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S3 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :
one time in the demo though, a bunch of wreckers made a baricade at turn one, and would use attack formations on me... made for an interesting race since they were too slow to keep up with me.

I've NEVER met a wrecker faster than me, or most others i was racing, they've either got to have a weight in numbers or they just pick off cars one at a time. 1337 5K1LL2 and all that
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :it's make PERFECTLY clear in the demo, on this forum, and pretty much everywhere that the demo is nothing like the licenced servers, and if you want clean (ish) racing, pays your money (if only £12) and take your choice.

I'm not entierly sure it IS perfectly clear, ok maybee it is if you're a licenced racer, but remember how little demo players can know about what racing SHOULD be like, a lot do, but first impressions count for a lot, and that quite often is an impression of poor behavior from both the AI, and Idiot humans.

there ARE roughly as many demo players as licenced players so it ain't as if thers not a good few peeps to have decent races with. If you're a server admin then maybe fire up a password server and PM the pass to anybo you feel is OK to join. bitcomplicated but even if a muppet was to join it would simply mean leaving him out of the mailing list for password changes.

Ignore the best you can, they're only sad little muppets with A.D.D. anyhow, oh to be 11 again

s'pose we could introduce forward firing anti-wrecker cannon.

OR, and this is a long shot.... wait until they get bored, they've gone through about 3 iDi teams in the last 4 months, I don't think it can entertain for long. racing's what LFS is for, they might decide to do that once they've got the skills.
S3 licensed
there's always good ol' SCAVIER but i don't think that ones exactly official.
S3 licensed
Quote from VTcommodore :shift using left hand with a clutch totally need a H shifter cus i did sumtn stupid in ma car after playing LFS for a while and i prefer not to talk about it

Hehe, I caught myself looking for my split times when i left my road t'other day, kinda scared me a little.
S3 licensed
Hybrid, what stickier, and blow out quite often?

best wishes dude!
S3 licensed
is it THAT much of an issue? seems to me to be much slower
S3 licensed
yeah with the main exe you gotta restart it often, set the viewer to auto reload and you just alt-tab after saving. easy

psp is probably the easiest to use/get hold of.

good tip. use the magic wand to select as much white as you can then invert the selection, and you've got a mask for all the wheels and bits. handy for not making a mess.
S3 licensed
There is one thing i do like about Hybrid rears is the even buildup of heat across all four tyres, it means you can really plan to use the rear of the car for weight transfer early on and consistantly throughout the distance but under race conditions mine only really go 17-18 laps
S3 licensed
I'm starting to wonder if dontions are taxed tho'

although i've already bought 3 S2 licences already!
S3 licensed
If Vic put a donate button on the web site, I've a feeling it would get used a LOT
It might almost seem greedy to some and i know the dev's would never ask for such a thing but I for one feel my £24 doesn't quite cover how much fun i've had playing LFS. jeez £35 for GTR (played it for 2 weeks) and about the same for rFactor makes me feel almost guilty for paying so little for what is an UNBEATABLE game
S3 licensed
It's disgusting! the levels people have descended to. I found this obscenity far too upsetting to simply report so i've posted it here as a reminder to us all of the morals we should try to keep when painting our cars!
S3 licensed
whoa there, what have i started? sorry to the dev's if this has gotten a little personal!

I certainly didn't want to focus on the financial side of things (or the hair for that matter!) , but it's nice to have some idea of what you guys have to deal with in order to keep LFS moving. (there's probably enough work for the three of you in 'administration' duties, let alone having to actually produce a top notch game like LFS.

As ever, I am filled with humble respect for what the dev's have done for us,

Thank You!
S3 licensed
i was never after an exact figure!

