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S3 licensed
I've been getting the same sort of thing but with both Momo and DFP over the last 2 years.

It's damn annoying! but unfortunately I can't find the problem either. Is it the new bug from logitech maybee, 'cos my pedals are fine!
S3 licensed
An admin isn't necessarily a person of responsibility, but a person of power.

Usually this power is used in a good way, but with some people that power goes straight to their heads. The "It's my server and i'll do what i want" mentality will never trully leave us, all youo can do is let these people carry on with thier narrow minded, and often selfish attitudes. We need to simply let nature take it's course, if the servers die on their arses due to lack of popularity, then so be it. if they increase their popularity, there's obviously enough people out there thinking on the same wavelength.
S3 licensed
If you download setups from the 'net (team inferno etc.) you've got two choices. You can double click on the setup file and when it asks what program to open it with, select LFS, it'll copy the file to the correct directory for you.

Or you can simply copy the .set files into LFS/data/settings
S3 licensed
you'll proably find that firefox is no different to IE in functionality, I've been using it for a a couple of years now and it seems faster than IE, with the added bonus of less popups and more (some of them very cool) plugins.

and of course it's not by micro$oft
S3 licensed
AS club is a pretty good track to learn. it's short which makes it fast to learn, it's popular so it's easy to find and it's fairly forgiving if you get it wrong.

T1 is a nice tight constant radius turn that'll teach good throttle control

the T2 chicane is a good one for teaching moderation, brake nice and early and keep the car settled, if you run wide here you'll bugger up the right hand part and plough into the wall.

the T3 chicane will show you when it's good to use balls and when it ain't

and the final complex has so many lines through it you can explore the car's capabilities. oh and mind the kerbs.
S3 licensed
At the mo' I'm stuck with a cheapy argos 'computer chair'. it's uncomfortable, it moves about and creaks alot and has nasty 'armrests' that do nothing but leave big bruises on you're legs (!?)

I've got a couple of nasty brown seats from an old skoda but they smell funny. although they would be more comfortable. If the next GP is any longer than the last I'm gonna have to invest some serious time down the shed welding up a new seat base.
S3 licensed
Those will be available from the merchandise stand over there ->

Just about the coolest paintjob I could think of for a mini. It's been a lucky one for me too, It won its debut race for me
JPS UFR skin.
S3 licensed
After several requests, I'm gonna release this skin to the world.

It's not perfect, but very effective
S3 licensed
there isn't really a probelm after the field has passed the wreckage, it's only really and issue immediately after the accident has happened, when the drivers involved are still recovering. it's damn frustrating trying to make you're way around a crashed car only to have the it move into your path and take you out aswell
S3 licensed
i find there are way too many variables to brake at the same point every time, i'll use something as a marker, but vary where in relation to that marker i brake. it's a combination of both i suppose.
S3 licensed
there are quite a few clubbie racers that use locked diffs it works but yeah, the steering forces can be unbearable. the only reason locked diffs are so popular in LFS is due to the fact that we don't have decent LSDs yet, and we don't have to deal with hurrendous steering forces.

when we eventually get a properly modeled plate-diff we'll see a lot more people using them.
S3 licensed
don't care what you call him, he's a bloody demo racer taking the piss
Stop asking for more content please
S3 licensed
I'm not even sure this thread is really needed, but it must be if there a so many threads asking for licenced stuff and more content.

it's simple really, WE DON'T NEED ANY MORE CARS/TRACKS, at least not for a while. we're not gonna get an update for a little while and even if we did it's almost certainly not gona have much more in the way of new cars.

If you're bored of what we've got already, you've probably not explored the cars we have to the fullest. LFS is a RACING simulator, and we've got enough different styles of cars to happily simulate most types of racing well enough.

A lot of people have been spoiled by games like GT4 and forza, and even by the BMW sauber we recieved in the last full update. LFS is not the sort of game that gives content over quality, learn to love what you've already got, and by the time you're REALLY bored with what LFS has to offer, it'll be time for S3
S3 licensed
cool, you gotta love free advertising!
S3 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :
On a vaguely similar tack, has anyone approached Noble or vice versa?

Do you mean the guy that makes sportscars made out of mondeo bits, or the one who did the supersonic torpedo with 2 phantom jet engines?

either way, i like the idea

IMHO licencing is fine as long as it doesn't cost the dev's any money, or compromise their freedom to do what they see fit. You might get one or two manufacturers on board but sooner it's gonna lead to needless legal complications that i'm sure Scavier want to avoid.

It's nice to see a small sportscar company represented in LFS, and it'd be nice to see more, I really don't give a shit if it's not got ferrari written on it, they don't need any support from LFS, nor does LFS need the their support.
S3 licensed
thanks mate! it's on there, along with a few DT versions

i checked out BHM BTW, not there, but i've got it now, thanks all
S3 licensed
i'll have a look about, i didn't do a particularly thourogh web search, but i'll give blackhole a try

or vic could put S2P up for download unless it's a space issue, although it IS a bit pointless, I'm just feeling nostalgic (I bet the S2 tyres will feel like crap now )
old version archive
S3 licensed
Does anybody know of an archive of old LFS versions, I'm after an early version of S2 to watch a replay but the official archive only has versions of S1
S3 licensed
if you're in or just ahead of a pack of cars and you have an accident it might be best to stay still to avoid and mis-interpretations of where you're going but if you're close to the edge of the track and especially if you're on-line, move quickly away from the most likely place for cars to be. If you use you're look buttons and make sure there's nobody within striking distance you'll be safe to move and most people will assume you're gonna move to the closest side anyway.

