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S3 licensed
i prefered tristan's one with the horse!
S3 licensed
Erm i think i should piont out this particular thread is simply a figment of my stupidity

the pitstop test is rather irritating but it's neccecary to do a pit run at least once before a noob goes online and careers into the pit at 100 and wipes a few unsespecting punters out, it's not a biggie but neither is the test
S3 licensed
like a big interactive (but somehow scripted) test that could piont all those things out and make sure that they are understood by the testee,
not a simple thing to organize but it could have some value in discouraging those who can't take driving in LFS seriously enough. i have a feeling that those who do not want to take the test would be more likely to have accidents online
S3 licensed
it would be nice to be able to couple a wheel spin to trigger the limiter on. hmm wonder if its been done before?
S3 licensed
in most racing cars flat shifting will cause damage to the engine and transmission due to the vastly increased shock loads caused by high revs and torque being suddenly re-applied to the road (it's not much good for tyres or grip either)

the whole shift simulation needs to be improves on the whole. with gearbox damage caused by over eager shifting, resulting in a loss of speed or more missed gears etc

clutch wear would be interesting too but i don't think it should wear unless you're really hammering it
S3 licensed
AAH! flashbacks!
OK then, so who wants a driving test for faster cars?
S3 licensed
It's been suggested on another thread on this forum, but i'd like to know (and show) what the general opinion is on introducing a series of compulsory driving tests for access to each of the cars, like the ability to race for 5 laps with a pack of AI WITHOUT touching them or falling off. you do this for each car in order to drive that car online. or something like that

it WILL improve driving standards if introduced but has it's disadvantages
delete this! :)
S3 licensed
Last edited by Theafro, .
S3 licensed
flat shifting IS faster (just head to the 'strip to find out for yourself) and it doesn't damage the engine like you'de hope it would, so theroretically it would be a good idea to leave the 'throttle cut' left off. although it's much much more satisfying to lift properly and smoothly (and not MUCH slower), and driving with no aids whatsoever is the most satisfying of all, but the damage engine needs to be a bit more 'breakable' if you get my meaning, you can over-rev the engine with the gears and cause quite a considerable drop in power, but you have really give it some stick in order to notice the damage, i've managed to hammer a UFR into not being able to go faster than 15-20 . but it would be nice if the 'advantege' of flat shifting was outweighed by the damage caused by going 2-3000rpm over the normal redline
S3 licensed
To liscence the 'ring would mean LFS sales would have to incrase 'deamatically, i'd still pay for a special nordshleife edition!
S3 licensed



*cough cough*


S3 licensed
don't sound right to be kicked out of their server tho' If they were driftin' about like that then they can't possibly be racing, so what would it matter that you were overtaking them, 'gripper' or 'drifter' it would be polite to ask them and explain rather than a straight kick, maybee we wouldn't of had this thread!

im a slipper myself (slippery-gripper) sideways is good but not quite the adrennalin rush of a close 1st.
what do you think to rfactor?
S3 licensed
I'll be honest and say i was more than underwhelmed with rfactor, i was quite shocked by how much it stank of GPL, not that gpl was a bad game just a very old one now, it has similar (clunky,confusing) GUI and a very unpolished look allround. the FF is very poor, and doesn't tell you much through it's repetoire of canned effects. I'm not bitching, but i can't help feeling slightly ripped off at the mo, i was never given the impression that the game would be so unfinished. i seriously hope most of these issues get sorted out. it IS a cool game with some cool features, it just doesn't cut it as a sim, not YET!

LFS is smoother, more complete, has much better cars/tracks, has decent FF, more balanced sounds and it's cheaper! i'll play LFS please!
S3 licensed
just a quickie really: my first impression was one of confusion and frustration, having opted to pay online after download i proceeded to put my card details in, an error the popped up and it crashed! after that it wouldn't run just 'cos of 'windowed being unchecked'!? , GRRRRRRRR!

my second impression; tonigt i've got it fired up and spent the best part of an hour trying to tweak the ff into some kind of shape, it merely seems to fight me! i don't know if it's just me but rfactor seems that it is very weak and generally rough as far as the 'experience' goes.
S3 licensed
The steering is much the same, the wheels are either turning or they're not, you can't hold the angle where you want it constantly. [QUOTE]

you can hold the steering at a desired angle by holding the opposite direction aswell as the one you're going in when you get to the amount of lock you need.

it's still a bit wrong to play LFS with a keyboard (mouse ain't much better!) but it would be utterly stupid to deny those without wheels to play.