I did expect that it's not public information, but i'm just curious. (he says with several dead cats nearby)

i'm guessing 5000-7000

sorry if anybody feels offended by my curiosity

the money's not important, but if the dev's have made a stack of cash, They certainly deserve it!
Last edited by Theafro, .
S3 licensed
i can't agree entierly with herki i'd say it's better to race online with other people around you. just pick a quiet server and ask if anybody's got time for a noob, I've spent many a happy hour online helping a young 'un get to grips with the basics, it helps a lot to see you're tecnique online and see EXACTLY what you're doing wrong. lots of setups to be had too.

as long as you're not shunting peeps off the track, most of us will help you.

oh and don't get too excited about the faster cars either, wait 'till you're CONSISTANT with the GTi etc, THEN try racing the faster cars, the GTR's are Sooooo much fun but are pretty hairy 'ol things for a noob to handle.

above all, HAVE FUN
How many licences
S3 licensed
just as a matter of interest, i was wondering how many LFS licences have been issued now, i've looked on LFSW but can't find a 'grand total' anywhere. it's not important but it'd be nice to know how many of us there are now.
S3 licensed
Quote from Gunn :How is that an opposing view? I never mentioned better handling. I mentioned grip. More weight helps to push the tyres down onto the road, it's as simple as that. As the car loses weight it is more prone to skidding or spinning over bumpy areas.

I'm gonna have to disagree, a bit. You're both right, but less weight wins in the end, it's the nature of the tyres, the coeficcient curve etc. more weight is more stable (usually) but will pull less G's
S3 licensed
Just try not to worry about fuel too much, yes a lighter load means faster corners, but racing at 100% is'nt a major disadvantage 'cos of the extra stability you can gain. (what does the fuel do to CG height tho', Big factor in how fast round corners it'll go) it would be nice to find out exactly where the fuel tanks are. (and the CG heights would be nice too for that matter, not an easy thing to measure in LFS)
S3 licensed
yeah, i think it's them numbery things that live in your dashboard but seriously, if you've got the opportunity, Try racing with a clutch, more immersion and more control, i can't quite explain why, but if i use auto-clutch my driving deteriorates and i start making a real mess of things. (mainly with downchanges). so i stick with pedalling the 'ol gal.
S3 licensed
We will always, have peeps coming onto the forums to ask dumb (or just misinformed) questions and as long as we try to remind people that this is a SERIOUS game, that's gonna take some time to finish (i personally don't ever want it 'finished' ) think of it this way, No time constraints, no licencing issues, a close knit developing team, players who LOVE this game, sh1t it's got it all, thats why i belive this game is the best thing that ever happened to gaming. it's quite nice at the moment to have a game that lacks only the polish of a big money game, it kinda puts off those who are only interested in the shiny bits of a game and leaves only those who love it for what it really is. THE finest racing sim on earth. I M H O
S3 licensed
I'm 22 3/4 years old, and when i grow up i wanna be a racing driver.
S3 licensed
seems to me the recurring theme here is DON'T GET ON A BIKE. they sure scare the hell out of me (it's not the speed, it's just worrying that YOU'RE the crumple zone)
S3 licensed
I've never written a car off but i've had 2 accidents, the first was an oncoming idiot on a VERY narrow dusty tarmac lane in norfolk, i was going at about 40-45 mph in my 205 and she was going at about 65 in a vauxhall bus-thing, she jumped on the brakes hard (ABS 'judder marks' for 90ft) and i decided to get out of the way and went up the bank, not quite missing her, cost her about £2000 and me about £5 , the next one (skoda this time) was when some prat in a 4x4 decided he'd had enough of following a skoda so he overtook me in the stupidest place he could find, and ended up pulling in on me while jumping on his brakes (i love that one) and caused me to give him a little tap (ok, shunt) on the bumper, he would have tried to kill me too, if i hadn't been 6'4" and seriously pissed off.

they've all taught me one thing tho', the safest drivers are the ones that account for others' stupidity aswell as their own.
S3 licensed
not sure if this is exclusive to P7 but seems to be,

i've just got a bug a couple of times that stops me choosing my car when online (joined server from one with diff. car) and won't let me leave the game either (clicking yes = no apperently) i had the same sort of thing with an earlier s2 patch, although that one was fixed.

it's cool to see all the hard work the translators are putting in, spreading the word (literally) about LFS,

thanks chaps
S3 licensed
hmm i like that idea
S3 licensed
were off topic i know, but.

i've found that as long as you're lifting you don't have to clutch quite as much , maybee 65-75%.

the more you match the revs, the less clutch you need to use (it's all dependent on input shaft speed verses layshaft speed) up until you're not using it at all and fully matching the revs. seems this flatshifting business is not as efficient as you'd think