I've been taken out of races by both courses of action and I think you've just got to use you're judgment and wits. try to get the car off-line as soon as safely possible, and return to the pits with the utmost care (hazard lights are a good idea) and maybee even a few written warnings to the other drivers (if you've got time)
Timed races under 1 hour?
S3 licensed
i'm pretty sure this one would be simple to implement. currently you cannot have a timed race under 1 hour long. it would be fairly simple (i'm sure) of simply allowing fractions of an hour to be used.
S3 licensed
We are learning ver slowly as a species.

Quote from Breizh :
Care to compare technological advance over the last century with that of the few centuries, and of the few thousand years before it?

it's not really about technological learning. it's more about learning from the mistakes of the past. Our technological advances are unfortunately the reason we are struggling, we haven't learned use our tools wisely enough.

with technology growing at an exponential rate, we also have to look ahead to see furture problems in a similar way, and so far we've failed dismally to see whats ahead of us. 250 years ago, when the industrial revolution kicked off. nobody was thinking about global warming, or particulate emmisions. and it's only now we can see where the course they set for us all those years ago will lead.

with the increase in technology, comes an increase in effectiveness over the "enemy". as long as people percieve themselves as under threat from those who surround them, they will feel the need to become stronger than their neighbour. as soon as we can realise we don't HAVE to fight each other then we'll be ok. trouble is - there are too many people out there there, utterly convinced that they are RIGHT and the other guy is WRONG ('cos god said so)

If god is omnipotent, WTF do we need religions for? I see god in the trees, the grass, and the rivers, in the bugs and fish, the wonder of this planet we live on is enough of a god for me. and if everybody had the same love for it all that i have. there would be no war, or persecution, no religion to indoctrinate minds into what's good or evil, it's pretty damn obvious to all those who truly love this place.

I love these little rant threads, clears the head a bit
Last edited by Theafro, .
S3 licensed
I wish we could all realise that the earth we're sitting on, is just a giant organsim, hurtling through a galaxy which is itself a humungous living entity hurtling around other galaxies. If you take a look around a little bit, you'll see how fragile every stage in this super-organism really is.

Any war i've ever heard of started as a result of Greed - simple. If we can find a peacefull way to eliminate greed. we can start looking after this place a bit more. Imagine what could be done for the good of the world, if all the scientists working on arms development, were to work on renewable energy sources, farming tecniqes etc. Around 35% of all the scientists in the US work for Uncle sam, and they're not exactly the dregs either, and over $1,000,000,000,000 (1 Trillion) dollars was spent on arms by the US last year. the mind boggles as to what could be done with those resources.

With a bit of work, we can actually start to sort out the problems we may be faced with in the future, it's more than likely that many more will die first. We are learning very slowly as a species.
S3 licensed
due to my low alchohol tolerance (i gave up drinking heavily a few years ago) it's a terrible idea for me to drink and drive with LFS (i don't even think about driving with even a half in me IRL) my motor skills and decision making suffer badly.

with smoking (ganja) it's a slightly different story, since my THC tolerance is quite high, i can have a bifta or two and not really worry, my actual driving skills are sometime quite enhanced, but if the race is a close one i find i get the jitters after a while and end up over reacting to the subtlest of stimuli. sometimes with casual spot-races it's nice to drive stoned, but i don't do it with GPs etc.

driving with halucinogens (LSD, LSA, shrooms etc) in the system is particularly interesting. you can feel utterly connected and immersed within the game, but it can lead to terrible bouts of misjudgment and stupidity, usually followed by fits of irrepressable giggling. mushrooms are a bit too trippy to drive with due to intense distortion of visuals, but acid is a lot more subtle, although much stronger.

Amphetamines, (speed, MDMA (E), Red bull) are probably the most suited to racing since they can appear to give you a distinct feeling of increased reactions and reflex response, although judgement can suffer badly. and they're VERY harmfull to you're nervous system)

Please, don't take any of these observations as an endorsement of drug taking/driving, it's really NOT clever and can do you SERIOUS mental damage (trust meillepall) as well as physical damage if you're dumb enough to think you should drive IRL. I've been experimenting with these substances for nearly 10 years now, and to be honest, there are some drugs I wish i'd never toyed with.
S3 licensed
i just bought an Acorn Electron, what a power-house, i'll start work on the port just as soon as i finish porting XP into BASIC
S3 licensed
IMHO the reason most people use a locked diff (with FWD certainly) is the fact that it induces very usefull power-oversterr at corner exit. it's not a new thing, it's been a usefull tool for many years IRL. yes, the tyres take a little more punishment, maybee a couple of laps less than an open diff but thats usually offset by a spinning inside wheel.

the simple fact is, you don't NEED a differential on a race car, it's only on road cars that find themselves turning sharp corners all day long, don't forget that manufacturers are trying to get their cars to last their warranties too, not just a race distance, so having a diff on a road-car makes a lot of sense.

there are a hell of a lot of clubman racers running with welded diffs, it might not be perfect but it doesn't seem to harm the lap times (or the car) one bit.

It'll still be nice to have a full compliment of differentials