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S3 licensed
suffolk, bah!

they're all a bit weird down there.illepall

but i suppose not quite as weird as some norfolkers.

you'd all be welcome for a meet tho'! we should organize this proper like.
S3 licensed
well, we could hire out a village hall or something, would only cost about £40 for a whole day, split that between the lot of us and we've got a LAN party.
S3 licensed
might be worth starting a thread about this, get the attention of the other locals, i'm starting to like the idea of an anglian LFS meet, and we'll get the chance to slap tristan about a bit with a trout
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :My auntie Olive lived in Norfolk and she went mad.

It just takes time.....

i like the idea of a day out down @ trax, but there's a pretty good kart track near cromer thats freindly and cheap (absolutely mental in the wet after dark, like last time i went ).

and the snett is always holding testing/track days, might be fun to share a car or two and go for a blast,
S3 licensed

you knows it
S3 licensed
LOL, I saw this post and thought, bah, another noob making a useless post!

Erm, turns out it's BSR.Jarmin!

BTW i'm fixing the shoutbox on the website, debugging html/perl is NOT my forte

it's open to anybody, but it's not quite working yet, i think, i need to figure out how to get the posts to actually show up once you've entered them, i'm confused but getting there .

feel free to drop by to abuse the budshovel team, the url is:-
S3 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :
i find it slightly odd that distance is measured in miles........ but gas is measured in.. liters

Don't you yanks have funny gallons anyhow? (0.8327 of a REAL gallon:tilt

9709 Ml
6830.33 Ltr or 1502.11 (Imperial) gallons

6.46 Mp(real)g
S3 licensed
Quote from Grivage :

The way i work it is this. for the first stop i woulda had the tyre value at 30 percent. for a third of the race it would change only the tyres which will not last to the end. Assuming as in this case it changes the lot the next one i would adjust it to 50 percent as this applies the same principle but only since the last tyre change. Not fool proof by any means as it assumes consistent driving etc etc but to date hasnt let me down yet.

Hope this is all clear

Unfortunately this dosen't quite work, i'm damn sure that LFS takes an average rather than reading the lowest part , what you describe was exactly what i had done, but LFS didn't seem to pick up the flatspots, increasing front bias is problematic too, you'll loose the dynamic balance required for some corners (the ones with awkward/curvy braking zones) and it seems that the only way to go is to change all you're tyres, even if the rears look good for another stint, like i said before, tyre wear (especially on the rear) seems to increase exponentially as they wear/cool, thus making predicting wear a little hit & miss
S3 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :I only have a bit experience from XFR racing but from what I know most people are turning way too much. They don't understeer extremely, but the same or even a slightly better radius could be archieved by much less steering.

Just try forcing yourself to steer less alltogether or alteast return the steering to lower angles after the initial impulse. If you're running a setup with locked or high diff, remember to use throttle AND brake while turning in, as this greatly reduces the initial push such a setup causes.

Definately, you've really got to avoid using too much lock, it makes the difference between lasting 5 laps and lasting 25, especially if it's a tight one with lots of braking/accelerating. Toe out can help, but it can give a slightly mushy feel to the front end.

BTW Replay url works now!
Last edited by Theafro, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Gentlefoot :
Afro - great race wasn't it. I was very surprised to see you still behind me after 30 odd laps. You were quick on those R4s man. I switched to R3s front!

I had a busy race! here's the .MPR :-

(BTW it might take a little while to update, you might just get a bad picture of me in the woods looking rough! damn easyspace!)
S3 licensed
I had a similar problem on lap 39 (planning to stop on L40/42), although i'd set the 'change tyres if wear >' to 70% on the first stop, my rears didn't get changed. I assumed , that they would last at least until the next stop, but near the end of the next stint they blew . after reviewing the replay, (a long, long, long proccess) it seems the first one went under braking, and the second blew after i lost the back end, the tyres were thin on the inside edges and stone cold.

My theory is, as the weight drops off the rear end, as fuel is used. The rear brakes tend to lock up a bit more, and the wear gets exponentioally higher as they thin out and cool down, combine these two factors and you get a slightly unpredicatable wear rate. add in the fact that we were racing, and I'm pretty sure that's the reason.

My solution, More front brake bias and more rear tyre pressure. and maybee keep a better watch out for flatspots early on while they're a little more obvious.

And i'm pretty sure the tyre wear check in the pits takes an average reading rather than the lowest point. Might be one to watch out for in future.

BTW good effort gentlefoot, a tough race for most of us.

URL of replay to follow.....
Last edited by Theafro, .
S3 licensed
Yeah, Good idea to have a safety car but only really worth it for big races. It could be complicated to implement though.

