just a little ban based on the weight of evidence agains them i know it sounds a little bit ott but if someones being an arse they need to be shown it's not welcome
we need the introduction of some sort of rated server so if you aint got cred you cant come in, it's not nice to be eliteist like that but it means that clean honest racers will be guarenteed clean races and the punks will be uable to join one UNTIL they've improved their rating (based on something like crashes per mile etc). it used to be that the licienced servers were all clean but now due to increased popularity there are more 'problems' we need another way to filter these out (without effecting the VITAL flow of noobs into the game)
i don't think it would be sensible to have an option at all (think of the complications with servers etc) but another tyre type with a very hard compund (uncompetitive for racing but a very forgiving contrution) would be perfect.
also, Rally X hybrids seem to put up with a LOT of abuse before giving up entierly, not given them a direct comparison tho' so i might be wrong
i dunno if anybo's been banned before now, and it's not as if they would just give 'em a life ban, well not straight away! but like i said before a week or something would be perfect for teching them to PLAY FAIR OR NOT AT ALL!
i think it's about time that time - ban's are used on peeps who can't keep their discipline, i know that they've paid there money and are entiled to play what they paid for, But they do NOT deserve to play the game when they simply ruin peoples online experience.
maybee a kick to spectate after parking for more than a few seconds (or somthing less cheatable) would avoid the 'parkers' but what's it gonna take to keep the t-boners at bay is anybodys guess if it's a ban free server.
I think it would be fair and right to give out 1 week online bans to anybody who shows a blatant disrespect for other users
it sounds like a silly question maybee but any idea what other motorsports can be simulated with LFS other than circuit racing.
we got banger racing and drifting and obviosly rally x but i've also been playing with trialing (lots of cones put in stupid places that have to be negotiated, pics,sets & layouts to follow) and there are plenty of other forms that could be fun.
i reckon if you have a look at the intrnal wiring of the pedals its quite simple to wire it up to a game port, it's theoretically very easy to do, you'll just need a female socket for the s-video style plug (mini din) and a gameport lead (easyer to plug in than buying just a socket) and a little box to put it in,
hang on i'll have a look for some info
here we go...
just connect one end of the pot track to +5v and the middle bit (wiper) to the appropriate axis and hey presto you've just made an adaptor box.
(you could just put a lead on it with a joystick plug on or somthing)
i guess i should do this myself 'cos i keep tripping over MY old ms sidewinder wheel
this is a little worrying, only a little tho' as long as they have to use the DEMO listings they can be spotted and stopped, LFS is the one game should recieve 100% support from it's players,
a LOT of peeps using kbd have complained thta the cars are uncontrollable, in realit it seems that the keyboard 'help's aren't really enough to tame a lot of the cars, you might find that practicing with the RB4 until you've got the hang of it, slowly moving the power to the rear as you improve, one thing tho'. IF YOU REALLY LIKE LFS - BUY A WHEEL! (if you can afford one anyway) even a cheap £5 spring wheel will DOUBLE how much you'll enjoy LFS and there's nothing like STAMPING on the gas (or giving it a little tickle ), the game becomes more like it should be - a simulator.
its the kind of thing that'll come about after s3 i'm sure we've got a lot of ground to cover before we can think about the more 'interesting' things you can race. gonna have me a big white van tho'! with 'clean me' written across the back!
Just keep driving dude, it'll all be along sooner than you think, oh and the christmas 2004 think was more of an approximate think that got taken as fact.
i got 'em running round at around the same, they are still improving but it takes a lot of laps to gain even a tiny bit after a while, keep at it and they'll get there in the end, the bug only really effects the first lap, as all the others then become improved upon with 'experience'
just a muddy update of the goings on of team Budshovel,
we decided it would be a good idea to take a mini and a skoda on an 'expedition' into the woods, yeah GREAT idea!
we were met by a bunch of MXers who reckoned we were insane to try just the first few hundered yards, but we perseveered and 2 miles of sludge + BIG potholes l;ater we emerged at basecamp triumphant. that was the easy bit!
after a couple of days of rain and yet more mud we had to come home, that was when it got tough, the min got stuck on it's sump after Jarmin slipped down into the deep ruts caused by the landy brigade and so the shovel came out again then once we were nearly out (muddy first section again) the skud suffered a mysterious loss of air in a rear tyre (tyre was pulled from the rim due to big stones and silly angles!) all good fun!
the cars themselves ran (almost) faultlessly and a silly grin was the expression of the weekend.
It just goes to prove you DO NOT need an expensive car to have enormous fun!
PS that IS the best way of collecting firewood (and polishing your sump too)
it doesn't make good reading, and WILL put peeps off buying the game, from what i can tell he's just jumped in for a few races with the demo, it's not a fair appraisal of what LFS is all about. the guy needs to actually PLAY THE GAME HE'S REVIEWING, not the demo of it.
the demo servers are a warzone at the moment and it isn't doing sales any good whatsoever, and without sales - NO LFS.
the demo is LFS's main selling point, it's just a free game to a lot of the demo players and it's only once they've played it a while it gets bought. (i'm generalizing here!) stuff like this won't go away if the servers don't improve me thinks
i THINK the once they've used a certain bit of track they are likely to use it again if they have to. i've been toying with them AI and they WILL learn to use more of the road when given an obstruction to avoid, such as a human opponent.
it would be nice to know what makes the AI 'tick'
ooh what an idea! what about having a random AI element that activly seeks to ram other players off the road and park right on a bend sometimes too, i just can't get enough of that wreckin' i want some offline action too
yeah, take down a 'blacklist' of all those with SEVERAL counts of wrecking against them, if you run a server that has become a common target for wreckers then simply download the list and hey presto, reduced wrecking!
it's not gonna stop them being children, but it might the search for a sutable server a miserable fruitless one.
it seems that right now very little is being done to stop these idiots from playing their little games, WE MUST ACT NOW to stop this trend in it's tracks, it's just a bunch of kiddies that have no sense of honour,
there's another thread out there with this great idea:- impacts per mile on LFSworld an instant wrecker yardstick!
if you got more than a certain impact/mile ratio then you don't get on the server, i think thats fair enough!
they will avoid you a little but won't actually brake or change direction much to avoid you, it seems to work fine for long straights but for braking zones and corners they are 'concentrating' more on the manuver than the opposition,
basiccally they will avoid you but wont put themselves out at all to do it.
A proper pat on the back to all involved, that fujitsu deal is probably gonna do wonders for spreading the word, a VERY bright future indeed! good work!
it's a good idea but the site is quite off-putting 'cos of the redirects and 'verts,
i'm not a demo racer myself, but i have good memories of GTi battles on BL1 and although it is a little out of the ordinary to have a league for a demo, this is LFS a very extraordinary game. it's can only do good to have a bit of 'proper' competition on the demoservers as it can seem like a bit of a kiddies playground at times.
Bloody genuis, i was kinda thinking something similar myself but incorporating it into LFSworld as accident per mile would leave us in no doubt as to who was wrecking and who ain't, i guess if you got a very low accident ratio but still took to wrecking evry now and then it'd be a bit harder to spot but if they've got miles under their belt they prolly won't want to get gimped for wrecking.
i think we could call this an official IMPROVEMENT SUGGESTION