There's an enourmous number of variables involved with a R/L engine I've never known 2 engines (even of the same type) to be alike. There are always little differences.
I've recently been trying to model my new car, a Pug 306 D Turbo. It only revs to about 4800 and peak torque starts at 2400 and stays flat until 4500. it's been quite a challenge to model, since there's no graph available (Somebody need to do something about that)
You can get reasonably close but it would be nice to have a slightly more detailed engine model. It's gonna be tough tho! i'm pretty sure it's gonna be complicated to code, however simple the model.
I keep my LFS on it's own partition but i still have to unlock if my windows partition changes at all, i suppose a ghost might work but i doubt it, as it would make cracking LFS far too easy.
It's worth the tiny inconvenience of only having a few unlocks available, just to stop the lazy, tightwad, dis-respectfull cracker idiots out there.
I haven't raced the AI for ages, simply because they're not exactly intelligent or fast - although i would bet that most noobs spend a good preportion of their time racing the AI. It's nice to not have the pressure of actual human opponents when you're learning to drive, so I voted yes. AI are kinda important.
Head to LFSworld (link at top of page) and go to the hotlap section. if you click on the hotlap time in the list you'll be able to d/l the replays straight off there - theres even an option to 'test drive' their setup in LFS
the hotlap replays are *.SPRs as opposed to *.MPRs which record in less detail (i think:shrug
I think the main reason NASCAR is so popular over there is that it's spectator friendly,,,, it's gotta be cool sitting trackside with 30 or so V8s all humming round at 200mph.... even so,,,, it's all tactics and caution flags,,,, not very exciting racing.....................................
Drag racing is F'ing awesome tho',,,, I love it.... theres not too much that compare with watching a 10,000 Bhp car hit 300mph in 4.5 seconds....
BTW you've just reinforced a few of my own american stereotypes,,,,, although i might offend somebody if I elaborate further
It's the risk we all take when we strap ourselves into a car. It's not nice to report on the death of a fellow racer, we can only be thankfull that the prime concern nowadays is safety.
It seems like it may have been Dana's fault for not slowing down under caution. although nobody would wish the result on anybody.
IRL seems to be a rather dangerous formula. As soon as they sort out one sefety issue, another crops up almost immediately.
yup, as long as you don't do anything silly with you're registry LFS will remain unlocked. I've had my offline workshop PC running LFS since S2 came out, so you should be ok.
You can have a few machines running the same licence, you won't be able to use them online at the same time but you can run a full S2 lan game if you like with no problems. (a good way to introduce LFS to your mates )
300Mhz is the absolute bottom end for a reliable server tho', It'll work although not with more than a couple of players and laggy at that even on a LAN. I'm currently experimenting with a 500Mhz x 128Mb machine and that seems to be a nice 'practical' minimum. still nice and cheap (sometimes free)
as far as i'm aware LFS doesen't need a huge amount of ram, Trouble is, Windows does.
It's a bit 'lighter' with a linux install + wine. although sometimes tricky to set up, and you'd wanna use one of the smaller disros to save on bloat IMHO
Diesels are inherently heavier, due to the increased compression and more violent combustion. so they carry a slight disadvantage to petrol engines.
You've gotta remember that more than 50% of the cars Audi make are diesels, and diesel sales are increasing at huge rate. with diesel demand increasing, it's not gonna be long before we start to see Touring car and maybe even GT teams running diesel power. It's already pretty common in rallying (the lower classes anyhow) so we might even see a WRC rule change for diesels within the next ten years or so.
Rather than banning them I've got a feeling we'll be watching many more DERV powered racecars in the future.
'erm - how come they're racing a RWD LMP car then? they're much better off racing proper events like Le-mans than F1 anyway
Diesels are awesome, I'm a truck mechanic, so I'm quite at home with 600Bhp turbo diesels, although most of the engines i see are 6 cyl 13Ltr BEASTS with Humungous (12") variable geometry turbos and 1600Psi fuel injection systems. But they're still not quite as impressive as the V12 in the audi.
IMHO It sounds awesome, not loud but low and mean.
The commentary I heard at sebring said they'd managed to actually make the gearbox lighter than the R8s - suprising considering it handling nearly twice the torque, although i'm betting they've taken another leaf out of the truck book - they're prolly just gearing the drivetrain speeds up, in order to drop torque levels (power = torque x speed), kinda like ford did with the Focus WRC.
Audi R10 drivers Allan McNish, Rinaldo Capello, and Tom Kristensen brought home the first ever win for a diesel engined car in a sports car event, at the sebring 12 hours.
Audi are looking good for yet another win a Le-mans this season, and although i'm not an Audi fan, I've got to give it to 'em - the boys did well!
I'm just wondering how long it'll be before we start seeing diesel F1 cars