It's easy to get bogged in the sand once you're in there and It's not the way I'd like to end an enduro. But if you're car is damaged badly and you can't get back to pit safely, it's not realistic to get a push back to the pits, but will mean you can keep racing, and for rolling starts it's obviously the way to go.
S3 licensed
Your mom must be SOOOOOOOOOO proud.
S3 licensed
Quote from J.B. :For those of you who are like me too lazy to read the guide here is a short video about clean racing from the Movies Pit:

Good Vid!, never seen that one before, I think it would be cool to have something similar built-in to LFS, Something like a replay, With commentary in much the same way, explaining the wrongs and rights of racing, it would help improve driving standards a bit. A lot of the bad condudct we see out there is due to ignorance. but if you make such a replay mandatory viewing, there's no excuse, and at least the noobs are gonna know whats expected of them.

Would help if the AI didn't wreck constantly. they're not setting a very good example
S3 licensed
Set-up! a good one though, i don't think anybody's gonna cheat too much at another one of their LANs.
S3 licensed
It might be an idea to put a warning in the control options, 200% is a little strong and this isn't the first time this has happened. i'm pretty sure that the FF Runs out of range too so you loose feel if it's much over 100

might look into what can be done to Beef up a DFP, they seem pretty plasticky inside.
S3 licensed
I reckon it might be ok to have custom cars, as long as there's some sort of scrutineering system in place, as long as the car adheres to the formula/rules then it can race, i'm not talking about the same sort of freedom as fonny's creations. Something like a fixed engine, min/max dimentions, standardized wings, etc.

it would be a much more realistic way of doing things, and would leave plenty of room for design ingenuityillepall.

might be tough to implement but I it world be worth it.

As far as tracks go, I'm all for open tracks, i would prefer that to custom cars, I think it would bring some real racetracks into LFS.

I'm tempted to say the N word but i won't.
S3 licensed
Quote from Frankmd :Hm, isnt there something in the wheel drivers that prevents the wheel from putting on too much force to prevent breakage? How did it happen, did you put on too much force yourself, or did it slam into the rods that limit the motion to a certain amount of degrees?

There is ONE physical limiter of lock that restricts movement to less than 360 and that only comrs into operation when the lock is set lower than that.

I reckon it's prolly the little white carriage that's slipped out of sync, might be worth checking that it's centralized with the wheel.

or is it more terminal than that?
S3 licensed
nice one dan, it's surprising the number of people out there using pads/sticks etc. and being adament that "they've got more control thet way" or "you can't react quick enough with a wheel" blah blah blah. i even got told (by a bloody drag only racer!) that KB was what all the "pro draggers use on the demo servers".

We all know the truth, Wheel is the way to go!, although it can be a pain to get a good setup, it's worth the time/money invested, for the control/feel you gain.

BTW one extra thing to think about. If you can, sort a clutch pedal out, it's worth having for satisfaction alone, but the extra level of control you get is subtle but very handy (not to mention, more natural if you're used to having one there IRL) and fun
psp's are cool!
S3 licensed
just a pointless post really, I'm testing out the web browser on my mates new PSP . typing's a chore but it's still pretty cool! i'm sold on one... when's LFS PSP coming out ;P
S3 licensed
I'm sure they did, but i like stating the obvious

back in my yoof (when Quake2 was NEW) we made a map the consisted almost entierly of spawn points, great fun, a bit like a lottery tho, and you'd get chain reactions of Gib flying evrywhere. mwahahaha
S3 licensed
yeah, sometimes it's just a case of peeps not really being very patient with others of (no offence intended) less experience/skill, maybee you'd pissed them off somehow previously, without nessecarily meaning to.

I've been banned myself just for beating somebody, they seemed to loose it a bit, got themselves into a tizzy and procceeded to ban me out of sheer spite, the trouble with bans/kicks is that sometimes people just join in blindly when a vote starts without knowing anything about the incident in question. before you know it you've been banned.

Don't worry tho', there are more good guys than ****s, and as long as you're a good guy you'll find the banning/kicking will ease off in time.

BTW top tip for surviving online. Don't use the standard skins, it makes you look like a noob and like i said, some peeps are very impatiant with noobs, (there usually pretty noob themselves)
S3 licensed
Quote from Fonnybone :Well, it's been mentionned how collisions are controlled by 'springs',
the problem i think is the lack of damping. Adding a damper should
fix most collision peaks which is what sends objects into warp mode.

i think you hit the nail on the head 'ol boy. those red'n'whites are fun tho'

the car/car collision is a pretty good apart from the nasty 'lag bounces' you get when another car momentarily spawns inside another car, it's the LFS version of getting telefragged
S3 licensed
It's the least gamey race sim i've ever played, i'm prolly gonna get called a fanboy or something like that but it still gets me every time i run it. nothing else comes close. bollocks to rFactor et al