be able to get off the line after that
S3 licensed
Quote from Smax :I think Bush has pretty good delivery

<ot> If you count the fact that i seem to piss myself every time he speaks, i just love the way he never actually says anything. Although Hitler had a good delivery </ot>

'erm may i suggest the microsoft narrator, he's got a very serious tone
S3 licensed
so who's gonna record your's then?

or are you not gonna backmark this one

as usual i'm gonna be pretty useless in qual so i'm hoping i end up near the front of server #2 or is it gonna be an alternate split?
S3 licensed
Quote from Iron_Maiden :Now theres an idea....

you can put extra people in the I think the next patch should have the option to put a baby in a baby seat in the cars!

Imagine looking backwards and seing some little kid straped in...with his crash helmet on...

Why has nobody thought of this!!! ??

I'm sure Scawen's already got that one covered

Quote from V4forlife :
ill tempered sea-bass

erm, yes and one of those too
S3 licensed
I agree with vain,
It would be cool to have a command like "/rstend" but for all stages of the race (kinda like a restart 'envelope'), it would make setting up a tiny bit more complicated but you'll end up with a nicely balanced enviroment after a bit of fiddling/testing.

something like:

/rstmin 30,50 (time limit,majority required)
/rstmid 70 (majority required between start/finish)
/rstend 90,30 (time limit,majority required)

give it a few months and put the best settings in the default cfg script you get when you D/L the dedi server.

alternatively just turn mid-race join off, it's annoying for those who respect others but even more annoying for the ignorant, it works tho'.