gamepads & joysticks are a good budget option but you can probably pick up a spring wheel for £10-20 that would feel MUCH better (pedals more than wheels tho') it an ejoyable game however you play it but the more real it gets the more fun it is! enjoy
S3 licensed
we have GOT to have more realistic engine damage in that department, ATM you'll get a little power loss at most, it needs to simulate (at best) a broken valve spring etc. (not fatal but bad for power + might kill it eventually) to a busted crank or con rod,(death for the engine).

we need the damage to even things up a bit, you'll either have to lift or use the autocut.

i prefer the manual lifts and blips simply 'cos it's more fun!
S3 licensed
yeah some punks are not paying their way but apperently their servers are so laggy it's undriveable!
S3 licensed
no offence but they're are a LOT of posts saying the same thing, just keep playing, try some sets and you'll get the hang, this is a very difficult game and nothing has ever come as close to reality as lfs has, i guess it's just starting to show the BIG gap between most games and a true sim like LFS, it's took me a year so far and i'm still not perfect, BUT i'm ALWAYS showing improvement, to me thats the sign of depth in a game.

having said that the tyres do need a little work but even when that's done there will still be peeps who have trouble. there always has been.
ever since s1 there have always been posts saying things like "how do i stop my car from spinning" etc it's just that the current focus seems to be on the (experimental) tyre model.
S3 licensed
if I go on a server and there's a wrecker idiot doing his deeds i usually just leave and join another server, i just don't want to get involved with 'em, eventually the only servers they can survive on are the ones with little protection (like banning/kicking/scary admin). we'll all end up racing in servers they can't get to and they'll be left out in the cold, parked up somewhere waiting for somebody to crash into 'em!

i think a blacklist would be good for now although i'd personally like to BAN the idiots from playing online at all (it's a privelige NOT a right, and they've abused it)

i'm ranting again (this is one subject that REALLY gets my goat)illepall
S3 licensed
i gotta admit it's tempting to paint a lot of quite obscene stuff all over your car but MOST of us are more mature than that!

what if we put blue dots in 'strategic places' tho'?
S3 licensed
just very confusing Smile
S3 licensed
thats not fun tho' UFR all the way! find out who the REAL drivers are!
S3 licensed
Quote from Phill :Uhmm.. well yes i agree on most points! But remember people paid for this, they feel they can do whatever they want... This'll result in reallife lawsuits..

a lawduit would be fair enough if they had not been previously warned they were acting in a manner UNFIT for online play.
as long as they are aware that they are in the wrong then they've got no excuses

i'm suggesting that they would start off with a 1 week ban. not exactly serious but it'll get the message across. and for those who just don't learn then we gotta hit 'em with something more 'memorable',(a couple of months off or even revoking their licience) yeah they've paid for this game but so did i and all the thousands of others players, and i don't think the loss of a couple of crash kiddies from the game is gonna dent the sales as much as it would if they stayed. i'm not saying we should take this too far and start banning peeps left, right and center. but when a serious repeat offender starts making life difficult we need to deal with 'em firmly and fairly, instead of just umming and ahhing about it.

Last edited by Theafro, .
S3 licensed
a temporary ban is the best option IMHO, it gives a definate message of YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE, to the wreckers, only temporary tho, start off with a weeks ban, then move up to a month, then go permanent, all that has to happen is, if you get hassled by wreckers then save the replay, sending them a warning via e-mail if we've got a few 'naughty' replays would do for a start, then once we got a few replays (at least 5 clear cases against them) then start the banning.

if they have any objections with the bans then let them appeal to the powers that be, it means that even if somehow you had innocently caused five seperate wrecks and they wre all recorded and submitted you colud still plead your case and regain your licience.

all this makes me think we could do with a 'judicial body' of some sort maybe a group of trusted server admin's etc should get together to asses the evidence and then decide the appropriate punishment.

one thing should be made very clear to ALL players (especially impressionable noobs) that wrecking is ANTI-SOCIAL AND UNWELCOME

i think LFS has got one of the frendliest communities going, but we gotta show the dickwads we will NOT TAKE ANY BULLSH!T!


thats better!
S3 licensed
yeah, i kept running out of fuel just across the line at blackwood in UFR and made it almost to the last turn, i had to push it into the pits!

i've thought about doing a distance race where evrybody gets a full tank of fuel and musn't pit, set far too many laps for the fuel and see who gets the furthest... ...might be a bit 'lesurely' for some tho'

only one thing about that reverse racing bothers me. how does the start get going? just do some anti-laps instead(backwards)
Last edited by Theafro, .